DStrike YT Discussion Board

It makes me sad to see my favorite game falling apart. Would it really impact revenue to publish 3 chapters a year instead of 4? The effort put into the events for the entire year is the equivalent of a chapter in my book.
Wouldn't be an issue for me tbh.
The influx of new content is too big.
Making it so only 3 chapters come out per year would help with a lot of clunkyness and also give the people who fix bugs more time to do so before the next chapter.
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Make it make sense to BHVR that dropping a bit of revenue in favor of a better, more stable game is the better choice. Otherwise, none of this will come to fruition.
3 chapters a year would be most ideal. 4 is actually too many imo, bug fixes aside lol
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I personally would not mind a year without a new chapter. You seriously cant tell me out of 38 killers which some of them are copy and paste that no one cant main not one of them or like at least not one.
Taking a year to seriously look at the game bugs,/perks and item ovehauls specially survivor items since killers add ons is being changed or tweaked with their reworks or changes u.u .Maps and hooks are another thing too.
Post edited by buggybug on4 -
Would it really impact revenue to publish 3 chapters a year instead of 4?
It would almost certainly have a substantial impact. Live service games rely upon a fairly constant stream of changes and variety to keep player base engagement.
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it’s never going to happen. The business model is crank out as much content as possible and keep the game in a bugged but playable state. Unless people start leaving the game in large numbers due to bugs, this model isn’t going to change
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When people are leaving the ship it's already too late for that. They must act NOW when they still have a playerbase.
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I don’t think that extending the gap between chapters by a month would hurt anyone. It takes at least a month to get the new contnet into a playable state anyway.
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38 killers which some of them are copy and paste
Once they learned we'd keep buying rehashed content, well… lol.
I agree with you both, and that's the crossroads I think. Revenue is the bottom line and trumps anything else. That's normal business. Its either fix the game in a meaningful way and lose money, or don't and keep making money. FNaFs is coming up and I dont think many will stay, but hey. They had a lot of players buy the game and DLC, so the money is already won.
Personally, I wish they'd drop to 3 for their current player base, so that anyone else who comes onboard is more likely to stay. That's also smart business.
The Entity wins in the end either way. And that's all I care about now.
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You're acting like the playerbase is gonna disappear all of the sudden real soon, when that's obviously not gonna happen as the playerbase have already endured worse periods throughout the game's 9 years lifespan than what we're currently dealing with.
Also the next hotfix patch is a week away, with another one the week after.
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Let's be real, there could be 1 chapter per year and the game still would be a constant broken glitchy mess anyway.
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I think they totally should go down to 3 Chapters/year. I think 2024 was a good indicator that there is too much new content coming into the game. You start with an amazing Original Chapter, which brought a strong and fun to play Killer and one of the most popular Survivors, go over two big licenses with D&D and Castlevania and end up on a buggy mess which was the Houndmaster-DLC. This just shows that 4 Chapters/year (from January to December) and single Character-paragraphs are just too much. It happened basically every year that the Chapter near the end of the year was the one which brought the most Bugs. Most of the time the new content, except for Chucky in 2023, there it was old content which got bugged.
And I dont even think that it would tank the revenue that much, since they most likely make most of their money via Cosmetics. But it would certainly help to improve the quality of the game. Because while I really dislike FNAF, it will bring a lot of new players - and I dont think that BHVR wants to lose those a few months later because they bring out a bad Chapter at the end of the year once again.
Also I think that the Devs dont really need to bring that many new Perks to the game. I dont see it as an issue if new Characters bring new Perks, but most of them are just bad…
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Hey you called me a mess not cool looooool just kidding. In a serious note yeah feng with her nearly 200 + outfits imo brings in much revenue since shes so used so much out of most chars.
Post edited by buggybug on2 -
Man the only thing left for me in this game is the new content waiting room, idk how many more bugs they can fix but no matter what they release its gonna have another 20 bugs, thats just the way it is more time or not.
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As much as I love a steady drip of new content… What's the point if none of it works and just causes problems within the community? (e.g Houndmaster) At times it feels new content is driving people away instead of bringing them in, but who among us knows for sure. Something is working I suppose. I appreciate BHVr for wanting to keep things fresh, how ever when impatient gamers are seemingly more interested in QOL improvement over new content… The choice is obvious right? Maybe they have a whole boat load of fixes just waiting for the fnaf wave.
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4 releases has proven to be too many, and 2 is likely to result in long spans of content drought, which a live-service game really has to avoid.
So, 3 releases a year is what I'd land on, yeah.
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People talking like the chapters are free, lol. They release new chapters for money, not JUST to keep up playercount. Even if they knew for sure that the player count wouldn't drop if they only did 3 chapters... you're still asking a company to be OK with losing out on 25% of their yearly revenue.This is ignoring cosmetic sales because I have no clue how much they earn for those since there's alot of cosmetics that can be earned/bought with shards.
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I agree, but BHVR appear to be making a different bet and so far it has been paying off for them. They’re betting you’ll still play the game despite all the issues that they aren’t working on, and they’re probably right