Blight, Blight, Blight, Blight

Is anyone else going against blight every other game? I swear I’ve been playing 1v4 survivor all day and I see blight damn near every other game. I see blight more than huntress, wesker and even the new reworked Freddy. Is it because my mmr is “high” or is everyone trying to master blight currently?
Think about a positive thing. This means no match against Wraith, Huntress or Oni. So be happy its a Blight and not one of this insufferable killers.
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speak for yourself on the oni part, I love a good oni but I agree with you on huntress and wraith. Speaking of, I literally went against a iri head and wooden fox huntress that sent us to rpd and camped the main hook for the entire game from the top of the staircase.
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Nope, it's Legion, Legion, Legion, Blight, with Legion, everyone and their grandma's are playing Legion.
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Yeah it reaches a certain time then it becomes blight o clock
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I wish, haven't gone against one in a month. At least that killer requires mastery of the power so a good Blight is rare.
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I don’t play blight to much but he is pretty easy killer to get into that offers a lot of skill expression. He also doesn’t need to run a bunch of slowdown to win. If they buffed weak killers like nemesis, myers, etc there wouldn’t be so much blight. Killers like demogorgon are “balanced” but not really and there’s a reason why survivor like him. Easy to outplay + mostly bad addons. Maybe 2025 will give life to some killers
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Yeah he's pretty popular. I see him alot too nowadays.
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you literally can only play him one way, there is no skill experession you just bounce off what terrain lets you then lunge, its not like you can do anything unique anymore like hug tech etc LOL
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I don't understand why the exposed effect applies to Blight's rush attack. They changed Nurse's M2 because it was OP for her to have exposed effects and wall hacks, yet somehow it's okay when Blight does it.
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Make him 4.4 m/s (110%) and I am telling you half the playerbase will drop him like they always do with meta killer until it gets somewhat nerfed (while still being good).
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Arguably the removal of the hug tech made skill expression even more evident because you don’t have to rely on a bug “tech” to do good. It’s not like weskers hug tech where you have to practice it. Blights was so stupid easy
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I don't think this will solve much. All of the sweats will still play him. The only way Blight is ever significantly nerfed or made less appealing to play is if they finally do something with his basekit. I do think he needs to be nerfed in some way if only to encourage more killer diversity. A lot of people have suggested that people play him because other killers are too weak. We've tried buffing other killers and it hasn't stopped people from playing Blight. People play Blight because he's OP. Not because other killers are too weak.
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Besides the fact that he's normally super popular he's got a challenge in the latest tome and recently had a free-to-play trial, so that's probably why.
Agree that it's pretty stale though, feels like nearly all of my games recently have been against him, the RE killers, and 2024 releases.
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blights rush attack counts as an m2. Exposed is only when you m1 but killers like spirit, deathslinger and hag technically use them after using their power since it doesn’t damage survivors when using it.
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I don’t think that would be enough. They would need to nerf his speed for people to drop him like they did with Billy. Billy used to be in every other match until they gave him a reasonable nerf and then half the Billy players dropped him since it wasn’t free wins with overdrive the whole match anymore. Same with chucky.
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Blight is meta, extremely strong killer, but easier and much more consistent compared to Nurse. Spirit was the same, back when Spirit had collision when she was shifting. Almost everyone played Spirit.
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What do you mean his rush attaacks count as special. He should not be able to insta down you with them unless there is a bug?
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Honestly I guess he needs slight nerf but not too much. Other killers need a passive buff by you know behaviour finally adding extra things for survivors to do so they stopd doing all gens fast and so on so all killers can be fun, but we are not in a perfect world. Even if you nerf the strong killers there will always be strong killers they will shift from Blight to either Nurse or Spirit or whatever else is better. Huntress is the same deal she is still the best and got buffed for no reason but nobody complains about her though which is hilarious.
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I dont know, it's point A to point B to me like Nurse is with teleporting ontop of someone, it's not like Unknown getting tricky shots off or something after teleporting, like there is only one way to play blight.
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In 1v4?
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You must be high MMR. I've gone against Blight once in like the last month.
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I think they need to slightly nerf his speed while rushing. The fact he has a low cooldown, multiple second chances to correct his mistakes and very fast movement speed is what makes him feel so oppressive. Or at the very least rework blighted rat and crow and remove the rush speed from iri blight tag because his fast speed on top of addons that increase that already fast speed is just overkill.
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I read the title of this and thought Blight was like a Pokémon, only communicating by saying his name repeatedly.
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No stop nerfing good killers and buff others and change game mechanics to the point high mobility basically isnt required to give significant pressure to stand a chance of winning against good survivors. Devs are allergic to nerfing survivor where it needs to be done though, especially in gen progression, because most survivors are bad at the game.
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sorry but bruh survivor is so nerfed now only the swf squads can actually play and win as survivors. Solo que is just miserable unless you think devs have to balance the entire game around competitive survivor friends teams that just want to ruin the fun of the game. I mean I just decided to play a game after 1 week of rest and it is still stupidly unbalanced how solo que always loses. We got 2 foolish teammates who killed themselves we did everything right but nah they all wanted to make dumb decisions and we died everyone used good perks only I used just stealthy perks and that is it and we played against Deathslinger the guy who is notorious for being slow and super precise so tell me what is the point of nerfing survivor all they gotta do is add more objectives to the game so the survivors don't always run for a generator and that is it. If you nerf survivor even more we will need 100 thousand percent bloodpoints incentive instead of 400% XD
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This is what people mean when you can't make anyone happy. Here is someone who is complaining about Oni, of all killers.
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I'd pay behaviour to never put me in another blight lobby
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That's high MMR for you. I just wish they'd tone his addons down some more. With such a strong base power it's lame that he still has such a decent set of addons and addon combinations. If they nerfed him too much you'd begin to see Nurse every lobby but we could tone her down too, like player aura reading blindness when charging/using power, change her mangled and lunge range addons, etc.
Truth is there just aren't that many viable killers once you reach top MMR, but Blight is strong enough to keep up, and fun to play. Also I think since casuals are probably playing 2v8, the 1v4 matches are even more sweaty than usual.
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It could be worse: Nurse, Nurse, Nurse, Nurse.
I enjoy vs. Blight for the most part. The only Blights I do not have fun against are the PC curving Blights that land hits on what seems to be 98% of their swings. It’s very oppressive and not a fun experience.
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It's fun to use, and it's one of the few killers that can handle SWFs that are working together via voice chat and strategically bringing in perks and items.
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He has a lot going on and I'm sick of people acting like there isn't, there's different styles to bump logic, there's back bump techs (using the backwards momentum from bumping to easily fit into a doorway or narrow area and save an extra rush, very useful for shack), he has addons that drastically change how you play him, and for an m2 killer he has a lot of valid perk options that most m2s wouldn't bother with. Go find 2 top Blight players and see how differently they play, it'll be black and white, even if they're around the same skill level1 -
Funny you should say, my 1 and only regular 1V4 Survivor game was against a Blight. I don't typically see a lot of Blights and I very much doubt I'm "high MMR" with a 35% Survival rate. There might be a lot more newer Blight players with the recent free trial, though. I also played a Billy game against a team with a zero perk Jake and I'm pretty sure it was his first ever game.
This is why I never touch 1V4 if an event is on because match making goes right down the tubes.
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Another solution would be playing killer and selecting another from the roster yourself.
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Not me, he got so rare ever since his hug tech was gone, I must be beyond lucky.
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No no no
With post like this you need to throw in other top tier killers to get the rage going.
Throw in a couple Nurse, Spirit, and Masterminds.
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Well I'm glad you enjoy bouncing slightly differently so much.