Dead By Daylight quality of life: MMR Skill Based for separate Characters

Ok here me out. I been spending the Last month until now gathering evidence to support the MMR Problem I do think that's in DBD I claim it has. Note I don't blame the survivors that are shown in these images. It was only to show how common I encountered players fare from my Skill level which not that good tbh. Please do not hate me for putting what I think is a problem:
I will Add more over time
The reason I want Skill to be for separate characters was for those who are starting a new character can help them get used to the character. So let's say you have too characters (Killer or Survivor) and ur good with one character and still learning another ur Skill MMR will only effect on who ur good with. So it will not matter what rank you are with that character you will be in matches with people in ur Skill range no matter. And this will bring new players to dbd.
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I may be completely misunderstanding your post here, but it seems you want MMR to be different for the killer per killer they play?
That's currently how it is but to a certain degree. Essentially, every killer gets its own MMR ranking, so if you play a new killer, you'll be in a lower bracket. HOWEVER, once your MMR crosses a certain threshold on any of your killers (or is it the average of all your killers, I forget), there is a minimum MMR base that you cannot go under. This is to prevent an experienced players that knows the general gameplay from being matched up against new players. Essentially, while you may be hopping over to a brand new killer, you still have some general experience on how the game goes, so it isn't a complete reset of your MMR.
Long story short, every killer you play gets it's own MMR rating, but all your killers also somewhat share a bit of MMR to prevent you from having a complete MMR reset and going against brand new players.
Lets say MMR was 0-100. 0 is a brand new player. 100 is a master lets say you mastered one killers so you're at 100. If you jumped over to a new killer you've never played before, the MMR might drop to 50 to give you some wiggle room to learn the character and climb back up, but won't let you drop below 50 against genuine lower MMR players.
This is also why you can't swap killers in the lobby. The players loaded in were matchmade on your killers MMR. Swapping killers would invalidate the whole MMR matchmaking for that match, so swapping killers isn't allowed.
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I morely was meaning for all Characters on both sides. I just noticed how I would be pairs with players that know everything in the game making learning very difficult for lower end players who maybe just started the game. (not mad at them morely proud to see people with Skill). Like I would go into a match I feel like I shouldn't be in just yet mainly if you just start the game or a Character. I do see what ur saying and honestly makes complete sense. I just thought to have a way to not only let players learn in a safe investment but also attract new players
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you can play in kyf(kill your friends) by yourself and add in bots so that you can practice with bots that don’t affect your mmr while you learn a killers power if you’re not comfortable with public matches.
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One: I already do the practice with bots thing and I don't have friends to play with. Bots only help with getting a feel for a character and not with actual lobby: Two: I'm not saying this just for myself I'm actually thinking of the new players mostly. I know most players don't have a problem with the MMR which is not a bad thing I just feel like there should be proper match making for all players. Like it can be a option to switch between the normal match making and balanced MMR so those who like the regular way of playing can still play that way or not. Again I spent a month planning this by gathering evidence of my claim on the MMR right now. Most people may Disagree with me but new players shouldn't need to go against AI just to have a Balanced experience. (Note I'm not mad or just talking to make a fuss I'm just speaking my mind)