Anti-map offerings?

Imagine a map offering that does the exact opposite of map offerings. Instead of increasing the chance of being sent to a specific realm, it would decrease the chances of being sent to a specific realm. Do you guys think this would be a good idea for those who don't want to play on a specific map?
This would be nice, not sure it would work because sac ward doesn't seem to work a lot of the time. After survivors brought azarov key 3 times in a row I thought "ok sac ward, let's get a new map for a change" sure enough on the 4th match they brought azarov offering and I had sac ward.... What map did I get? Wreckers.
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You guys really need to stop over complicating the solution to map offerings. Just remove them, and free up space on the bloodweb for more BPS. Fixes the issue and has a better upside.
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I would be fine with that. Have they actually sorted the random realm selection out? I read somewhere that they were changing it so the same realm doesn't get picked twice in a row or something? That would help a lot because the main reason I bring offerings is due to the random map not being so random, it always gives me something like wreckers, cold wind farm or McMillan when no offerings are in place. Rare I get Haddonfield or Gideon or dead dawg.
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I main Trapper and I constantly get Ormond and Garden of Joy, like one after the other all the time. It's insane. But I did see they planned to adjust the map prevention to be a full on REALM prevention. Not sure when that will be implemented.
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Honestly would be good to see them just remove all map offerings except auto and mac.
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Why leave 2 map offerings? Then a lot of players will want to have their map offerings… and it would be chaos. Unfair treatment
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But do I run anti-Garden or anti-Badham is the real question 🤔
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Supposedly the Wards cancel out the map offerings, leaving the choice up to chance, so it would still be possible to get the realm they wanted. At times I do wonder though.
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I think having map offerings ban realms would be nice, have sacrificial ward cancel the ban. Devs could see the stats for which realms receive the most bans, would be a sign it should be looked into for changes so people want to go there instead of avoid it.
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We already have Sac Wards which are brown now, I think they work fine. If we were to add an "anything but this map" offering, we'd get another 25 offerings in bloodweb which is already bloated to begin with when Sac Ward already somewhat serves the same function.
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Sounds useless and just waste of BP.
It also becomes more useless with every new realm.
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Just replace the current once with yours, I'm tired of eyrie of crows, the game or garden of joy offerings. At that point just to that or remove them entirely xD
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This is just what map offerings should be instead of automatically deciding the map for the people in game.
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Map Offerings aren't the issue. Its certain maps.
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I agree, just about every map that isnt mac or auto have so much variability that a lot of the time either there is nothing to play with or god set ups everywhere.