2v8 Rpd Unreachable Survivor only spot!?

So was playing a 2v8 and apparently Survivors have found a way to get on the statue in the middle of rpd either this map needs a Killswitch or can someone explain how to reach it?
You can reach it by going to one of the balconies and going from there onto the staircase.
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e: never mind
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I can't speak for other killers, but a legion during a frenzy can get there
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depends on the vault spawn, if the vault is next to the stairs, you can't get there as killer (unless you are playing Legion or Wesker maybe?
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If the survivor is able to get up there then there is path available.
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Only legion in that case since Wesker doesn't keep velocity after vaulting, he stands in the air like a Looney Toons character and then falls lol
Also victor can get there
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Nope I've seen a wesker do it as well. So both survivors and killers are doing this.
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It is reachable for both sides. If there is a vault at the spot, where you have to jump on the railing, it is only reachable by certain killers and if the vault isn’t there killers and survivors can get there very easily.
I used this trick a lot of times in my matches and I even showed killers how to get there, but many refused or were too dumb to go there.
I hope they keep the spot and add more of them. Invisible walls are extremely frustrating and shouldn’t exist for killers. They are only required for survivors at places, that aren’t reachable for the killer.