Legacy cosmetics as a P100 reward
Did you earn legacy?
Most of the people wearing legacy these days didn't earn it either. It's one of the biggest red flags of a cheater lol
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SO your solution for a problem, is the same problem? Derp.
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How exactly would it be exclusive?
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If you weren't playing the game when they were available, why should you deserve to have the skins now? Like someone else in the thread said, you can not always have what you want. They already ruined some old event cosmetics some years back by making them available to everyone.
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The first statement could be made about the event cosmetics, and getting to P100 would be the equivalent to the old grind.
There's also this discussion that points out the blatant hypocrisy with the reasoning behind the arguments against bringing legacy back:
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And that's not talking about how people that do have them are cheaters/players with cheated accounts.
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Let me use one of your statements against you. Just because you want it to stay exclusive, doesn't mean you get what you want.
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Except it doesn't work this way, since the devs have already stated they want to keep legacy skins exclusive (not literally, just that they won't bring them back) and have no intention of bringing them back. And you/some other people want them to change their minds. Also yes, I know about the fact how they made some old event cosmetics meaningless by giving them to everyone, I mentioned this. Doesn't mean they will ruin legacy skins as well.
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At this point it talking to a brick wall.
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That goes both ways
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Ruin them for who? Cheaters/cheated accounts?