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Stutters every match

SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: stutters are now more frequent in 8.5.0, almost every time i try to use freddy power (snares, pallets, teleport) the game is stattering massively, people are getting stutters on other killers and survivors so it's unlikely to be freddy related
- Play a match
- You will have stuttering
- No idea what those are, game doesn't crash for a log to appear
same here!
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Here are the steps to get your logs:
After the match is complete where you experienced the issue, please close the game.
Next, Press Win+R
- Type in appdata
- Press OK
- In opened window navigate to: \Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Logs
- The DeadByDaylight.log file is the one needed for upload.
- Add the file to your bug report
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On Switch, Xbox, PlayStation & Gaming PC 1000mbs Internet I use an Ethernet cord for all, Wi-Fi 6 Router
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Please add these instructions to the bug fix template or somewhere clearly visible so one doesn't have to ask around.
After I experienced this bug I exited the game and launched it once more, so I'll add two logs, the one with the longer name is probably from the session where I experienced stutters.
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I've seen similar report but it has been declined for some reason even though many people said they are experiencing the same thing.
I don't know about playing Freddy, but the stutter occurs also when playing against him. Pretty much every time he uses snare or explodes his pallets.
This makes playing against him even more miserable than it already is.
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The frame drops are really bad and almost constant after this update. Regardless of the killer and map, I’ve been experiencing loads of FPS drops as Survivor (I haven’t played as Killer yet) and it’s making the game pretty much unplayable.
From my matches today, this has occurred against Trapper, Vecna, Huntress, Pig, Wesker, Freddy, Houndmaster, and Nemesis on maps such as Gideon Meat Plant, RPD West Wing, Dead Dawg Saloon, Disturbed Ward, Midwich, Temple of Purgation, and Ormond Resort.I will say that the issue does seem slightly better when facing less complex killers, such as Pig, but it’s still present and still ruins gameplay. I’ve tried changing my settings to help resolve the issues but even that doesn’t seem to work to any significant degree.
Post edited by YuisPinkBob on3 -
How was this patch even released. I don't even want to play the performance is that bad after this update.
I payed for the premium tomb unlocks but if I had know it was gonna be this bad I wouldn't have.
You better fix this sharpish as it's beyond a joke.
Only had couple of games and already seen bugs too.
Knights guards not making hit noise. Could only use blast mine once in another game.
Really annoyed.
Whats the point of a PTB if after you come out with this garbage.
Stop treating us as beta testers this game probably has a high income. Some individuals are getting all the profit and leaving the game to rot.
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You don't need more info. Get someone from the company to actually play the game!!!!!
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I'm having the same issue, it sometimes happens whenever I use or charge a killer power or after vaulting pallets.
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Yep, I'm on PC, and I noticed it immediately in the first game after the update. DBD is just poorly optimized, and it seems it gets worse with every update. They always claim it's a "hardware issue," but there's no way I am getting stutters with my 4070 Super when I can play Red Dead Redemption 2 on max settings at a stable 120 FPS. Hopefully they take this seriously because it is not fun when you get a massive stutter in the middle of a chase and get hit as a result. To be clear, the stutters prior to this update were random, and they happened rarely, but now they happen every game.
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I have the same problem playing as a survivor every match since 8.5.0. No matter who is the killer.
My PC: AMD Ryzen 5, 64GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30600 -
I feel like the patch broke the shader compilation in the startup screen. While it still says "Initizalizing Shaders", it only takes about half a second with around ~70% CPU usage across all cores (i7 14700k here), while before it took like 4 to 5 seconds pegging all cores to 100%.
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This is possible, shaders loading mid match and freezing your game would explain a lot.
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There's now enough info in this thread to put this report under review btw @JocelynAwakens
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No need to tag me in; we will update the thread as soon as we are able!
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I empathize with your frustration; please don't derail the thread. If there are other bugs to report, please do so, and use the Feedback section as necessary. We need to keep this thread open for information regarding this specific bug only.
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Please, let me know if you need any more info
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Please, let me know if you need any more info