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Wishlist for dbd 2025, tell me yours, maybe a dev will read and make your wish come true



  • Member Posts: 237

    Pig update for 2025

    increase her dash range (still not good enough for decent pallets)

    increase even more her speed while crounched to help with her bad mobility

    Reverse bear trap: less rng, removing that survivors can remove the trap on the first trial, now traps can only be removed with 2, 3 or 4 trys + survivors with traps are now broken until the trap is removed + survivors can't see jigsaw boxes aura addon basekit/ can'tremove reverse bear trap until the gen is completed

    Bonus: saw music theme mixxed with dbd

    if they make this buffs for Pig she would jump from a tier C killer for tier A easily, she just need a small buffs for chase and less rng for traps

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    M&K support for all platforms would be appreciated.

    I also agree with the others who would like to see strong changes to Knock Out. That perk is a stark representation of something that barely affects those on comms but is absolutely rancid among solos. No perk should be that unhealthy for the game.

  • Member Posts: 338

    Somehow making solo queue not be totally miserable to play would be a start. But how you achieve this with survivors going into games intent of killing themself as soon as they are caught and games being a total mismatch way, way too often, I really don't know.

    The next 2v8 is going to be a mess with queue times. I'm barely touching survivor at the moment and certainly won't be waiting 15-20 minutes for killer games, so that'll be 2-3 weeks off the game for me.

  • Member Posts: 237
    edited January 27

    My final wish for dbd 2025 is: NERF NURSE AND BLIGHT, and this is not a joke, these killers are on top 3 meta since their release, most people quit dbd because these 2 killers are 100% op if you compare to other killers, Nurse should receive a full rework this year, and Blight nerfed to have only 3 to bumps instead of 5

    Edit: and give more attention to weak m1 killers, we're so done of Blight/Nurse, everyday when i play i face these killers at least 10 times

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    Most of the QoL stuff I've wanted over the years have actually been added so I'm pretty happy. I still have a few though; not in any order.

    1. Shared Inventory/Transfer System: Survivor's are just skins so having a way to share or transfer items would be nice. Same with Killer non-uniques.
    2. Scrap Shop: Ideally run by Carl the Cashier. This would let you breakdown items you'll never use into a new currency or bloodpoints. This new currency could be used to purchase specific add-ons or items on anyone. Basically a recycle shop of sorts. It could also work based on rarity; brown gives brown scrap, yellow gives yellow scrap, etc.
    3. Three killers a year instead of four: This would give more bandwidth for standard game improvements far more often.
    4. More Emotes: For both sides; nothing crazy, just simple stuff.
    5. Separate Daily Challenges: Also Weekly, Monthly and Community ones.
    6. Seed Selector: This would make custom matches far better; mainly for Comp but would also be nice in general.
    7. Skill Check when leaving a Gen: Make it work like Overcharge; pretty common request.
    8. Drop In Queue: Let's you replace a random bot w/their loadout. Saw someone else bring this up and I'd love it.

    I know some of these will probably never happen but it's my current list.

  • Member Posts: 226

    Address getting slapped so much through window vaults

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    Many players over the years and again in this thread have brought up the devs slowing their chapter releases per year, three instead of four. I am not sure they have much say in these cycles, but as a player I definitely see the pluses from doing that.

    We have approaching 40 killers now and hundreds of perks and add-ons etc. As content is released the list grows, and makes this game even more new-player unfriendly than it already is. Chaos Shuffle has again shown us many players, even long term ones, do not know all of the perks, let alone newbies. And then there's the bloat in the bloodwebs that also grows whenever stuff is added to the game. And I'm sure there's more that can be said in this subject as well.

    Imo it is something they should consider.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Very insignificant but being able to pick your own perk colours the whole perk colour and perk rarity system is super outdated and it would be an extra layer of customization

  • Member Posts: 374
    edited January 27

    Here is mine

    • Basekit corrupt
    • Nerf blight
    • Nerf nurse
    • NEXT and PREVIOUS character selection button in the lobby, like it was before
    • Daily (multiple aswell, so we don't finish within one game), weekly, monthly quest for both roles, not random - with better rewards.
    • Better bloodpoints for surviviors, its bad if I escape match with 15k points because killer chose not to chase me and gens were my priority, because no one does them.
    • Better rewards for interaction events - gen, healing skill checks, more points for self healing
    • Better balance for smaller maps, without dead zones, no corner pallets - they are useless and impossible to chain.
    • Deletion of bad offerings and addons on both roles
    • better value for opening chests, maybe delete brown items from it?
    • Get rid of new coldwind loops, please
    • Killer repeating prevention, I can wait longer
    • Hide surviviors items in lobby, so killer doesn't have adventage before the game starts
    • Prioritization of items, addons, offering in the bloodweb if we use "fast spending button"
    • Stats in the game, real escape rate, kill rate, count of pallet, flashlight, flashbang saves, killer power stats, bloodpoints spent on single character and overall, etc
    • Incentive to always give 100% BP, instead of 25% like it was all the time lately.
    • New bloodpoint perk? Without additional effects
    • Showing surviviors perks, that would make solo que better a little
    • Let chucky scamper the pallets again without the dash
    • p100 rewards
    • devotion rewards
    • Option to take off backbacks from skins, please
    • Better newbie experience - remove perk tiers, better way to get paid perks, make it harder to get max MMR so their experience is better
    • MMR shown to players
    • Fixing ping difference, so we don't get hit after vaulting
    • Graphic custiomization so we don't need nvidia or reshade
    Post edited by vol4r on
  • Member Posts: 237
    edited January 27

    Nurse deserves a 100% rework gameplay/addons, and blight should have 3 bumps instead of 5

    Killer repeating prevention 100% agreed, everything you said should be read by a dev to be implemented

    Post edited by skylustv on
  • Member Posts: 29

    My wishlist

    1. Add reward (2 million BP? 4000 shards? 100 auric cells?) for completing 100% all 4 levels of tomes, both killer and survivor to incentive near-exclusive mains to play and better appreciate the challenges of both sides. Allow 100% completed tomes to be replayed (will increase challenges that can be played for those that have completed all of them without waiting for new tomes to be released
    2. QoL - Increase font size of survivor names on killer lobby and brighten all names on end-of-match scoreboard for us on console who can't just lean in 4 inches like PCs can to see better
    3. Add basekit tenacity after being slugged 2 minutes. Award BP to downed survivors who avoid either hook or moris to bleed-out in 4-slug matches or 2 person end-of-match slug to provide some game-play option so isn't just a boring wait-till-it-ends time (would prefer a different anti-slug option, but at least give us this!!)
    4. Change thumbs up on end-of-match scoreboard to gifting BP (500? 1000?) - e.g., to killers who want to farm or allow a survivor to escape, to randoms who go extra mile in end of match saves, to survivors who help baby killers learn their moves, etc. If you don't/can't chat, this would be only way to show appreciation when it matters
    5. Add voice lines for Bill Overbeck and other long-time survivors (and killers) with option to mute for those who don't like them
  • Member Posts: 237

    Bring back old macmillan/azarov/coldwind filters, all maps should have a darker version

  • Member Posts: 78

    1. More BP for survivors

    2. P100 rewards

    3. Voice lines for the rest of the survivors

    4. Some information about how family or friends reacted to the characters' disappearance or what happened afterwards (I really like the lore, okay?)

  • Member Posts: 132
    edited January 28

    I would super love it if we could get some new voice lines for Freddy done by Robert Englund. It has been asked for, for a very, very long time. Please let this be the year where we finally get this Bhvr!

  • Member Posts: 2,194

    Some information about how family or friends reacted to the characters' disappearance or what happened afterwards (I really like the lore, okay?)

    I second this, absolutely. Anything that adds more story and atmosphere.

  • Member Posts: 114
    edited January 28

    • More outfit presets and perk build slots (minimum 6).
    • More accessibility settings for audio and lighting. For example the ability to lower certain SFX like hook screams or brighten your screen.
  • Member Posts: 336

    I just want them to bring back the ability to cycle through characters using the joystick buttons (LS & RS/L3 & R3) . I don't understand why it was removed

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Go ahead, but I have heard all the explanations, and they all boil down to issues with the game itself, not the Finisher Mori. Now, the original version where it was automatically performed when all remaining survivors were in the dying state? Yea, that was horrible and universally hated. Thankfully that never made it off the PTB.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Buff Skull Merchant + Apology for gutting her at the behest of the most toxic part of the playerbase.

    Apology for gaslighting people about Trickster's flashing lights bug

    Un-Nerf Chucky

    Un-Nerf Wake Up

    Massive bug fixes

    Chapter releases that don't break everything in the game.

  • Member Posts: 203

    Fix my poor, scrapped SM.

    For now, just bring back the two scan lines this week—that's enough for now. But please make her properly usable again as soon as possible.

  • Member Posts: 372

    -Hag becomes 115

    -More Boons

    -Swamp rework (added points if it includes an actual swamp at least give me ankle deep water)

    -More monster killers

    -Nurse gets reworked into something that isn't completely busted.

  • Member Posts: 339
    • Knockout Rework
    • Bugfix, Reveal rework, and addon pass for Ghostface
    • Bugfix on Dredge (VFX mostly)
    • Badham, Swamp, and Garden of Joy reworks to not be so Survivor sided
    • Similarly, some fixes to SOME Coldwind maps and a slight size increase on Haddonfield so they aren't so Killer sided
    • No more stacking generator perks on anyone - Cap it at 25% progression/regression per person. No more stacking gen perks with items. No more stacking gen hold. No more.
    • Toolbox rework, but only on certain toolboxes
    • Making hexes and boons more viable
    • Treacherous Crows rework
  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I want Jeryl back

  • Member Posts: 3,133

    Okay, I'll take a swing:

    1. Remove perk tiers. There are so many now it's just too much
    2. A proper perk store with all perks available for shards/cells (for new players)
    3. Increase BP/shard rewards (see again the huge amount of content)
    4. Legendary cosmetics for reaching P100. Not having any kind of reward is a joke
    5. Add a "going for save" option for solo queue
    6. Re-work old, boring moris. We're seeing a lot more of them, and so many suuuucccck.
    7. Make Sadako a true stealth killer by removing her "lullaby"
    8. Revert (at least partially) CoB. It's completely useless now
    9. Add weather
    10. Get rid of daylight on Eyrie and Coldwind; don't remove them, just make them night/twilight
    11. PH add-on pass. Long past due.
    12. Fix aim dressing
    13. More controller/peripheral customization
    14. Myers model rework so he doesn't look like he's from a PS3 game
    15. Basekit Kindred
    16. Stop putting bulky backpacks/etc. on survivor skins, or allow them to be toggled on/off
    17. Equalize survivor volume. Don't need to change the VA, just dial down the volume on some of them

    And some trivial ones

    1. More Rebecca skins, plz
    2. Young Ash skins, and another surv from AvtED
    3. Give Yui a butt please. No one that muscular should have a concave booty
  • Member Posts: 227

    Going next on hooked removed

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