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Do you care about Bloodpoint incentives?

I already have my P100 Vittorio and I have P1’d every character in the game. I personally do not care about Bloodpoint incentives and do not respond to them. I plan to pick 2v8 back up when they remove the bots.

With that said, the world does not revolve around me. Does Bloodpoint incentives make a difference to you?

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  • Member Posts: 137

    Tbh, i never get enough bps

    I p100 Daddy Carlos and won't be doing it on any other surv or killer cuz it's boring and useless

    I try to reach p6 for characters who look hot in their vanilla skin (Vittorio, Renato, Trevor) even though I bought some of their skins (shirtless Vittorio and Renato forever)

    I use bps to p3 everyone and to refill addons on killers I use the most

  • Member Posts: 869
    edited February 14

    Well only cause am a simp for cute boys or hot guys am working in my third p 100 which is Trevor, Leon and Yoichi is p100. I would had Trevor 100 ages ago but since survivor is just a chore to play unless i get my 4 man which is very rare its meh.

    Like I barely feel to play yet alone even stream dbd anymore compared to other games. Honestly was deciding once I p 100 Trevor its a wrap for dbd for me unless some significant changes happen on survivor.

    But in short yes op it matters to me only in that regard since I have all survivors and killers perk else It wouldn't and this is evident by me not caring to hit iri 1 no more.

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    They don't make a huge difference. During normal periods they just indicate which side has the quicker queues and I play that one.

    Still, I like leveling the characters even if it means nothing, so there is a little benefit.

    3x XP though does help as there are lots of things I can use shards for.

  • Member Posts: 128


    I'll more often than not pick which ever side has the incentive. I'm only at P75 for my survivor main and and after that I want to get another survivor to P100. Every other survivor and killer I would like to be P10. I'm still bitter to this day I didn't get everyone to P3 before the prestige changes a few years back.

  • Member Posts: 343

    A little bit but as @crogers271 said, the xp boost is better because iri shards

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    honestly survivor bloodpoint gains are still terrible even with the incentives considering the gains have been bad since the launch I don’t think they’ll ever improve it

  • Member Posts: 892
    edited February 14

    No. I do not. They've been giving away BP like crazy and if P100 means absolutely nothing to you like it does to me than you'll have so many BP that you won't even know what to do with em. I've been sitting at around 30M BP since Houndmaster flopped... I get characters to P9 and stop. When the rewards cease to be earned, I cease my spending. If more and more people followed suit, BHVR would have to add more Bloodweb progression rewards that we desperately need, but they have so many people mindlessly spending BP just for a # to go higher and higher. Without any reward past P9, I see no reason to do it.

    Bloodwebs are a chore and huge waste of time. I'd rather be playing the game and not clicking some mobile type menu. Never will be worth it imo unless they make serious changes to the way the Bloodweb works. DBD Mobile did it best. You could just pick out what you wanted to get instead of acquiring all these worthless addons/items that you'll never use, but that's a whole other issue. I'll just keep stacking BP and when the new characters come out each Chapter, I'll P9 them day 1. Rinse and repeat.

    Post edited by biggybiggybiggens on
  • Member Posts: 431

    It's better playing the side that doesn't have the incentive.

  • Member Posts: 163

    Absolutly, i have P100'ed my Alien and Pyramid Head, but i want Nemesis and Dracula too to complete my 4 mains.

    That said, i just don't want to play survivor. I played a lot of survivor last year and had a miserable experience, now i play either killer or another game. They can put 300 or 400% BP bonus, im not Blight streaking anytime soon.

  • Member Posts: 3,161

    For sure. I mean, I play both sides and and working on my fifth P100 surv, and play enough different killers that BP is always a need to keep them stocked with items and add-ons. Plus even if you only play surv and have on P100, you can never have enough rare items.

    And I am holding out hope that one day we'll get cool rewards for our P100 characters, so I'm gonna keep on that as well.

  • Member Posts: 892

    I hope so too. The day we get confirmation of that, I'll join the P100 club. I just see no point in it until that point.

  • Member Posts: 80

    No, I have a P100 Survivor and the Killers I play are P25+ at least. My BP reach the cap often because it’s so time consuming and boring to spend them

  • Member Posts: 3,161

    Spending them isn't the chore it used to be, since you can do it in the lobby and pretty much anytime you're waiting for anything.

    I think there's still a point, since once you hit P100 you get a pretty steady stream of rare and ultra rare items on the web for that character. It'll be a lot more incentivizing once we get p100 rewards, though.

  • Member Posts: 892

    Sure spending them is better than it use to be, but it use to be unbearable. Now its just tedious.

  • Member Posts: 3,161

    True. They should just do away with the BP cap, tbh. There's no point to it.

  • Member Posts: 892

    I really want them to put the Blood Market in from DBD mobile.. You can just pick what you want that way.. It was so nice in comparison to the Bloodweb..

  • Member Posts: 288

    I take everything I get my hands on for free. BPs, rift fragments or XP, don't matter.

  • Member Posts: 1,044

    Not really. I’d much rather have free shards than free BP

  • Member Posts: 190

    Not really, I don´t care about P100 characters, I have my few favorite characters and on them I have all perks , that´s enough for me.

    Ofc, I won´t say "no" to more BP in normal mode if we have "blood rush" or something like that but it´s nothing what would encourage me to play survivor in 2v8 (as example) , they would have to give my shards for that.

  • Member Posts: 66

    I used to have every character P3 so that I'd felt the game was "complete." But since there was no progression bonus or backpay for veteran players I now have only 21/83 P100. I am at a constant uphill battle against new content and regaining lost prestiges that I will always slave away to whatever role has the biggest incentive until I eventually catch up or the game shuts down.

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    I've been saying for a time they need to add to the incentive, like putting in double/triple XP on top of the BP incentive for it to really do anything. They're doing the XP bonus right now but they're not using it as an incentive for a role to help queues since it's being applied to all players instead of just the side that needs players.

  • Member Posts: 810

    The BP bonus is fine, I guess?

    I care much more if they'd stop forcing bots down my throat. Last game I had one heal me to 95%, stop due to the terror radius, then body block me from having any chance of escape. Extra BP doesn't make being forced to play with bots any less infuriating.

    But more importantly, extra BP and even shards don't address the actual issue that 2v8 survivor just isn't all that different or fun. There's very little I can do as survivor in 2v8 that I can't do in 1v4, but there's A LOT that I can do as a 1v4 survivor that I just can't do in 2v8. They need to make the 2v8 survivor experience have something major that survivors can only do in 2v8.

  • Member Posts: 2,686

    I care about them very much.

  • Member Posts: 3,256

    Nope never did

  • Member Posts: 102

    No I dont care about the incentives. I care about fun and as survivor in 1v4 its not fun at all, its a little better in 2v8. Most fun is killer in 2v8 which explains the queues..

  • Member Posts: 4,186

    Yes, because killer addons are still expensive, and there are a lot of killers in this game.

    And I still like to bring stuff to my survivor games. I don't need syringes or boosted Alex toolboxes in every game, but even the basic stuff still helps. The worst toolbox can still sabotage a hook, the worst flashlight can still flashlight save, and the worst medkit still gives a full self-heal.

  • Member Posts: 128

    What do you mean? They did do a progressions bonus. Maybe I just misunderstand what you mean.

  • Member Posts: 66

    The prestige skip functionally reset all of my characters. The old perk grind was approximately 14m per character. There was no difference whether or not you had all perks unlocked (I did.) There was no difference whether you hit P3 lvl 1 or P3 lvl 50. There was no difference whether your inventory was empty or had thousands of remaining consumables (My Quentin alone had about 20k consumables.)

    Since the prestige skip did not take account any of my perks, nor my consumables, I took minimum 5 prestiges wasted, with some characters losing 200m. This means that I have approximately 1b bp that's just lost to time.

    While I recognize that I am a minority in the community, I am a Devotion 88 player and when P100 dropped I was incredibly hurt that nothing was taken into account. Players that played the anniversary of the same year could of potentially had the exact same amount of progress that I had after 6 years. Especially since the P100 reward is simply a number on a crest, it's very disappointing how stingey the prestige skips were. Mileage of disappointment will vary, but there is no doubt that regardless of hours the P100 rework ended up as a loss of progress for 100% of players

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I don't care about prestige or bloodpoints. I only need them for items/killer add-ons, and I get as many as I need by playing normally.

    Extra XP, though, is my love language.

  • Member Posts: 119

    I don't really care about the BP incentive. I will not wait in 20-30 minute queue times to play killer so I will play survivor. If the games are terrible (which they usually are in solo q) then I will go play a different game completely.

  • Member Posts: 206


    Nah, but shards.

    Mmh, shards, I love shards, yum yum shards, give me shards.

  • Member Posts: 506

    I have 2 p100s, and currently working on simon belmont and dracula at 74 each. So the bp incentives are making me play more to finnish off those 2

  • Member Posts: 564

    I very much do enjoy Bloodpoint incentives, the higher the better.

    There is always something to spend points on. Recently I completed my goal of getting all licensed characters that weren't P6 yet to P6. Now I will focus on my co-mains a bit again. I am in no particular hurry to get another P100, but with so many characters in the game there's always a use for Bloodpoints.

  • Member Posts: 128

    I understand what you are saying now. I thought you were saying nothing happened at all. I was not a huge fan of the change. It screwed me over too.

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