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How’s Freddy feeling so far?

Member Posts: 201

I think he feels 100% better than what he used to be no doubt about that but there’s still a few changes I’d liked to add to him to fill in those gaps that are currently missing.

The Nightmare:

[CHANGE] Dream snares now travel at 13 m/s (was 12).

[CHANGE] Pallet rupture activation window is reduced to 1.2 seconds (was 1.5).

[CHANGE] Increased detection range after dream projection to 12 meters (was 8) and increased killer instinct duration to 5 seconds (was 3 seconds).

[REMOVED] Survivors no longer gain sleep immunity after using an alarm clock and instead increase their sleep meter by 30%. (Basically just making their sleep timer 90 seconds after using a clock but Freddy can still m1 you to put you into the dream world and can still use snares and pallets to make you fall asleep sooner).

[NEW] The nightmare can now project to exit gate switches without the need of the class photo addon.

[NEW] Alarm clocks within 24 meters of the survivor when they fall asleep are not available for 30 seconds.

[NEW] Survivors splatter blood out of their stomachs when the nightmare is channeling dream projection on them to give them better warning when projection is happening.

Notes: Dream snares can be powerful but can be dodged a little too easy so I increased their speed slightly. The pallet rupture is clunky and gives survivors a little too much time to get out of the radius so I slightly reduced the activation window to allow more rupture hits. The detection range and killer instinct duration was underwhelming so I increased the numbers slightly for both to make it feel better and actually detect survivors since the tp is 2.5 seconds and that gives survivors a total of 10 meters they can run by pre running so it almost would never detect survivors at 8 meter range. Sleep immunity has been a hot topic and seems unnecessary and overbearing with how easy it is to exit and enter dream world now so instead of removing the concept I simply added 30 seconds to the sleep meter so that alarm clocks still have value. Teleporting to the exit gate switches without the need of the addon would be better imo since the tp cd is already 30 seconds and exit gate opening time is 20 seconds meaning Freddy can’t hold gates forever with the tp and gives survivors a fair chance in the 1v1. When survivors fall asleep there is nothing stopping them from going to a clock 3 meters away and removing them from the dream world for a maximum of 90 seconds, To combat that and allow more interaction I made it so survivors would have to find a clock further than 24 meters from them when the fall asleep for only 30 seconds so they can’t farm alarm clocks and prevent falling asleep over and over again. Lastly I made survivors a little more aware when Freddy is teleporting to them healing because it doesn’t give as much info as generators do when he tp’s.

Addon changes:

Red Paint Brush: Decreased extra sleep meter on survivors to 30% (was 50).

Class Photo: All generators spew blood when performing a dream projection to a generator. Cancelling a projection no longer incurs the full cooldown and instead only puts it on a 15 second cooldown.

These are my suggestions for Freddy after playing him today. Feel free to let me know your thoughts on these changes and if you have any changes youd want to see happen.

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  • Member Posts: 107

    I’m enjoying it, dream world is actually threatening when it comes you healing, you cannot ignore the clocks.

  • Member Posts: 135

    Agree, the current alarm clock is too strong with 30 s immunity.

  • Member Posts: 405

    There’s input lag between canceling the snares and trying to click the button to activate the pallets which I find annoying when a survivor runs into the area of a pallet but cannot quickly switch. Also the dream world is bugged where sole trials start without one. I already put a bug report for that. Also there is a weird filter on the side of the screen when playing which is annoying. There’s alot of small bugs that need to be fixed. Also the alarm clocks are insane. Besides that he’s fun

  • Member Posts: 372

    Sleep immunity is way to long now and needs to be removed or 5 seconds at most

  • Member Posts: 436

    Is there any reason to use the fake pallets? I played some Freddy tonight and did not feel compelled to use the dream pallets at all after I read that they can stun Freddy. I liked using the snares even if the cool down seems a tad too long. Those felt a lot better to use than the old version

  • Member Posts: 207

    It's like that one Moon Knight meme. Spam enough of them down and throw on the radius add-on and you'll eventually get someone with them, map RNG and MMR gods willing.

    But otherwise no, they're not really worth it.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    He feels really good, the main thing i would change at this point is the sleep immunity for alarm clocks. The problem is unlike some killers that have counters to their power like this they usually at least still HAVE a power. For example, singularity, who still can quickly reapply the power. But for freddy it effectively gives him 0 power.

    Making it so the alarm clock wakes you up, and then maybe gives you 30 extra seconds of timer on your sleep would be good. You'd still probably have to hit 2-3 snares before they fall back to sleep, and hitting them still puts them to sleep.

    Or maybe it just gives you immunity to the passive sleep for 30 seconds for example. Either one would work fine.

  • Member Posts: 333

    Clocks are to strong, I will agree with this. I think immunity is fine but the numbers need to change, either shorter duration or much longer reuse on clocks.

  • Member Posts: 201

    yea the delay sucks especially when you’re in a high stakes chase and need to get the down asap. The tp feels really clunky imo since you have to hold it down for it to activate like clowns reload. I’ve also had numerous games where I load in and the dream world filter wasn’t there and was an actual detriment to me (I was on cold wind and could barely see anything but in dream world I can actually see in front of me on cold wind.) I think they just need to fine tune the alarm clocks and buff the pallets to a respectable but not overbearing balance because majority of the time i played today as and against Freddy neither me or my opponents were ever using pallets unless it was their first game with the new Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 228

    Are the snares bugged?I try to shoot them and it’s like ty he old way of just placing them.

  • Member Posts: 373

    Can only give my opinion of how Freddy feels to play against. The snare feels like looping a more threatening Doctor, it's very possible to dodge but you should get hit if you don't in most scenarios and feels pretty fair.

    Dream Pallets are a joke, very easy to make them out and dodge, they're hardly a factor in my experience so far.

    The teleport is still very good and healing against Freddy now gives me anxiety, so far I've been treating it like Ceno box and only heal when I know Freddy is occupied and that seems to work out most of the time.

    I don't think the clocks are all that OP personally but I could see them cutting the immunity down to 15 seconds and they would still be pretty good.

    Overall you do have to respect Freddy now but as long as you do he doesn't feel that strong. Just purely from playing against them today they feel low B tier IMO.

  • Member Posts: 65

    He's been a joy to play today, but not without his quirks.

    Pallets are largely useless, but I'm hesitant to buff them. Maybe only increase range against awake survivors? He definitely doesn't need free damage.

    The snares are a huge improvement and feel like a fun variation of Clowns bottles.

    Teleporting is still a bit clunky. While seeing your aura is fantastic for orientation, the killer Instinct range and duration is a little low. Further, the teleport cooldown is too long on its own. If the devs are unwilling to revert back to the old style, my next best suggestion is to give back chunks, say 5 seconds, each time a Survivor falls asleep or is hit by a snare. Teleporting to exit gates really shouldn't require an add on.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    please make it so that dream survivors do not wake up when put on the dying state and revert the 7 →5 second cooldown change. My two issues is that survivor that use clock are immune to his healing teleport and his chase is too weak. improve those two elements and the killer fun factor will go by 3x.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    pretty cool. i been enjoying him for the most part.

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