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Feedback and Suggestions

Idea for how to improve queue times in 2v8: 2v8 Event Items

So everyone complains that killer queue takes too long in 2v8, and the new one is adding bots but people are split on how they feel about this, but I have an idea for how to encourage more people to play survivor.

Make 2v8 chests spawn special 2v8 versions of each item (Flashlight, Medkit, Toolbox) with similar properties to the anniversary ones, but maybe with a bloodpoint bonus while using them.

However, these items cannot be acquired from the bloodweb like normal items. Instead, they can only be found in chests as a survivor in 2v8. This encourages two major things:

-People to play survivor in 2v8

-People to survive in 2v8 so they keep the item

What do you guys think?

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  • Member Posts: 2,045

    I have several ideas.

    • First, a quickplay feature. Press it, and get a random role. Not sure if many would use it, but still, it could help. It could also come with a bloodpoint, or even a small iri shard bonus.

    • Rewards for playing the survivor role (a priority queue ticket for playing several survivor games, the sweet 400% bloodpoint bonus, higher bloodpiont gains in game.... ).

    • New classes for survivor. Having only 4 is a bit restrictive.

    • Maybe a preference system, like FT13: The Game had, where you can only select the role you prefer. This could be an unpopular thing though, so it's more of a last resort.

  • Member Posts: 382

    We definitely need to encourage people to play survivior.

    Bloodpoints bonus is a great start. I for example didn't want to play 2v8 surv without good bonus, because offerings are disabled.

    I love the idea of special items tho, that would add a new item skin for survivior - I am all in

  • Member Posts: 1,215
    edited February 6

    If there really will be bots, then that will suck imo. The appeal of playing survivor in 2v8 is having so many teammates, and the games feeling "cozy" in a way. The altruism really shines. Bots would kill a lot of that atmosphere. The point of 2v8 would be gone since this would be more like 2v6 in terms of how it feels.

    I think that the devs need to realize that the way to realiably fix the 2v8 queue times for killer is in drastically changing the survivor side, to make it much fresher and more appealing to play. Just the thought of playing survivor with bots makes me not wanna play survivor in 2v8. And if many other people feel this way, then people will be playing even less survivor compared to before, which should lead again, to awful queue times for killer.

    For at least the next iteration of 2v8 (later this year, if it happens), the devs need to work much less on adding things on the killer side, and much more on making the survivor side fun. The killer role is already much more popular in 2v8, adding a lot of content to it with each iteration of 2v8 is just gonna perpetuate the want of people to play killer instead of survivor. Next time, add 1 or 0 new killers, and add a lot to the survivor side. Consider adding something beyond gens, or even replacing them entirely in 2v8. Or add means for survivors to fight back (besides flashlights and pallets stuns).

    TL;DR - huge BP incentives and bots in lobbies are bad solutions for 2v8. The devs need to tone down on adding killer content, and focus much more on adding survivor content, at least until the queue times become balanced. Make people really want to play the survivor role. Spoiler: bot teammates will make people play the survivor role LESS.

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    I love huge BP incentives so I'm not complaining… Bots on the otherhand, no. LMAO

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    Oh yeah I love the BP incentives too. I just don't want them to act as a main way to try to get people to play survivor. I want survivor to be so much more fun :)

  • Member Posts: 818

    I can guarantee that any attempt to make Survivor gameplay more fun will just result in Killers complaining "OMG SURVIVOR OP!!"

    Kind of like the last 2v8 iteration...

  • Member Posts: 7

    Do you think the opportunity to collect items that can't be gotten through the bloodweb would work as a way to incentivize people playing survivor?

  • Member Posts: 7

    What are they gonna do, not play killer? It's not like the mode is lacking killers, lmao

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    All of this they should try before bot fills.

    Quick play or preference system to get real people into the survivor role in the first place is probably the simplest solution. I'd say preference system would probably be the winner though in helping queue times. People see survivor with the current incentive bonus and still choose 10+ minute killer queue, the bonus for quick play would definitely need to be more than BP but if that's the case than they could just put that bonus onto role incentives. I said it during the first iteration when BP incentive was 400%, they need to start including iri shards in that too, maybe by adding an XP bonus so players are earning shards and rift fragments faster.

    They definitely need to add new classes and abilities thst actually change up gameplay for survivor. The pallet rebuild was the only one last time that added anything interesting to gameplay for survivors. The gen/heal one was useful but they didn't add anything different/fun to gameplay. The silent rushed actions for a few seconds was just bad. They also need to cool it on adding new content to the killer side when they already have an incentive built in of having a teammate. The side with the most new content will always be the one that gets the most players unless that new content is terrible. It happens anytime they release a DLC with just a killer - killer waits skyrocket.

  • Member Posts: 1,074

    You can't fix 2v8 queue times. Survivors don't want to play in a mode where they get double teamed by killers. Even if they survive and escape, it's boring, as the only element of the game where survivors have skill expression is gone.

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    Hmm not necessarily. I feel like what survivors need is a different form of gameplay, not just gens and unhooking. Maybe have timed zones where survivors go collect gen parts, or fight over killers who wins. Or have a totem randomly activate that needs to be located and snuffed by survivors (snuffing taking a few seconds, to prevent killers from camping it). Or have portals to another realm (similarly to the Void), etc.

    Something that makes survivors excited about joining 2v8, not just regular old DBD, but with more people. The more people aspect is really cool, but survivors need more. And I'm just saying this because every 2v8 so far has had queue times problem for killers.

  • Member Posts: 102

    I dont think items will help at all. Its to boring to play survivor in dbd. Even if its very survivor sided its just very boring. They keep making survivor role very boring to play (especially 1v4). I think even with insane blood point incentives, items and even double xp I would still not want to play survivor and would rather wait 15 minutes for a killer game. Even if you get destroyed as killer and the match lasts a couple of minutes its still so much more fun and interesting than to play survivor.

    Now with added bots im gonna want to play this game mode even less. As killer its uninteresting to play against bots and as survivor I dont want them as teammates.

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