Legacy cosmetics as a P100 reward

Behavior has been removing exclusivity from most cosmetics. First the event crowns, then the event masks, and now the event charms and Rift cosmetics/charms. Since Behavior has been removing exclusivity from dbd, I think it's about time they turn the prestige portraits and legacy cosmetics into P100 rewards. The portraits and Legacy cosmetics are some of the only exclusive cosmetics left, and yet they haven't been touched. If they turned the legacy cosmetics into rewards for P100 a character, then they'd be able to add more legacy cosmetics as well as make P100 a character special.
That's just my thoughts, since they've pretty much removed exclusivity.
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They are never going to rerelease Legacy.
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Never say never
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The devs have literally said they are never coming back
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You both underestimate the power of a dollar that was torn slightly, soaked in the lagoon, and kissed with coral blue #2 semigloss lipstick. The only thing holding the idea back is that legendary cosmetics would need to be created for the new original characters. BHVR invested time, effort, and money into making those cosmetics — and it costs BHVR money because it takes storage space. It makes no sense to me why players should feel entitled to have limited time cosmetics for years and years and years and years. Anyone who rightfully earned them probably feels scared to use them out of fear of being falsely accused of cheating.
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Not legacy but something else. I mean even if its just a banner or a badge. Just give something.
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Nah man. Legacy
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Exactly. What reason is there not to do it, that can't be applied to everything else that was exclusive.
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There's no point asking for something you have no chance of getting.
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I wouldn't even want legacy as a P100 reward, but something new. And it's not just the exclusivity, it's that legacy has a specific meaning. I don't have any as I haven't been around that long, but I don't want them, either.
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I don't think it even makes sense, like, logically to rerelease them for money.
Legacy is one pattern applied to each character at the time, I doubt it took too much effort to make. I don't think you understand how storage space works either, Legacy is probably only a few megabytes at most across all characters.
The only real value Legacy has is the exclusivity. It's actually kind of ugly overall imo, especially after all the changes made to the pattern itself. If you rerelease it for money, then it loses its main draw. It'd become just another default reskin. If you rerelease it as a P100 reward, BHVR make no money either, and it'd just upset a bunch of veteran players anyway.
The reputation hit wouldn't be worth it, especially considering that the only thing giving Legacy any sort of status is the fact that it's, well, legacy.
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It's the same as the crowns, but they did it anyways.
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Hell nah. Exclusivity makes cosmetics special.
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Did you even read the discussion?
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Same thing could be applied to the event stuff.
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I didn't need to. The current legacy skins would lose their "value" or "wow" effect from them being so rare if you'd just be able to get them by reaching P100. New skins, that's a different story.
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I get where you're coming from. It probably feels unfair to a lot of players that had Crowns, which solely represented playing during the Anniversaries, had their exclusive memento given to everyone while Legacy cosmetics get to stay exclusive. Crowns since lost pretty much all of their meaning and now they just exist as an ugly cosmetic that everyone has and nobody uses.
But I still think giving out Crowns was a massive blunder by Behaviour, and if Legacy was given out like this, it would just become another cosmetic nobody (besides Freddy players) uses.
P100 should have some kind of reward, but not Legacy imo.
Red portraits are just client-side flair, I don't really care what happens with those. I'd prefer a banner or icon as a P100 reward though.
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I don't think you understand how storage space works either
LOL. If you really believe that, it's not my position or duty to change your mind. All I will do in response is smile and look at all the IT certifications I have hanging on my wall. I have reduced AWS costs for my organization IRL. Over time, even small costs add up. There is not much difference between a collection of logs I am legally required to maintain and an outfit in a video game.
As BHVR is learning right now with the community, it is important to think long term and to examine what ghosts are in the closet.
The only real value Legacy has is the exclusivity. … The reputation hit wouldn't be worth it, especially considering that the only thing giving Legacy any sort of status is the fact that it's, well, legacy.
I mean this with a lot of respect, but … what value? These cosmetics are largely unused and are relatively unknown. If you showed a sample Legacy outfit to a group of players, how many would actually know what it means and appreciate it? There is a difference between people who would be upset by the change … and people who are upset by the change on behalf of other people.
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My P100s are all licensed characters so bhvr can't even make them a legacy skin.
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The same could be applied to the event stuff, as legacy was just another event thing.
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I have never played in a game where a legacy skin player wasn't a blatant hacker. If anything, they're a red flag. I lobby dodge them every time now although they're rare to see.
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That's probably the case. Actual legacy skin players on the forums, have wanted them to come back.
And this. Nowadays, legacy skin players are mostly cheaters/players that bought a cheated account.
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I think this is a good idea.
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it would be cool but players would realize that the legacy skins are kinda equip to lose, if you’re not a really confident player and like to be in the shadows and not take agro a lot then I don’t think you will like the legacy cosmetics. I can’t count how many times I played with or against someone with legacy and they end up either getting chased majority of the match and dying or being an absolute god. The cosmetic basically makes you a walking disco ball since the bright yellow speckles all over your character is so bright that they can be seen across the map and almost no chances of hiding behind something that isn’t a huge rock or wall. I wish they would take the legacy model and make the speckles blue for survivors and red for killers, that would be the best of both worlds. Legacy players get to keep their exclusivity and p100 players can get rewarded for their dedication.
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Maybe he does. Maybe he does.
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I don’t want legacy to come back. The sole reason why it’s never coming back is it’s a nod to players who grinded dbd. Do you know how hard it was to prestige 1 survivor?
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At first I wasnt really into the banner and badges. But some of them actually look really good. I'm still waiting for Entity petals from the most recent cosmetic contest.
Can someone please tell me when all the contest stuff is coming to the live version of the game?
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No. You can never have them and that's why you want them so much. Even those with Legacy don't have it for every character that was available. It was and still is a reward for those that played the game extensively and made it successful when at the time no other game existed like it.
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Devs have said legacy is never coming back and, me personally, i’d prefer a reward at p100 to not look like i’m covered in cheeto dust
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Anyone who wants Legacy to return misses the whole point of its existence. This is a very tired debate that the devs have made their stance firmly clear on years ago.
Getting a character to P100 because there's a reward for it is against the point of Legacy.
People played the game and participated in the (massive grind) because they enjoyed the game in its infancy and wanted it to succeed. No one did it for the sake of a cosmetic award, because no such thing existed.
Legacy was a gift to early players who supported the game without any obligation, however cosmetic, to have done so.
And no, the anniversary crowns, and any other event cosmetics given out since, are not comparable. It took 0 effort to get them, and you knew from the start that they were (initially) a time gated reward so you had incentive to grind for them, unlike Legacy.
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Nailed it on the head. Legacy shouldn't come back. Being rewarded for being P100? I don't think that's too much to ask. But it shouldn't be legacy.
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I don't think that's necessary. Maybe a character badge for your P100 choice/s would be good though.
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Actually it's coral blue number… (BONK)
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Nah because you'd need to make new legacy for almost 80 characters at this point, I just don't think it's worth it at this point. The original legacy should stay exclusive because it's a relic or the original grind system, like how the legacy portraits are relics of the last grind system. It's different from just "earn reward in event in 2 seconds and it never comes back" into "oops it came back." There's actual blood, sweat, and tears that went into them.
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Only if the author had to pump the old bloodweb at the old prices up to 100 prestige. I almost died to get myself a regular club on Wraith. I could have taken it on Meg, but the price of resetting level 50 was not worth the expense.
What they did with Hillbilly was enough for me. This is the only character I put a halo and another rare item on.
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I've changed my stance on Legacy. I used to be vehemently in the "keep it exclusive" camp but I don't see the point in that nowadays considering they've removed the exclusivity from pretty much every other formerly exclusive cosmetic. Old event cosmetics, old competition cosmetics, old code cosmetics, old charms, old Rift cosmetics, old Prime cosmetics.
Heck, they said they were going to do some exclusive Prestige rewards when they reworked Prestige not so long ago for those who had PIII characters in the old system, and it turned out to be a recoloured character portrait that no one else can even see lol. It's pretty clear they've made an effort over the years to try and reduce the amount of FOMO and exclusivity in the game so I don't see why they continue to die on the hill of keeping Legacy exclusive.
And then there's the fact that a good chunk of players who legitemately had Legacy back in the day lost it due to the progress reset bug, and were never given it back. Also, the last two times I saw players with Legacy it was obviously cheated in, so idk. As far as I'm concerned, Legacy lost its value long ago.
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The current legacy skins would lose their "value" or "wow" effect
The only value they provide is letting me know I should dodge someone because they're almost certainly a cheater lol.
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The one thing that I think would be cool is a character p100 charm you could equip on your character if you choose to... like an Iridescent character model or something.
Since we have removed the character levels from lobby (one of the really solid changes of the last year IMO), the players who do want to p100 a character and display it proudly in the lobby have a way to do so, that is also small and relatively innocuous.
Entirely optional, and pretty much harmless to the community as a whole.
A banner for the p100 character would also be nice. Seems a cool yet small and reasonable reward for dedicating to a character.
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It's not that simple.
For one, as others have stated already, the devs told us that legacy cosmetics (yellow glow) are not coming back.
However, let's play with your idea a bit. Releasing legacy as a P100 reward would mean, that every character would need a legacy skin to make it fair. This is more complicated than it seems regarding how strikt some license holders are (nightmare on elm street).
I think introducing a character specific badge or banner as a P100 reward would be cool enough.
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Well they wanted to do P100 rewards. A red and or blue version of original legacy would be cool.
It wont be long and then it is the anniversary.. Im sure this year they will announce and bring out the P100 rewards
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Bro I played since 2019
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radiantHero23, I wasn't talking about licensed characters and the only people that have legacy now are cheaters with hacked accounts.
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Weird. Complain about no exclusivity and then ask for an exclusive that is in place to be released. Weird. LOL!
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I'm talking about the 2016 web. Believe me, it was a real nightmare for me. To knock out all the legacy, you would literally have to play DBD 24/7. Grinding without cakes, blood moons and other blood point buffs, when even offerings in one category were not 100 percent. If you are ready to go the same way as people in 2016, then yes, you can take legacy. If your answer is no. Please leave people with what little is left in their inventory.
Unfortunately, I do not have the 2019 web, but I will present you with the 2020 web.
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I'd be ready to go the same way. That's why it'd be a P100 reward. The very maximum of grinding.
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Did you read the post at all? If we're doing away with exclusivity, might as make Legacy a reward for P100 a non licensed character.
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Did you earn legacy?
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Did you earn legacy? No you didn't considering there was no streamers or even cakes to help you prestige. You can't always get what you want.
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Except the people with legacy are mostly cheaters/cheated accounts.