Was beast of prey buffed or nerfed?

From the ptb it's stated that it didn't have a cooldown
But in the dev notes it now has a cool down
I would assume it was a mistyped cause if not then why bring back a cooldown, bloodlust takes quite a long while to have this perk activate
I might even be tempted to use this buffed version, but yeah that cooldown inclusion, if true, is terrible.
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I'm convinced BHVR wants this perk to be a meme tbh.
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How hard is it to simply make the perk hide the red stain go on cooldown for X seconds after a survivor gets damaged. Bloodlust is outdated for almost all new killers and only really affects a handful of old ones, the perk has been dead for 7+ years, just let it be ok even for 1 patch.
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Massive nerf. It says "hide your red stain", not undetectable. And 2-minute cooldown.
I'm almost questioning if this is an error because that's literally the original version of the perk from years ago (ie. before undetectable even existed) just with slightly better numbers.
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Made dumber is the answer.
Just make it not tied to bloodlust and instead tie it to leaving chases, keeping the PTB duration.
And you get a nice, decent perk.
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Bp bonus was the only worthwhile effect on the perk, same with distressing. It's garbage now.
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I'm thinking it's an error as well. The Cooldown didn't exist on the PTB iirc and it's listed on the PTB version of the perk in the dev note.
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The changes they did are so questionable.
How did we get from
Upon gaining the Bloodlust Status Effect, Beast of Prey activates: Status Effect for as long as Bloodlust is active. Beast of Prey grants 30/40/50 % bonus Bloodpoints
… to this….
When you gain Bloodlust for the first time, gain Undetectable for 10/15/20 seconds (NEW)
…to this…
Upon gaining the Bloodlust Status Effect, Beast of Prey activates: Hides the Red Stain for 30/35/40 seconds. Beast of Prey has a cool-down of 120 seconds.
What a journey.
I suggested as effect in the ptb:
- removing the red stain permanently
- Upon gaining bloodlust become undetectable. After you loose bloodlust you become undetectable for 20 seconds.
I honestly don’t get why they’ve changed the undetectable to a temporary red stain removal. That’s worthless and then a 120 seconds cooldown.3 -
Behaviour doesn't care about what the public wants, FIRE UP is still garbage, Wake Up has become the worst Survivor Perk, Vigil is broken
Behavior you could stop making mistakes in this Freddy Update…
Fire Up: Need to start with 1 token at the beginning
Wake up: Leave her as she was before, please...
Vigilia: Leave her as she was before this PTB0 -
They should make it like genetic limits but for the red stain. After hitting a survivor with a basic attack remove the red stain for x amount of seconds.
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Seems like it was an error
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Confirming that, yes, the original description in the Developer Update was an error and we've updated the article to fix this. The correct effect for the perk is Undetectable and you can rest easy - there's no cooldown added.
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Man, they confused the perk for its old effect and then gave it a numbers buff that won't matter cause they don't seem to realize that getting a stealthy approach is useless when the survivor already knows where you are in chase.
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Thanks for the confirmation 👍
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It's good it was an error but that being said still compare it to Unforeseen or even ToT, I think it's still the worst undetectable perk by a mile due to a lot of killers never triggering bloodlust to begin with. It would have to be 60 seconds to even be worth the conversation about it and even then it'd be really finicky.
Maybe on a Bubba chase someone activate the perk then go find someone else for a quick chainsaw down but again Unforeseen and Trail both do that better.
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It is nice to hear that the description in the update is wrong and Beast of Prey is getting a buff. However, you, the developers, still missed the point how to make the perk more useable. Gaining Bloodlust just to get a perk active is a really unreliable and an awkward condition - chasing a survivor for like 20 seconds without breaking pallets or hitting a survivor. Many M2 killers won't run this perk because they will never get reliable Bloodlust during a match to make great use of the perk. M1 Killers often get bloodlust but they have no room to run such an awkward perk since they need to cover more weaknesses. On top of it, they often lack the mobility to make the best use out of their Undetectable status effect. Keep chasing a survivor while Undetectable is not the greatest chasepower while leaving and to hope to hit a different survivor off guard with Undetectable is also really riksy. If you get the perk active and then down and hook the survivor, there are already 20 - 25 seconds gone which means you will get little use out of it depending on the map. There are also other perks that are much easier to active: Best examples are Unforseen and Trail of Torment: both perks are easy to active and nearly every killer can make use of it. These Perks are also easy to understand and don't force the killer to throw the perk because sometimes players want to badly the use of a Perk that they throw the game for it.
I beg you, the developers, to give Best of Prey another look and another buff/change/tweak to make it more reliable for killers or otherwise it will still be useless.
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I wonder if it is valid at least for Legion. Most undetectable are useless for Legion, because Frenzy doesn't work with it, but if you got bloodlust, it means you are chasing…
It's still bad for everyone other killer in my opinion. There are simply better options.
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the cooldown is insane... from trash to barely useable tho
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It's a typo, there is no cooldown.
Not like it matters, since it still kinda sucks.
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it was buffed in a way that nobody even notices the buff it received