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Game health updates sounds like great stuff but one problem

Okay, i know stuff will probably be addressed with the phase 2 stuff, but with the addition of the give up option, which is linked to 4 man slugging… whats stopping a killer from hyper fixating and camping a body? Like you're forced to go to them and try picking them up so a killer gets easy snowball potential


Like I'm not saying its going to be efficient but i can very easily see this honestly increasing slug heavy playstyles due to the fact you can make the other side instantly quit, granting a win.

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  • Member Posts: 1,397

    Well, let's hope anti-slug part 2 in Life Initiative Phase 2 has a solution for that.

  • Member Posts: 2,454

    I also dont think it will stop slugging but why should it incentivize killer? If i go right now for a 4-man-slug and succeed, i also get a win.

    So where is the incentive? The only thing is that you dont need to wait for the bleedout/search the slugs. But if someone is so competitive that they go willingly for the 4-man-slug, they dont care about that. They are the ones who hold a 3-gen for half an hour, if that is the best way to win.

    But the ones who slug to be toxic/waste the time of the slugs, are getting punished with the change.

    So this may not solve slugging, but its atleast a bit better then.

  • Member Posts: 181

    Like my problem is you cant even tell a killer is camping the slugged bodies and this is an active, less committal way to win than go for hooks. If anything this incentivizes slugging as a potentially faster win condition. while I'm sure stuff needs more time to work through anti slugging i think that should be put in the game before making slugging more appealing.

  • Member Posts: 4,184

    The killer can't make anyone instantly quit, and there will still be plenty of survivors that will stay in the game the entire bleed out, just to spite the killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    What's to stop them from doing that now? I don't understand how a give up option changes this in anyway.

  • Member Posts: 297

    Slugging is the new meta for killer - no matter how you go about it.

    Hooking a survivor, assuming you actually make the hook in the first place, does nothing for the killer and actually can activate some strong perks for survivors.

    Slugging nullifies so many survivor perks and body blocks, pallet saves, flashlight saves etc that there is almost zero reason to go for 12 hooks versus 5 gens.

    Unfortunately, survivors brought this on themselves with the constant moaning about gen regression perks.

    Gen regression is almost non-existent so survivors reap what you sow.

    Until hooks actually benefit the killer slugging will continue.

  • Member Posts: 4,184
    1. Some slugged survivors purposely crawl away and hide, to spite the killer.
    2. Some survivors purposely wait at exit gates, or on top of hatches, to spite the killer.
    3. When the surrender option is added to the game, some survivors will purposely not use the option, to spite the killer.
  • Member Posts: 181

    It incentivizes it, cause it can end matches faster then hooking with less commitment thanks to the concede option.

    It gets rid of slugging everyone just to be a toxic and bleed survivors out, but now just makes it more optimized time efficiency wise

  • Member Posts: 6,152

    Very rarely have I had a killer camp my slugged body, but when I have I will crawl in the opposite direction away from my team mates. The killer usually thinks you're leading them to a survivor, so you can crawl and eventually stop near some lockers and just waste their time (they'll check the lockers too). Yeah it's easier if you're in a swf and communicating, but that's like with everything in this game lol at the very least the killer will leave or hook me once he realizes I'm just messing around. If you notice a team mate coming, you can also stop and shake yourself to communicate 'no.' That's become more commonplace recently, due to the rise in slugging a new mode of communication has been created lol

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    But I don't see how it incentivizes just standing over a body or how that is going to lead to a four person slug.

  • Member Posts: 10,352

    So what do you suggest? The problem was the killers slugging not only to win, but to leave people on the ground to be toxic and waste their time. The surrender option fixes that, but now it's seen as counterproductive. So what do we do? Just not implement it?

  • Member Posts: 4,184

    The killer doesn’t always have the option the hook the survivor. That’s the biggest problem with these anti-slugging conversations. Too many people assume that killers always 100% of the time can hook survivors.

    Survivors can purposely place themselves in situations where the killer can’t hook them, and the killer shouldn’t be punished when this happens.

  • Member Posts: 2,454
    edited February 19

    Yh i said that it only affects the toxic ones. So that changes dont incentivize more people. The toxic ones do it already.

    So if they get their kick out of the surrender instead of humping me 4 min straight, im fine with it. Bc im gone and playing the next match instead of being stuck.

  • Member Posts: 1,360
    1. There wasn't anything stopping killers from doing this before it's probably the most pointless thing a killer could do that should result in 0 kills since 3 survs can bodyblock for them after doing gens & opening gate within 4 entire minutes
    2. I really doubt this would change anything as well. People were mass slugging before except now you don't need to go make food inbetween queues because someone decided to waste your time. If one of your teammates has unbreakable, DS, or playing for wiggle they will vote no otherwise next match quicker.
  • Member Posts: 887
    edited February 19

    I'm sure that's the point. They'd rather people just go to the next game and get over those losses faster. I mean its a game and it shouldn't really matter anyway, BUT the way it is now you can make Survivors stay in the game WAY TOO LONG.. Speeding up that process will be a very welcome addition.

  • Member Posts: 576

    Precisely, just do gens. I've had a Skull Merchant camp my body and gens were flying.

    If a killer decides to camp your body, which is arguably the worst way to play with Knock Out — then they will just camp your body. They're just hoping people will wander around or hover around you to get free hits.

    If you notice a killer is babysitting you, as I like to put it (just continue to crawl until they break LOS with you) or you could just stay in one place, up to you.

    It's a boring strategy, but there's not much of a counter to Knock Out unless you're forcing them into hooking you - by that, I mean intentionally going into a locker, injured, and allowing them to grab you and place you down or hook you.

    I like to move from my spot to prevent being watched from the killer, but it's a very strong strategy against solos and hard to pull off with people who either know how to counter it or a SWF with comms.

  • Member Posts: 576

    Should just be placed on a timer, but knowing Behavior these rounds of initiatives will enable the playstyle.

    Behavior will take note of it, months later enact a nerf to Knock Out, or do a bandaid fix to fix the issue. Behavior typically seems like the developer that does these changes, collect statistics, and then issue out potential fixes to these issues.

    Kinda like how medkits and general healing was nerfed in 6.1.0 and then Sloppy Butcher was nerfed to compensate the changes. I know people hate the Sloppy Butcher changes, but that is what they typically do.

    We saw this with the Distortion changes and the Weave Attunement changes months later.

    I don't see them adding basekit Unbreakable into the game, but I could be wrong.

  • Member Posts: 3,967
    edited February 21

    I agree with your response to the OP... but if the survivor has gone down in the middle of the 3 gen to be camped by the killer, isn't that the Survivor's fault?

    Also they have 4 minutes to crawl out from the 3 gen to get picked up, and I'd argue getting hooked in the 3-gen is probably worse and easier for the killer to capitalise on...

    So what is this "problem" you describe that needs to be fixed? Shouldn't making such a massive mistake come with consequences? What makes the killer the issue in this situation?

  • Member Posts: 4,184

    I'm not expecting for survivors to do anything.

    I'm expecting the game not to punish me, when survivors purposely place themselves in situations where I'm forced to slug them. The giant double standard is when people say "slugging is a problem and needs to be fixed", they only want it fixed for survivors. And if the killer is forced to slug, they still want the killer punished for it.

    If slugging is fixed, it should be fixed for both sides of the game. Slugging is frustrating for the killer, when the survivors force them to slug.

  • Member Posts: 4,184
    edited February 21

    1. Hooks don't respawn instantly.
    2. Even when hooks respawn, if all the survivors purposely get knocked down in the same spot, they aren't all in range of separate hooks. And at least one of them will bleed out by the time you can hook 1 of them, wait for them to die, then wait for the hook to respawn, so you can hook the next survivor.
    3. We still have people burning "basement in shack" offerings with badham offerings, then purposely standing in the basement where they literally can't be hooked.
    4. We still have survivors sabotaging hooks, which forces the killer to drop the survivor, and by the time the hook respawns the survivor has moved far away enough from it, and has enough wiggle progress, that the killer literally can't hook them.
    5. We still have slugged survivors purposely crawling away to hide, so the killer can't find them.
    6. We still have games where a killer is forced to slug the 1st survivor because the 2nd survivor is trying for a pallet/flashlight/flashbang save. Then the killer is forced to slug the 2nd survivor because the 3rd survivor is trying for a pallet/flashlight/flashbang save. Then the killer is forced to slug the 3rd survivor because the 4th survivor is trying for a pallet/flashlight/flashbang save. Yes, there are games where survivors force the killer to slug over and over and over.
    7. We still have games where a killer is forced to slug a survivor that has boil over and flip flop, and by the time the killer can actually pick up the survivor, they've crawled away for a hook far enough, and has enough flip flop progress, that the killer can't get them to a hook
    8. We still have games where a killer is forced to slug a survivor that has power struggle and flip flop, and by the time the killer can actually pick up the survivor, they've crawled under a pallet, and has enough flip flop progress, that the killer can't get them to a hook
    9. When all the survivors are slugged, there is often more than one of them that has never been hooked, and it's not safe to hook them, because they might self-unhook and then pick up their teammates. As in, there's a legitimate reason to keep those survivors slugged.
    10. We still have games where 1 survivor can't be picked up, but the other 3 survivors can be hooked, but all 4 survivors purposely crawl on top of each other so the killer can't reliably pick up the 3 survivors that can be hooked.
  • Member Posts: 576
    1. Hooks respawn pretty often, I've never had this issue even with a background player Cheryl going out of her way to sabotage hooks. She did it to me and I as Legion 360ed and hooked somewhere else. Let's not kid ourselves into thinking that there is no counterplay to specific situations like this. Sure, I haven't went against a full sabo squad, but in the situation that I did, I would slug. Would I be spiteful as slug them all and bleed them all out for 4 minutes, no? When I found Cheryl at the end of the game, did I bleed her out when she adrenalined as I closed hatch? No. I just hooked her like every other killer that I go against does.
    2. Again, not an issue - if survivors get downed in the same spot. That's an easy game handed to you, they're not doing gens, sure - you could argue well now I have to slug because they're all being downed in the same spot — hooks spawn close to one another, it's not hard to walk a few feet and put them on the hook.
    3. A non-issue, slug them - I haven't seen this playstyle but sure in this situation, slug them, and punish it. Still an easy game regardless, the survivor is purposely throwing the match and an easy game yet again, regardless.
    4. If a bunch of survivors are sabotaging hooks, they're off gens, slug to your hearts content situation - it's fine. I don't have an issue with this type of slugging.
    5. If I'm slugged, I'm not coming to you. Call that spite, whatever you want to call it - if you are slugging me for four minutes and everyone bleeds out, I'm not coming to you. Even if the killer is starting to find the other survivors, hooking them, everyone dies, and I'm the last I'm still not coming to you. Actually, for a word here - I've had a Houndmaster I believe who slugged me at end game and my decision to move actually allowed me to get hatch. But regardless of the example, hatch closes, I'm still not coming to you. I don't need to give you the mori animation, I just don't care to see it when I see it a plethora amount of times over and over - I don't need to reward you by slugging me to come crawl to you.
    6. Yes, I've had situations where I needed to do that in my Onryo example especially with Ada with Flashbang/Background Player combo. I changed my playstyle as the game progressed, the next time I downed one of them - I went around to search, found Ada, hit her, picked up, and still hooked normally. I've been annoyed, sure by other survivors especially when I played Wraith and got absolutely dunked on, but at the same time I just don't see the purpose of bleeding out survivors. I've seen and been through many examples of being bled out, particularly Wraiths (dinging their bells over my body), Huntresses repeatedly throwing their axe at my body, or even Bubba just standing in the middle and revving his chainsaw. Both sides do unsavory things, that doesn't mean I'm going to overtly slug survivors out because they annoyed me too much, I just slug when needed, hook when needed (I use Pain Res and Pop a lot), so it doesn't bother me and I still get to use my perks.
    7. Sure again, I was trying to do the Xenomorph adept and I came across a Boil Over David on Crotus. When I recognized it, I slugged him, and left him there to ponder his life decisions. As he did what he did, I just focused elsewhere and still got a 3k. Sucks I didn't 4k, but a 3k is a win in my book as David was pretty much useless the whole match, lol.
    8. Again, it notifies you that Power Struggle was used. I went against two Fengs as Wraith with one of them having Power Struggle. Guess what? She power struggled, I cloaked, cut her off, and downed her again. Really not a big deal at all, but again might be more of an issue in a full blown SWF - but let's be serious, what type of SWF is rocking Power Struggle and Flip Flop? Again, in these situations I just quickly pick up or if they're annoying me with flashlighting me, I just slug until they're the last and I just down them again. If they get hatch, I don't really care (at least personally) some might, but at the end of the day I killed 3/4 and I achieved my goal, haha.
    9. See, you can say this example is petty. Let me hook everybody else, leave the last who hasn't been hooked because they can 4% off (a small chance mind you). Maybe I just don't find it fun for myself to waste my time, I just hook. They unhook themselves, congratulations. Good luck trying to unhook the two or three other unhooks, I have massive amount of downtime and they more than likely are not going to win unless like a gen or two is still up. Again, I just don't really see this as an argument - I still have massive amount of pressure as everyone more than likely is on death hook, but again I value my time and just want to go into another match.
    10. The same argument as the other one where survivors all huddle around each other causing the game to be easy - even in my Wraith example ^ I tunneled Nancy. I know ooooh tunneling Nancy - I tunneled her because she kept routinely trying to take body protection hits every time someone unhooked her. Did I slug her, no? She was easy eliminated because she kept doing what she was doing - if I was on PC, maybe she would have called me a ggez loser Wraith - but if you run in my face with Off The Record, I'm going to hit you. I even ate DS as well, she still died. Feng Min with Power Struggle? She went on the other Feng Min and I picked her up, she Power Struggled, and I downed her again. I picked her up, she died, I came back to the other Feng Min, she died, game was over.
  • Member Posts: 8,895

    If someone is slugged in a spot that makes it difficult to rescue, they can still crawl. I feel like people forget that part, lol.

  • Member Posts: 2,134
    edited February 21

    If a killer just camps a downed survivor, then the survivors win. That's completely uncontested generator progress.

    Not to mention, 2 survivors can easily get a downed survivor up. The moment the killer attacks one survivor, they judt run which gives the second survivor plenty of time to tap the downed survivor to get them up. Same concept as rescuing from hook. Naturally a downed survivor would be crawling to a strong loop, so the moment they get up, everyone is at a good defensive position against chases. Exception of course is if it's a nurse which can pretty much end any chase at will, or bubba who will always one shot rescuers so taking hits aren't an option.

  • Member Posts: 3,154
    edited February 22

    Yeah, that's not really a thing anymore. Not only do hooks respawn now, but the maps are getting smaller. Even when all survs are up, the number of conceivable scenarios where you just can't get a surv to a hook are very, very limited (pretty much only a very well coordinated SWF, and you don't balance around the exception, but the rule).

    It's been quite a long time since I last felt like I couldn't get someone to a hook. It's never been easier.

    No one is forced to slug except on rare occasion.

    And you can get people up even when the killer is babysitting them. WGLF, MFT, Buckle Up, etc. And as others and I have said in the past, if slugging becomes a true meta, it won't last long. The previously mentioned perks (and likely UB/Exponential) will become meta, people will learn how to use them well, and the slugging playstyle will crumble.

  • Member Posts: 259

    If the killer camps a slug you can do gens. 4 minutes without any slow down or chase should be more than enough to get all gens done.

    And, I'm confused on your second point. Killers can already go for the 4 man slug. The surrender isn't forced. Nothing would change.

  • Member Posts: 576

    Yes, let's not mention gens that spawn in a straight line.

    Five gens that spawn on one side of the map.

    You break the three gen, the new three gen that forms is still pretty bad.

    It's gotten so bad that I have to have Deja Vu in all of my builds. I would like to experiment without always having to have Deja Vu in all of my survivor builds, but I cannot afford to swap it out.

    This is an unpopular opinion for sure, but I actually like Backwater Swamp simply for how they have the gens set up. Sometimes it has the gens spawn in a far corner of the map, out of place, out of sight. I wish Behavior had more of a consistency about gen spawns, either they spawn where a killer defends them easily due to the close distance OR create specific situations where they spawn on the edges like Backwater Swamp.

  • Member Posts: 576
    edited February 22

    I've came to the conclusion that people do not want to swap off their tried and true builds.

    People get surprised when I tell them that every single survivor that I have (and I have all of them) all use different builds, no overlap whatsoever. I'm constantly and I mean constantly coming up with new builds all the time, I try them out, like them, and they become permanent staples to the person. I guess this is why I don't really care when a perk gets nerfed.

    I look at my old videos from 2 years ago, I'm running Circle of Healing but when it was announced to be nerfed - sure, I didn't use it as much, but I didn't cry about its nerf.

    Made For This? It was on my David for a nice, stealthy getaway type of build. It got nerfed, did I come on here to complain about it? Nope.

    The only perk that I have came on here to complain about was Wake Up (it was a staple to my Quentin build and I am a selfless survivor main) and Distortion (I didn't even use it that much, but the original nerf was horrible + I still think it needs to go back to 3 tokens).

    Regardless, when a perk gets changed or nerfed - it doesn't affect me. I run all types of builds so I'll always have a nice playstyle at the end of the day -- and this goes for both sides, people play on one specific build, a perk of theirs gets nerfed, and they come and complain about how one side is nerfed when BOTH over the years that I have played gets nerfed.

    You're right, when I loaded in on high prestiges with my prestige 2/3 killer - I tossed on Lightborne for one of my perks if I saw 3-4 flashlight users (ain't nobody got time for that) or if I don't have it unlocked, I used Starstruck. I 4ked a SWF team with Wraith with Starstruck because they were overly altruistic months ago.

    Even with the annoyance that I got and I was heavily annoyed, I allowed the Meg (or whoever the last survivor was) to get her totem glyph -- I downed her as she was doing it, thought to myself (I'm a survivor main) let me let her get her glyph, allowed her to wiggle off, she did the glyph, she got all sweet with me but guess what? I killed her and I still do not regret it.

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