Bring Back The Fog

I still get surprised that this isn't talked about as much or I haven't seen many people post about it.
Since the Castlevania update, the maps have gotten clearer and you can literally see the survivor/killer from one point of the map to the other. The fog used to obscure both the killer and survivor and is a complete identity to the game, yet it has been removed since the Castlevania update.
I know they removed it to let survivors see the Castle, but I still don't understand why it hasn't been added back into the game since it's been 6 months since the removal.
Maybe it's nostalgia, but I miss the darker atmosphere and fog that the game had. The game is far too bright for my liking and even with aura reading being in the game — the fog wasn't that much of an issue and only helped obscure spotting people from a distance. Now it's just clear as day, rendering any form of stealth useless unless you're moving around objects to break LOS. There was never a formal announcement on Behavior bringing back the fog and it just gets boring having to break LOS from a killer that's literally on the other side of the map, when the old fog used to act as a buffer anyways.
Yes, I agree.
„See you in the fog“, yeah, what fog?
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Completely agreed. More fog again please.
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I think the fog rendering caused people’s systems to explode
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yeah i miss the darker atmosphere too. Or when when it looked like a gaggle of smokers hot boxed the map. Good times. If I wanted sunshine BHVR I would go outside instead of play your game.
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If the fog changes are due to last-gen consoles, it might be time for the game to transition to newer systems. This might sound elitist, but the current situation directly affects the game’s atmosphere because players are still on older consoles. I recently played against a Bubba who spotted me from one end of Backwater Swamp to the other. This lack of obstruction essentially acts as a buff for killers, given that new consoles have been available for around five years now.
Other major multiplayer games have moved away from supporting last-gen consoles due to their limitations. Even before, the fog was manageable and they could have opted for less fog only when versing Dracula, rather than removing it altogether.
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Around half of all consolers are still on the last gen machines globally, and those on console are by far the largest portion of the playerbase. That's a lot of players.
Also as a live service game they have to support them until the game no longer functions on them, and Sony & Microsoft & Nintendo each end their support for them. We're not there yet.
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To be honest I found the fog annoying anyways as killer and survivor. I don't really care if you can see me from a distance as ether of them, I just want a clean picture xD
So I'm happy about it and I hope it never comes back.
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If silent hill could render fog on the ps2, anything from 2016 should be able to as well.
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I agree, I miss the old foggy look to dbd. It was honestly so unnerving seeing a Michael partially covered by fog stalking you from a distance. Now I feel like mist offerings barley make a difference. I'm pretty sure if everyone brings a mist offering it only covers your feet now.
I always use this video as an example.
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Yeah, see it just doesn't have the fear factor that it once had. 😭 I even miss how old Coldwind looked, along with more vehicles being in Haddonfield. It's honestly so barren in the streets and misses all form of personality that it once had.
I'm not asking for old Haddonfield, it just looks empty and no effort whatsoever since they reworked it.
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In another thread someone mentioned a silent hill city map.
I would like to see the fog as a map feature that is only in small passages connecting the buildings to each other.
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Don't underestimate the unwieldy nature of their coding
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They always say "see you in the fog", but I think "see you in the light mist" would be more accurate on a lot of maps.
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yeah but this is DbD optimization we’re talking about here…
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I mean yea. I'm just saying fog effects aren't some impossible graphical achievement when it ran fine on 2004 tech 😄
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Yeah, I was very surprised to see that the mist offerings no longer stack. It's such a sad state of affairs and the game just lacks any of the horror that it used to have imo.
It just lacks a form of identity now. You load in, do a gen, killer spots a survivor from a distance unless you have a team stealthing around.
It's just rinse and repeat, while old DBD would have more suspense with it. It helped Trapper on maps too, along with Hag as it obscured their traps as well -- I even remember those two killers would bring the mist offerings to help their traps be hidden more.
Now everything is just brighter and more colorful - it doesn't even seem like a horror game. Just a game you load into, loop around objects and pallets, get a nice chase in, get gens done, and it's rinse and repeat. I miss the whole evading a chase and actually getting away due to the fog, it provided an element to the game to be heart racing — "Did the killer lose me? Oh no, he found me." nowadays you don't get that, lol.