Is 'Going Next' too many times a bannable offense?

Asking for another version of The Singularity/Survivor. He/she just gets frustrated lots and has ousted himself/herself on hook suicides probably more often then he/she should.
I tell him/her to play it out but they don't listen.
Tell your "friend" to stop it. Bad robot. Not a bannable offense though.
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Unless they're throwing for skins like it's a cs:go major it should be kosher.
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Rage quitting is considered a reportable offense, but there’s no way to prove that someone who goes on 1st hook wasn’t just trying their luck to unhook themselves, so I don’t believe it is considered the same. I think rage quitting is more with DC?
Still frustrating when people do it. But the community is known for the mentality of, “I’m not responsible for you fun.” So 🤷♀️ It’s unfortunate.
*made an edit from banable to reportable.
Post edited by hermitkermit on2 -
Is it really? I mean a timeout, sure but banning people for a little alt+f4 action is kind of silly.
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I’m not entirely sure. A quick google search though, in the report section, the picture of the referee blowing a whistle— it’s titled “Unsportmanslike” and listed under the report sections are examples like: AFking, Idling, and Rage Quitting. I assume it’s when someone DCs because they got downed too quick or when to stop survivors from opening the gate.
I have no idea if it truly works or if they even ban people for it but it is listed as a reportable offense.
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I don't think it can get you more than a temp matchmaking ban. I figured we were talking about perma bans or something along those lines.
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It isn't but if you go next too many games there's no point in playing no?
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Oh gotcha. To be honest I have no idea. I’m not sure how many “strikes” a person gets before a perma ban. I mean I’ve gotten reports back that action has been taken from people I’ve reported for griefing (like body blocking me for long periods of time) But I don’t know if that means they got a temporary ban or a perma ban or anything.
I’m not sure which reportable offenses result in temporary bans or permanent bans, only that they exist.(Again I’d imagine it would be hard to prove. Who’s to say someone didn’t DC intentionally 50 times and they just had bad WiFi? lol idk)
But I’ve edited my post. I think in my head I meant reportable but said banable. Im not trying to spread misinformation! My apologies! 🙇♀️2 -
Highly doubt anything like going next would result in a permanent ban. Was mostly thinking 24-72 hrs worst case scenario. Even then that would entail that you'd get many in game reports from the remaining players. Most people probably don't care and just hit continue and move on.
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Not currently bannable. If your friend is trying to go next so much that the question of "is it bannable" is coming up they might not like playing DBD, they could just be playing it because you like it and they want to play a game with you. You could work on finding out what exactly is frustrating them and working on a solution so they don't try to go next, but the reason they might not want to play it out because they just don't want to play DBD.
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I feel the only way it could possibly happen would be the same way straight up AFKing can be bannable: if it's done to such an extent and so consistently that it looks like some sort of practically automated shard farming or something like it.
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it really sucks sometimes, and I think wanting to give up in this game is a feeling everyone feels at some point, but sometimes if you stick it out something amazing happens and the match will surprise you. I always look at it as just trying to be the teammate I can be and have fun,if I do my best I can’t say I didn’t try. If they genuinely don’t enjoy it though try playing something else together like someone else said. They’re totally right. This game isn’t going anywhere. It will still be here when you want to play. Tell your friend to be kind to their self, it’s important.
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I have in fact reported people for it, and gotten the "someone you reported was actioned against" thing. So i would assume they do action on it.
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I once had a teammate who let themselves go on 1st hook with 2 gens left, me with no hook states, and the other two with one hook state each. I was baffled. This “go next” mentality is getting out of hand.
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Probably not but honestly I feel like it should be
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Personally I'm reporting anyone who kills themselves on hook. Trying to kobe 3 times and then missing 2 extremely easy to hit skill checks is proof enough to say they're ragequitting.
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Or as we like to say ' Going Next' haha 😏
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The Game Rules in the forums only mention disconnects and say that you should not report them because the automatic system handles disconnects. So I don't think killing yourself on hook is reportable or bannable.
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Habitually going next absolutely should be bannable, but it isn't and as the game is currently configured I'm not sure how it could be.
That said, it is a shameful thing to do, and your friend should appeal to whatever power they prefer for forgiveness.
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Not necessarily. It could also be the case that these players were reported for different things and got banned because of this and you got the notification since you also reported them. The system just sends you a message when action was taken but not for which reason.
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I’m of the same mind as @SunaIIanu on this.
However your friend may be putting themselves into a “trouble maker” queue (if one exists) if they are doing this behavior repeatedly.
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But even in a rage quit aka dc we still can’t report it because of the dc penalty right?
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No it's not bannable and any enforcement to try and make it bannable would ruin the games playerbase. Also trying to report someone for DCing is null and void, they already get a DC penalty, at that point you should probably go touch some grass before reporting someone who already is getting a penalty.
Do you know who doesn't "go next" though? Survs in SWF, it's exclusively a SoloQ problem so how about advocating for balance changes to address why the majority of SoloQ games have people "going next" or just outright DCing instead of, checks notes, more people trying to penalize players for not playing in a SWF.
Otherwise, I hope everyone is conformable playing with bots because that's what it's going to happen if the game continues to get balanced around SWF.
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Ive seen plenty of Swf go next lol. Granted it's far less common but does happen.
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Tell them to stop playing.
Yep, typically when the killer isn't falling for their tricks.