Too many thing broke during this Update.

I thought a MidChapter's primary goal is to help clean up everything. It feels like more stuff is broken than anything.
Been going on since 2016. What have you noticed?
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What do you mean in your question?
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What NEW BUGS have you noticed?
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Feel free to check the reports I have sent in. You will see.
Here is just 1 for starters.
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Wereelk is silent
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So Business as usual in behaviourland?
Stuff breaking during mid- and even major patches has been the status quo years ago when I still played.
It is truly rare for them to release a change that doesn't feel like it broke as much or even more than it fixed.
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like this..
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sometimes i wonder how this game still functions
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bros cheeks are out???
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His whip is spamming in animation. Its bugged. He wont stop whipping.
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Matchmaking is a mess. I'm getting put in matches with entire groups on the other side of the planet from me. No one has a decent connection.
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Not a fan of 300-17596 ping? 😋
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The servers have also become worse somehow
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It held together by duct tape
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Broke as in imbalanced or broke as in bugs?
Tbh the answer to both is DBD is always like that lol.
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the dreamworld filter for Freddy doesn’t apply to the trial sometimes. Very disappointing since the dream world aesthetic is a big part I played Freddy prior. Lots of bugs
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LMAO. Fr though when has it ever been different with DBD?
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Doesn’t make it right. Nor a good experience when you’re trying to just play the game.
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Did I say that it did? Tell it to BHVR. Though I don't think they give a f when people keep playing it anyway and they have all the licenses they want.
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As long as player counts hold stable or grow, BHVR have no incentive to spend resources on fixing all these issues. Just crank out new content and keep raking in the $
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This one gets it.