📩 Voting is now underway for 2v8

How will you be casting your vote?
Edit: The survey is in your in-game inbox when you launch the game.
Heck yeah. I've been burnt out and had taken a break from dbd , I got tired of having to spite the mass sluggers but 2v8 has brought me back with full gusto.
Both my killer and survivor games have been a blast, and all the twitchies are out in full force. All this with 3x xp? Life is good, man.
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Could you please provide the link for this survey? 😁
Also for answering your question… it's a big YES for me.3 -
The request could not be satisfied.
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Too bad the survey stipulates that if 2v8 is extended, the XP boost will be turned off.
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Yes please <3 extend a little bit.
I just sent in my survey! Heck yes! Queue times are still fast in 1v4 so I don't see the impact, but I am on the East Coast. Queue times for killer 2v8 seem to avg around 11 minutes for me but a little longer if I queue by myself for some reason. Seems faster when I add a friend.
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Oh I'm sorry. Just launch your game and it will be in your messages inbox!
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I voted for no: 2v8 is fun but not in long term. I rather wanna play killer with different builds but during 2v8, playing killer feels impossible as it takes so long to find a lobby and then you get "go next"-survivors. It's just depressing. I cannot play killer in 2v8 since I don't wanna wait 15minutes for a match. Playing survivor in this mode also gets boring since there is not much variety for them and the missing of pips is also kinda sad.
It would also be better to not extend the 2v8 but bring it back in three weeks instead of extending it now.
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Thanks 😁
Actually I already voted and now I can't send the link to other friends to vote because I can only copy the one that is for the already voted (You've already taken this survey).
That's why I've asked the link.😋0 -
It's a no from me, I have only played the event for the tome challenges. No more tome challenges, no reason for me to play the event
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I'm going for yes, purely because I'm getting so many older tome challenges I've been avoiding done. Pop 20 gens? Much easier in this mode lol
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did the devs even need to ask…OF COURSE!!!! 2v8 goated
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This is the exact reason I gave when I did the survey!
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RIGHT! Very nice!
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I voted no. Killer queues are too long. Survivor is boring with the XP bonus being the only thing making it worth playing and they’re taking that away if they extend it.
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instantly voted no lol
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I voted yes, because i love the 400% BP bonus.
Que times in 1v4 mode are good.
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It's not the queue times that is the problem in 1v4, it's the complete mismatches that get thrown up when events and modifier modes are active. Most of the matches seem to be 1 sided stomps and aren't enjoyable either way, and probably not for either side involved.
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I voted for yes, simply because there was no mention that the 400% BP-Bonus will be removed. If it will be removed, I would have voted "No" but even if they remove it without mentioning it before, I will not play the mode anyway.
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No no and trice no.
Haven't played it at all.
The wait times are ridiculous especially for killer.
Put it on last night just to see.
Managed to shave and then look my clothes out for work and still hadn't found a match.
Changed to a game I could actually play.
Get rid of it.
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I voted yes, assuming they keep the 400% bp for Survivors. Plus it feels much less punishing than 1v4, even when we lose, and it has mechanics that alleviate the "go-next" epidemic. I don't know why they don't just import and tweak some of these mechanics for 1v4 rather than the go-next prevention system they're planning according to the QoL initiative roadmap…
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I voted yes, since new content got pushed back but I wish I'd voted no.
2V8 games are a lot more sweatier today than on previous days.
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When solo it needs to find someone that hasn't readied up as same killer, from previous iterations depending on how popular the killer is you chose it will change your wait time. When you queue up with friend it doesn't need to do that search, just toss you both in a lobby with survivors.
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I cannot vote. For some reason the page is “un-clickable” for me. I would be voting “no.” The hit boxes are absolutely atrocious
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I voted no. Survivor gets old super fast in this mode especially with legion being in it now. The only way I want it extended is if they keep the 400 percent BP bonus for survivor so in BOTH modes it’s worth it. That’s way I can keep working to prestige my next survivor. 2v8 killer is super fun but queues take too long and I have zero interest in playing 2v8 as survivor. I’ll just go back to 1v4 for that side.
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I don't want it to be extended but still voted yes because it's a limited time game mode and there's people who want it. I can still queue for 1v4 while the event is ongoing.
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I vote for extension, Im having lot of fun on both sides. But for next mode I hope I can get some flashlights. I have found finding one is almost imposible even I search every chest... And would be nice if prestiges were shown in end screen.
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Yes! The “survive the trial and let others go out the exit gates while alive” I was able to get it done in one trial my 3rd or 4th match, as opposed to it taking 3 or 4 days and 20 matches each lol.
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An extension? No lol and dont bring it back either ever.
Post edited by buggybug on-1 -
Do they really need a Survey to see if people want 2v8 extended?.. -_0
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Im not in 2v8 so I voted no. Add me then we'll talk 😏
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I voted yes, if they keep the 400% BP bonus.
Instant survivor queue times, at 400% BP bonus, is a lot of BPs, even if the survivors lose the game.
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I am not elaborating further
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Where are the results?!
I'm pretty anxious here.😂
EDIT: Just opened the game and there it was.1 -
I voted no. 2v8 is fun...for the first few days afterwards it's dull. Difference between 2v8 and normal dbd is unpredictability...at times mostly with perks. There's no real difference other then some new killers being added. I would rather just have it be killers are switched out to at least spice things up. Trapper is unplayable in this game mode so if your teamed up with him most likely gens will go flying as he has no real map pressure. Killer que times are horrendous where I could probably walk down the road to the store buy a drink and walk back. Survivor sure has no que time but not much fun there since most times it's legion with usually Wesker. Nurse is non-existent along with Wraith, Huntress, Spirit. I've had maybe one of each since the start of the event along with a few blights. Overall is 2v8 a nice set of jiggling keys so the dev might work on fixing some problems? Maybe do I want it permanent? No not at all? Would I want to see other game modes? Yes definitely. I casted my vote no because I was getting bored with 2v8 only reason I play it is because everyone else it and I would rather have a chance of playing then waiting in normal dbd for a match.