Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Balancing the game around 60% kill rate makes no sense

Why would someone play a multiplayer game where they're expected to lose most of their matches?
Combine it with the fact that solo queue is a massive coinflip with people disconnecting and giving up on hook.
There's just no way to enjoy the game if you play solo and actually care about winning.

Playing killer became way too easy as well unless you play non-meta killers against a decent premade


  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 375
    edited January 26

    There's just no way to enjoy the game if you play solo and actually care about winning.

    I do. All the time, in fact. And I care enough about my winrate to track it and other stats for my solo play. Solo survivors may be more chaotic but they're also perfectly capable of winning. You do have to fully pull your own weight and sometimes you have to play around some… choice decisions from them, but that's part of the challenge, and enjoying a challenge is key to any game, no?

    More broadly, if you don't enjoy the game solo, just don't play solo survivor. Games are meant to be fun, after all.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,362

    Because ideally the goal is to emulate a slasher flick: Killer kills a couple people and the last one(s) alive escape. Then based on skill players being able to shift that to a degree.

    Unfortunately, while a moviegoer gets to continue watching through the movie without any media shift as characters die, once a Survivor dies in DBD their engagement with the game media ceases.

    Really hope they add some kind of "afterlife" mechanic to keep players playing after they die, and ultimately able to see if their efforts helped others escape from the Killer or not.

  • Feneroe
    Feneroe Member Posts: 301

    An eliminated survivor can still spectate. There should never be a mechanic that allows an eliminated survivor to affect the outcome of the match.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,026

    A 50% win rate would be a 62.5% kill rate (halfway between a 2k and a 3k), so a 60% kill rate means you're expected to win slightly under half of your matches.

  • Falcao
    Falcao Member Posts: 61

    Do you want to play solo against Nurse and Blight? developers don't care, the main thing is to buy skins. But you'll be a slug in a beautiful skin.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,362
    edited January 26

    Yes, their "game" now becomes a "movie", but it is no longer a game.

    I agree they shouldn't be allowed to interact with the Trial any further, but it'd be nice if somehow it was still a game.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 499

    A 50% win rate would be a 62.5% kill rate (halfway between a 2k and a 3k)

    How did you get that number?

    Data I talked about was based on results from nightlight. 50% win rate is not even close to 62.5% on anyone.

    Issue is if you have a killer who is good at securing 1 kill at least (camping), kill rate is going to seem higher even with killer who has same win rate, but not by camping.

    btw here is link to the post I talked about:

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 375
    edited January 26

    im in agreement that we should have a 60% kill rate… but doesnt this kill distribution show that its a 0k/1k about 44% of the time, rounded up?

    2k philosophy is a huge part of the balancing point discussion, but if you think 2k = draw then this isn't necessarily poor balance.

    (again, Im in agreement with you, im of the opinion that 2k = survivor win and under that philosophy 60% KR = 50% WR.)

  • imabakedpot8o
    imabakedpot8o Member Posts: 1

    literally. they expect me to want to play a game where im statistically destined to lose the majority of my games? rocket league could never

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,739

    Dying does not necessarily mean losing. A 1k is still a hard loss for the killer, and if I die to ensure that the rest of my team escapes, that's usually a win in my book.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,425
    edited January 26

    The way I'd go about this is make the BP's gained in a match a total of all 4 survivors efforts put together, so you can have an incentive to keep watching and get BPs or not feel bad when you're tunneled out when playing with friends. Or better yet, have all 5 players BP's count toward their grand total, encouraging fair gameplay for all when and stopping tunneling people out to maximise BP gain possibly.

    I don't understand why so many perk abilities dont have score events either.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,464

    i count 2k as losses as they break win-streaks so yeah. balancing around 50% means that every killer should be ghostface-level or lower.

    every killer ability would be at best 1 perk slot, like you go undetectable. the power.

  • YuffieGreatestWaifu
    YuffieGreatestWaifu Member Posts: 283

    Like it or not DBD is a casual game not designed for SWF gameplay. If they did the kill rate will increase to 90+% and many casuals who make up most of the actual player base would LEAVE. BHVR is walking a very fine tight rope not too hard for most of the player base will still trying to balance against SWFS in some ways.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,477

    The reason the Killer killrate is the way it is, is because of the Survivors, there are four and for them to lose, 3 must die.
    With a 60% to 65% kill rate Killers will at completely fair mmr, they will kill 2.4 to 2.6 survivor each match.

    This means the game could go either way for either Killer or Survivor because its hanging on 2.5 roughly, which means the third Survivor is always contested or 50/50 for the Killer and the Survivors Sides. This is how you make a 1v4 game fair.

    This is also why for Killers less than 2 is a loss, 2 Dead Survivors is a draw in MMR, they have to kill 3-4 to go up.
    They have to be better than average of their MMR to progress. Survivor are different needing win via Exit Gate or die to lose to change their MMR, and Draw via Hatch.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Matches with DC don't count already, but in most soloq matches, even without someone DC or gave up on hook, survivors do more for killing, than killer himself.
    Hens reached 62% ESCAPE rate in soloq just with him playing slightly more team oriented. And honestly, I don't know how some players in soloq expect to escape at all with their skills, playstyle and knowledges. Majority of players with 1000h I went against know nothing except how to use Lithe as soon as they see me. Good, if they don't jump with it into my face.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,321

    People being self centered is why solo queue is so miserable whether it's giving up early, playing for a pointless solo escape, or any number of things. Me running the killer for a long time and being the only death IS A WIN.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,026
    edited January 27

    First, a definition of a win. A win is a 3k or higher.

    That being said, if a killer had a 50% kill rate, that means on average he's getting only 2Ks - not enough for a win. If the killer had a 75% kill rate, then on average he's getting 3 kills (a win). Kills are essentially broken down into "chunks" of 4 which means the same thing but just a different way to view it. Every 25% is a chunk…and every "n" where n is a kill numerical value is also a chunk. In other words, a 0% kill rate is 0 kills. A 25% kill rate is 1 kill. A 50% kill rate is 2 kills. A 75% kill rate is 3 kills. A 100% kill rate is 4 kills. Those are our 4 possible chunks…you can ready it as either 0-4 or 0% - 100% in steps of 25. In order to have a "perfect" (on average) 50% win rate, then you must be halfway between a 2K and a 3K on average…meaning you need 2.5 kills on average for a 50% win rate. Over the course of several matches, that .5 will get you a win every other match. Just remember, that's just averaging across a lot of matches. While it's true killers can sometimes get 0 kills or 4 kills, we're just talking strictly averaging which would take those anomalies into account. Anyway, regarding the 2.5 kill rate, that .5 is "half" of our chunks - or another way to see it, 12.5% (half of 25% which is also one of our "chunks"). So, a 2.0 + 0.5 kill rate (ie a 50% + 12.5% kill rate) puts killers on average smack dab on a 50% win rate. Since killers are actually designed around a 60% kill rate (NOT a 62.5% kill rate), then they are designed on average over the course of multiple matches to win sliiiiiiightly under half of their matches.

    Bear in mind, this is based on what the community wildly accepts is a win condition for killer (3k+). A dev awhile back posted that getting a single kill is a killer win which doesn't make sense at first, but that was just them trying to reinforce the idea that every match there are 4 "battles" of 1 v 1 going on. That means from their POV, the killer can win anywhere between 0-4 times in a single match. That's just overly complicated to try to work with, so most of the community just sticks to a 3k+ being a killer win and don't really take too much heed to the concept that every match has 4 individual and distinct 1 v 1 scenarios happening at once. While that statement is absolutely true, a killer only getting a single kill while 3 others escape doesn't really feel much like a win nor a good way to balance the game around that being a killer victory.

  • Memesis
    Memesis Member Posts: 250

    Because its 1v4? Why do people have such a hard time understanding this? If you can only have "fun" when you win, then you are functionally too immature to play this game.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,477

    I think its a like a glass half full situation, people see a 65% Killrate for the Power-role Killer and assume Survivors only win 40% of the time, but they forget or ignore the fact that they are 4 Survivor- role players, making it very likely someone will survive any game.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,362
    edited January 27

    Problem: "keep watching" doesn't make it a game, it's still a "movie".

    How about something like after being killed/sacrificed there's an echo ("spirit form") of themselves still stuck in the Trial until it ends?

    This echo is able to see Survivors (but not the Killer) and other echos, Survivors on Hook are able to see these players.

    This echo is able to interact with points on the map where an event occurred to them:

    • Where they got hit by the Killer
    • Where they were Healed or where they helped heal another survivor
    • Where they were Hooked
    • Where they were downed
    • Where they repaired a generator
    • Where they opened a chest
    • Where they cleansed a Totem
    • etc.

    Interaction with these points duplicate the BP earned (getting the same amount of BP as the Killer did at base for certain events), but isn't able to overcap Trial bloodpoints. (incentivizing trying not to die too quickly, and doing stuff)

    Survivors that successfully escape the Trial get 50% more bloodpoints that bypasses Trial BP caps (as they aren't able to make use of this feature, and to incentivize not just sacrificing themselves)

    Echo players can also opt to exit the match via the quit match menu option without any penalty, or phase through the Exit gates.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 499

    So you just tried to find what could be a result with 60% kill rate, but it has nothing to do with real games.

    The post I linked also works with 3k+ is a win, but results are actually submitted by players and it is calculated based on it.

    With your approach, results are simply out of touch with reality. Killers are going to have different results, by that I mean different % of games in each "chunk".

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,026
    edited January 28

    Math is out of touch with it. A 50% win rate is literally an average of 2.5 kills per match. That translates to a 62.5% kill rate. I'm not saying it's 2.5 kills every match - I'm saying an average of 2.5 kills per match.

    If math's not your thing, that's fine. I merely was answering your question.

    Edit - and FYI, careful depending on nightlight - it's not reliable and tends to be skewed towards people just reporting wins. If people only reported wins, should we accept the report that killers have a 100% win rate? Of course not. Is it an extreme example, absolutely - but the fact remains those stars are self reported and human nature is human nature.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 499

    Math is out of touch with reality

    Statistics are not really simple math…

    You realize I can get way higher win rate, when all losses are going to be 0k and wins 3k. Compare to scenario when all losses are 1k and wins 4k.

    0/3K scenerio has 66% win rate while having 50% kill rate.

    1/4k scenerio has 50% win rate while having 50.5% kill rate.

    You see how that doesn't work? There is not only one option for same kill rate, each killer is going to have this different.

    If math's not your thing, that's fine.

    You just don't know how to use it…

    careful depending on nightlight - it's not reliable and tends to be skewed towards people just reporting wins

    Doesn't matter, there are clearly some losses too. If it was as you are saying, every killer would have above 60% kill rate, which is not the case and we had options to compare it with real data several times and it was usually close..

    Still it shows actually real pattern how kills are distributed for each game, which is better than fully guessing.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,363
    edited January 28

    *reached 62 after throwing out every game where someone gave up on the hook or dc'd. He also threw out a few more games where he didn't like how his teammates played. I went back and watched his streams shortly after this happened and his actual escape rate was much lower. don't know why people act like these games shouldn't count when they are a part of the player experience. Also doesn't even consider WHY people gave up. Was the match unwinnable?