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What do you think about seeing teammates loadouts?

BHVR posted this a couple days ago and now I'm on the fence. They make some good points about the risks in the final paragraph.

What do you all think?

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  • Member Posts: 2,255

    how the turn tables turn if that’s the case. Fingers crossed they add it into the match menu once loaded in , instead of the pre-game lobby and save everyone the headache.

  • Member Posts: 2,255

    It should be be in the menu once the match has started or don’t bother adding it at all IMO because you’re just going to exacerbate lobby dodging and queue times. Survivors already talk tons of trash about other survivors load outs as is. Killers will actually get nothing but “pure sweat builds” if other survivors can see in lobby. I think it will be a bad call to add it to anything but in game menu once the match has already started.

  • Member Posts: 978

    It should be something shown in the pause menu after the game has loaded up, but maybe not during lobby before the match officially starts.

  • Member Posts: 1,013

    In my opinion, some players are too picky. I remember a match where I played against a Sologroup and Feng with SB, DS (two metaperks) and then CoH and Overzealous (two niche perks) was the best player in this match. She made good plays and just played well while the other ones with more meta builds played rather "decent". I know, good perks can help you and change the game but the best perks in the game does not help you when you just play poorly. Therefore, just because someone has four niche perks doesn't mean this one will be a weak player. Of cause, there are exceptions where a SoloQ teammate has a rather selfish perk like Left Behin or Solo Survivor and this might be a reason to dodge but then I think it is more a problem of the perk and not of the the feature (selfish perks should get a rework anyway into more helpful teammates perks for SoloQ). However, I think despite the chance of seeing more lobby dodges, I believe the feature will more help than hurt because I find myself often in a situation where I wish I know which perk my teammates had - e.g. someone gets slugged but has UB and someone goes for the healing instead of sitting on the gen (sure you can tell it based on the healing speed but not many players do this) or someone has Deli and it is better to leave the unhook to them or to take the aggro of the killer when the Deli user is chased first.

    I think we should see our teammates' perk during the loading screen since the loading screen is the most boring moment before the game starts and then we can see which perks my teammates have. They can still show us the tips on the bottom even though they become useless once you know the basics. If this is not possible - for what ever reason - then we should see out teammates perk when pressing Escape (where we can see our perks). Both would prevent a situation where a survivor had the option to dodge. Sure, someone can still dc or give up on hook when they see something they don't like but then this player gets punished by the upcoming "Go Next"-Prevention-System.

    In the end, the developers should give it a try. They can see the statistics and tell if more dodges happens when seeing teammates perks. If it happens, okay remove the feature we tried or add a feature that prevents players from dodging a lobby too many times.

  • Member Posts: 2,686

    I really wish the lobby timer was 15 seconds longer for Killers.

    Survivors and their loadouts would lock in at 1:00 and then give the Killer at least 15 seconds in case they want to equip Lightborn for example.

    Even in SoloQ matches where I win, I don't feel like it was necessarily fair if my teammates switched to flashlights or other things at the last second.

    The Killer shouldn't be manipulated in the lobby like that.

  • Member Posts: 2,255

    I deeply agree with that as well, I’ve always felt that was unfair as well, and I don’t even really play killer. Feels bad. Survivors started last second switching though because killers used to lobby dodge like mad. I think locking in and giving killer time to adjust will just lead to lobby dodging, but I’m also open to trying it, and I don’t really know how to solve that other than hiding items in pre-lobby or just doing away with pre-lobby all together(which at this current time wouldn’t work because the unlinking from party bug when readying up sometimes loads you in without the other person(s).

  • Member Posts: 431

    The problem with Perk and Item awareness is the UI. My friend is likely that 10%. He plays Perkless Feng in default clothing. He knows how to spend Bloodpoints but there is nothing to show him what the Bloodpoints gain or how to use what he bought. For someone like him it would be better for the Loadout screen to show for him until he understands the UI better.

  • Member Posts: 768

    This is something that will greatly help reduce the gap between solo and swf, which is good for balance It’s also worth noting that this was implemented in the mobile version and did not cause lobby evasion, so I think at least for a test they should run this

  • Member Posts: 2,255

    thanks, I wish I could say I came up with it but someone else did in another discussion, but I whole heartedly agree which is why I echo it now.

  • Member Posts: 743

    I don't really need it in lobby, just make it you can see it during the game when you open menu (you can see your build there now).

    or even better show it during loading screen too

  • Member Posts: 884
    edited February 26

    When I was trying to do David's Adept (and tome challenges requiring No Mither/being Broken) I would get more teammates DC than usual and even more people would go next on 1st hook.

    I'd get insults thrown at me post-game if I run gimmick builds and I/the team died.

    Many people would rather get hit by a penalty than dealing with someone not playing optimally, let that sink in and imagine if people could see perks before the game starts and could leave without a penalty. Survivors would literally have to last-second switch their own perks in order for teammates to not dodge.

    If they want to show the perks in the pause menu or during the load screen then fine (although it would likely still increase people going next a bit if an Invocation perk or a gimmicky build is seen since those are usually not obvious at first in-game until they are used) but not in the lobby where people can leave if they don't like their teammates' perks.

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    We're personally adamant that loadouts shouldn't be seen in the pre trial lobby. If they really want to show perks for the team then we agree with the above people to put it in the pause menu. As a bonus if the "go next" system works well then this way will allow people to see each other's perks and not spite quit for free.

    The little qol for new characters is nice though.

  • Member Posts: 441

    I don't think the comparison to mobile would make sense on this topic though. I can't imagine the mobile platform is anything as competitive as the main game

  • Member Posts: 277

    Showing perks in the lobby? Bad idea.

    Showing perks in the trial? Acceptable.

    Players must be threatened with DC penalties to avoid lobby dodging forcing players to run meta perks, or suffer long queue times. I think I should know that my teammate has sole survivor … in the trial itself. How they could make that work from a UI perspective, I don’t know.

  • Member Posts: 869
    edited February 26

    Ngl I will not like it. Unlike prestige that I can tolerate since 100 or 0 means nothing, perks certainly mean something to me. If I see like innovactions, no mither, left behind, urban, bond, fixated,scene partner sprint burst I do not want that team.

    Just like if I get people with flashlights I dip. Only person I trust with said things will be my swf who ofc do not use those perks nore run down killers with flashlights who has lightborn.

    Post edited by buggybug on
  • Member Posts: 1,158

    I like this approach as well. There are better ways for the game to inform your teammates that you have certain perks. The game already lets you know if certain perks are in play, like when you get unhooked by someone running We'll Make It. Why not code something similar for Deli? They could also implement things like highlighting lockers for Head On plays if they wanted.

    Maybe it would be OK to show perks on the pause screen (I'm not 100% convinced…) but I'm definitely against showing them in the lobby. I honestly don't care what perks my teammates are running. Even if I get a baby David running No Mither because they think it's good, I'm more grumpy at the perk being rubbish than I am at him for running it. Come to think of it, I don't know why there are so many Survivor tome challenges and achievements that force you to throw multiple games just to achieve them. If we want to improve Solo Q, why don't we talk about those?

    I think trying to bring Solo up to a SWF on comms level could potentially be a mistake. I worry it would lead to sweatier games overall and I don't think the game was ever designed with that level of co-ordination in mind.

  • Member Posts: 768

    Of course, but the very fact that this did not show negative results, even in other conditions, is already a positive fact

  • Member Posts: 892

    I completely agree. You don't have to show them in the lobby, but IN GAME you should 100% see all of your teammates perks. If someone really wants to d/c upon seeing those, then let them. Put this feature in the game for new people please.

  • Member Posts: 1,995

    I can only imagine the amount of lobby dodging/DC’ing when the other 3 see someone with Urban Evasion…

  • Member Posts: 3,161

    It seems like almost all good, but the amount of lobby dodging I can foresee would cancel all of the positive out.

    A person trying to run a fun/experimental build might have a hard time actually getting into a match.

  • Member Posts: 4,672

    I think they should try it out and see how it works. DBD mobile did it for years, so im assuming that it works somehow.

    Some people will dodge for the oddest reasons and they will always be there. But to find out how much of an issue it really is, we need to test it out.

  • Member Posts: 2,140
    edited February 27

    How about a compromise...why not have BHVR classifying each perk for example, perks relating to gen progression is a gen progression classification. Looping perks are a looping classification. Healing perks are a healing classification. We would then be able to see what classifications our teammates have equipped without specifically seeing their perks. We know Benny over there is a looper, and we know Sammy over there is running heals. Samantha over there is running a gen progression and heal build.

    Less likely to dodge if all classifications are inherently useful. We could at least plan our build...if we have someone who only has healing classification on, then we might swap out our heal perks with looping perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,272

    I think its one of the things survivors want to close the swfgap. But its like with comms. You cant just interact with randoms as you do with friends.

  • Member Posts: 8,339

    …Why Bond and Sprint Burst?

    The others I get even if I fully disagree, but Bond and Sprint Burst are some of the strongest perks in the game. Surely you'd be happy to see your teammates running strong tools?

  • Member Posts: 6,154
    edited February 27

    Remember when they did that trial for hiding prestige? It can't hurt to maybe trial this as well. If they get too much lobby dodging then they can trial visibility in match and see how that goes? Can't hurt to try

  • Member Posts: 2,255

    Sprint burst users sometimes will just walk everywhere to save it, and bond users sometimes use it just to sandbag teammates. Not condoning skipping lobby for that, but yeah that’s why those two even if they are strong when used correctly, they can be used super selfishly.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Bond =people initially sandbag with this perk. I never once do not experience anyone who do not use this perk correctly only to sabotage their teamates , running to injure people, running to killer to gens thst needs to be out asap for 3 gen avoidance. They are way worst than distortion users by margins.

    Sprint burst= used usually with fixated and urban where someone can be on the hook, one person on chase and other is already injured or doing a gen far away from said sprint burst user which leave it up to them to unhook causes a hook person to go 2nd stage. Yes believe it or not it still happens.

  • Member Posts: 2,255
  • Member Posts: 869

    Oh that's fair i am the same towards keys or flashlights. Flashlights now ty my swf is bad at them so they dont use them but soloq with them instead of doing gens whie am looping fine they chasing me and killer who may have lightborn and its like ya no. Give me med squads and gen squads only. Click and sabo squads keep them away from me as its literally now 1 v 4 where am vs the main killer and my teamates as sub killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,686

    It was. I always felt that if I was going to use Open-Handed that I should have at least two other perks benefit from it. I love Kindred with Open-Handed.

  • Member Posts: 2,255

    I’ve used the line up before, it’s really good and useful, great for support. I used to pick alert instead of open handed, but I imagine whether it’s alert , open handed, or ace in the whole it’s going to go really well with the other 3. Very useful for solo.

  • Member Posts: 3,348

    I feel it should be available once you get into the match, so on the "pause" menu + maybe shown during the start-of-match spin. In a perfect world I'd love to see it in the lobby too, but anything that might cause a meaningful amount of dodging isn't something I want at all as long as backfill is as goofy as it is.

    I'd be happy with the game just showing perks determined to be relevant when they're something to think about. Show the slugged guy has Unbreakable/is in an Exponential boon, show who has inactive Deliverance with no hooks when someone gets put on the hook (so you can try to let them get the save), show who has active Deliverance while they're hooked and can use it. That sorta thing.

    But just making the perks easy to quickly check for yourself is probably a more future-proof solution that causes less icons to pop up on the screen.

  • Member Posts: 235

    The argument against this isnt even real. If people are lobby dodging because they see perks they dont like isnt that a good thing? Like that player recognized that they were about to get into a game with someone who is either playing for different reasons than them or a different skill level. I do not think dodging lobbies so more like minded people play together is a bad thing.

  • Member Posts: 629

    It will affect lobby dodging, there really is no 'if' about it.

  • Member Posts: 2,255

    yeah I agree, but sometimes you wanna try to give people the Benedict of the doubt or whatever that saying is. I wouldn’t be mad if the devs skipped that experiment and just added it into match menu once loaded in and it’s started.

  • Member Posts: 1,387

    It's a made up problem to deny QoL improvements under the guise of pretending to act in the best interests of survivors

    If somebody wants to dodge because they hate my birds perks then good riddance.

    People hyperfocus on the negatives without considering the big picture.

  • Member Posts: 1,387

    They were gonna kill themselves on hook and ruin the match anyways.

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