Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Freddy is clunky and need QoL update

Freddy has 5 actions (teleport, switch powers, ready up power, put down a pallet/snare, explode a pallet) but only 3 keybinds for those (for PC it's by default ctrl, m1, m2):

  1. Teleport and switching powers are both bound to ctrl, for teleport you have to hold down ctrl for ~half a second before it actually begins charging
  2. Placing/exploding a pallet are bound to m1, so you will often accidentally explode a pallet when you meant to place another one at a different spot
  3. Both of these issues would be solved by having multiple binds available (it's 2025 and we still have like 6 usable buttons in total in the entire game)

Then, there are artificial delays between power usages, for example, after you use your power (by pressing m1) or cancelling it (by releasing m2), there's a full second delay before you can begin charging your power (m2) or a teleport (ctrl). Why? There's no need for this delay and it only messes with your muscle memory because this was not the case for old freddy and overall feels frustrating.

Another issue is with the blood sound. After you teleport to a generator you will hear the blood still spewing out of it which sounds almost exactly like a generator that's nearly completed. This is also confusing and prompts you to pop that gen asap but then it turns out that the gen is barely started or not at all. This blood spewing sound should be changed or simply removed from freddy's pov.

Those problems combined make freddy feel incredibly clunky and not smooth to play at all.

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