Do you have any DBD conspiracy theories?

I will share two of mine.
- Lights Out 2.0 was a secret user test by BHVR to check how the community felt about increasing the anti-face camp radius. My perception is that barely anyone seemed to play the mode, both in v1.0 and v2.0. It does not make sense to me why they would bring it back unless they wanted to test our reaction somehow.
- On some level, Dead by Daylight secretly matches you based on the perks you have selected when you initiate matchmaking and NOBODY has caught onto this yet! You cannot convince me otherwise.
- When I play normal DBD, barely anyone runs Kindred. It's not that popular of a perk.
- When I play Kindred, suddenly everyone on the entire planet is running Kindred. I am being serious. The game must recognize that I have Kindred, and then pair me with other people who have the perk intentionally. My advice to anyone who is upset at playing SoloQ Survivor is just to run Kindred because it "fixes" matchmaking and pairs you with survivors that are also running the perk — games feel waaay different.
- If you don't believe me, test it for yourself! Track 10 games with and without Kindred in your build.
That's funny because I've had that idea about the matchmaking getting influenced by perks the other day because I was experimenting with perks. I'm gonna keep an eye out for this.
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Right? I know confirmation bias is something I need to be aware of … but the other day I put Calm Spirit in a build and queued up. The first game I played with that build was against a Doctor. I know it can be a coincidence … but is it?
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The game's spaghetti code is so bad, that many small changes are impossible to implement, or take years to do. That's why seeing your teammates' perks before a match has not been added. The devs likely tried, and it broke the entire game.
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If you are in a lobby with 3 or 4 medkits, and the killer came to the lobby after the survivors, or if the killer dodged the lobby and was replaced, you should dodge the lobby as well. The game might be giving you a Plague.
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I think the game starts forcing you on terrible maps for your killer if you win too much. I've noticed that I get a ton of indoor maps when I play Hillbilly, Huntress or Wesker when the survivors aren't sending me to Badham or Eyrie.
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Why dodge a Plague. I'd rather dodge a clown.
Right? I main huntress and I am constantly on Mothers Dwelling, Temple of Purgation, Lerry's, RPD… I love those maps tho so no hate from me. Will still kill everybody.
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Then swap your medkit for something else lol
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My conspiracy theory - DbD isn't a game, its a psychological experiment testing how we all behave. Tell a group of people (survivors), that the only thing that matters is their personal survival, but don't tell them that the only way they can accomplish this is by working together. See how the playerbase evolves. Do they inherently develop comradery and empathy for their fellow players? Do they sacrifice for each other? Does antagonism develop between the survivor and killer communities?
Also with things like sweatiness. We'll put obviously broken things into the game and see whether the community just self-policies the behavior.
And of course, don't give either side a win condition and see if they just create one on their own.
That's the conspiracy: we're all test subjects and the paper they were going to write got delayed because the game became very popular.
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This doesn't sound too far removed from that famous prison experiment...
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Or more sinister. The Entity is a real thing that manifests itself through the game. By making people think about it it becomes real… and it feeds off of emotions, and we all know how emotional some people can get when playing this game… those who become addicted to the game are literally trapped by the Entity, doomed to hold M1 and get sacrificed for eternity… and make forum posts about tunneling.
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Skull Merchant was originally supposed to be Predator, but they missed the license
Chaos Shuffle throws only off-meta perks so that people would use them more instead BHVR having to nerf them
Post edited by Triplehoo on5 -
Yes, I have one:
A while back there was a "bug" where, when the first survivor was sacrificed one generator was removed for remaining 3 survivors.. I always thought that this was actually something they are intentionally working on behind the scenes as a way to punish players for tunneling out the first survivor and to allow the 3 remaining survivors to have a better chance.......
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MMR doesn’t exist and never had existed at all.
The system was never implemented at all, and that is why they wont show us the numbers: There are none.
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The license BHVR lost was actually Jeff from the Overwatch team and there wasn't a way to implement the power in a balanced way because the power "Wrestle with Jeff prepare for death" just always insta-moried survivors. His weapon was Roadhog's 1.0 hook that was also too strong because it always hit around corners, even hitting survivors in other trials (he'd throw a hook into corn and hit a survivor on Ormond) making him impossible to loop.
BHVR was ultimately forced to scrap the chapter entirely.
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BHVR doesn’t actually know much about crows at all.
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If you start matchmaking with a high prestige survivor, you get matched with similar prestige levels.
Same goes for low prestige chars.
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One of the Vaults in Fallout must have performed this
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I suspect this is sadly so very true 😕
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If all survivors are on the ground / on hook, game increase chance of self-unhook for everyone. I'm 99% sure it's hidden mechanic.
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My last 10 matches with Huntress I quickly had everyone down and on hook and the amount of Kobe's has been crazy. I suspect that is true.
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Yes, 100%
Based on my experience and the Killer Main Content Creators that I watch, I have held this belief for a while.
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the anniversary event powers are a test and still a ongoing test to see if people would potentially want them as actual functioning perks
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The real purpose of generators isn't to power the gates; only a small fraction of their power is used for that. The entity took Sadako so it could have lots of TVs around. Now it uses electricity from the gens so it can watch Friends.
Speaking of Friends, I think Phoebe would be a great survivor. Not Monica! Imagine I said something about Gale Weathers being a name for a weather reporter, and how Ghostface would explode if Courtney Cox was a survivor. Weird diversion over…
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Following Patch 6.1.0, I made a post about how "Survivors were intentionally playing poorly or giving up to inflate Killrates and get Killers nerfed" because I thought it would be funny and… uh… people just kind of took it and ran with it. It kind of blew up enough to go beyond the Forums and I even saw it on Twitter (screenshots of my post).
Anytime I see a post where someone posts something like that, I get this awful feeling in my gut, it's like I unleashed a plague of locusts upon the DBD community. </3
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This is my theory as well, regarding skull merchant. She has both the clawed weapon and drones like Predator.
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The devs update perks from PTB to Live Service and receive massive backlash on it so they call it "A Typo" only to then very quickly fix it. It was just a mere test to see what the community would think.
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My theory for the castlevania characters all ending up as cosplays leads me to believe they couldn't afford to make them legendaries, so they only chose their favorites and scrapped the rest for 50% off. Which i found strange as its the first licence they didn't make the extra characters into legendaries for, but even stranger is noone seemed to notice or complain but i picked up on it immediately (because i really wanted shanoa and simon belmont lol)
Post edited by Tits on0 -
The entity is protecting the Blight from nerfs.
People on forums say he is mostly balanced, DBDs stats support that he is balanced, Nighlight's stats support that he is balanced, the devs only tweak him without making major nerfs (while gutting relatively well-balanced Skull Merchant and Chucky.)
But when I play against him, he slugs everyone in about three minutes.
I'm taking a screenshot of this post before it vanishes!
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- My biggest conspiracy theory is….
- Map RNG isn't as RNG as people think it is, and map generation will purposely rig the map to balance out the MMRs of the people in the game. For example, if the survivor MMRs are lower than the killer, then the map will spawn a lot more pallets… but if the survivor MMRs are higher than the killer, then the map will spawn fewer pallets.
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There are two AI levels. One that replaces a player when they DC and a more sophisticated AI that takes a survivor slot in a lobby. Because DC bots are so dumb no one would suspect these lobby players being bots.
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You're not wrong though. Survivors that give up on first hook are essentially doing just that.
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If a self-unhook has a 4% chance of happening, that’s 1-in-25. If everyone is on hook and trying all three attempts, that’s 12 attempts out of 25. If you had two games like that in a row, you’d essentially expect to see one self-unhook.
I don’t think there’s any special mechanic for it, I think it’s just how the math works out when you have multiple people attempting a bunch at once.
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Also my conspiracy theory is that the Artist was 100% supposed to be Candyman (artist with limbs cut off that sends swarms of something to attack people), and had to pivot to Crow Lady when they either couldn’t secure the license or lost it during development.
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Here are mine:
I also think maps are used in matchmaking as a balancing tool. If you queue as Billy or Huntress, just to give an example, against a weaker team I think you're much more likely to get an indoor map and against a stronger team, a more open map where your powers are much stronger.
If you haven't escaped for a while and you're the last Survivor alive, a "lucky" hatch will be programmed to spawn right next to you.
We'll never get a Stranger Things Part 2 or a Squid Game chapter because the relationship with Netflix is bad and BHVR are still (understandably) sour about losing the Stranger Things license for so long.
BHVR are afraid to buff The Legion because of how hated their earlier iterations were. Once they get Skull Merchant to the point that Survivors don't insta DC on her anymore, they will never touch her again. These Killers are gonna be D tier for life.
The new Ormond Lake Mine map is from a cancelled The Thing chapter.