This sucks for any Pinhead enjoyers. I won't pretend I am sad about this. He's one of my least favorite killers to face.
Though saying that I don't see him much as it is. This will make him even more rare. Again not sad about that. Maybe they'll get him back again like they did with Stranger Things.
19 -
Hopefully this is only temporary and they get Clive Barker to renegotiate since the rights reverted back to him
20 -
So Dwight finally managed to solve the box... but at what cost...
6 -
I agree. The part that is going to frustrate me the most is that deadlock and plaything will now be general perks available to everyone that levels up the bloodweb.
1 -
Goodbye, pinhead
3 -
that’s really unfortunate.
0 -
F Pinhead ☹️☹️
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I am very heartbroken. He is already a rare to killer to face
9 -
I didn’t think about that but having deadlock be a general perk will be a great thing. It is in my opinion a healthy perk
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I don’t know about healthy since the killer literally doesn’t have to do a damn thing to get deadlock to work but I do agree it’s very helpful to prevent gen rushing and multiple gens popping back to back.
0 -
Definitely don't hesitate to share your fondest Cenobite memories with us - we want to hear 'em!
And for convenience-sake since I know there will likely be some questions, I've included the FAQ about this here: dbd.game/3XspEB5
10 -
I really dislike facing Pinhead. I'm a bit of a Plaything hater as well, so not too excited to be facing that particular perk more often when it enters the pool of general perks.
That said, I dedcided to bite the bullet and finally buy him anyway. He is a horror icon after all and he belongs in the game. I don't think I'll play him much, but at least I get his neat little evil Rubik's cube charm.
I hate to see licenses leave DBD and I'm sure they'll be exploring whatever possibilities there may be to get him back someday.
5 -
Pinny was such a good release in the midst of such trash killers like twins, artist, and trickster. My one and only p10… Think I'll have to p100 him now. Been needing an excuse to buy the chatterer skin as well.
Something tells me he'll be back.
-2 -
can u let me know how much the chatterer skin is with the discount? I’ve been wanting that skin but not for $15 lol.
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I hope you can negotiate it again in the future as happened with the Stranger Things chapter.
And I also hope it will never happen again, take more things into consideration when you negotiate a new license for preventing this.
2 -
Well Pinhead was allready Killer you see maybe 1 in 50 games, now it's going to be like 1 in 150 games.
3 -
id be sad about this but the licence holders made nft slop and then did nothing with the licence and we didn't even get a survivor or map so… good won i fear!
4 -
Sadly I don’t see pinhead coming back again, only reason why stranger things returned is because players kept pestering netflix for the license again.
4 -
Was that stated by Netflix or Behaviour or just a rumor?
1 -
With stranger things in general i was surprised that they have timed licenses. If i were them i wouldn't want a license if it could go away, and the license would work basically in perpetuity for the life of the game. But idk.
2 -
it’s a rumor but I saw thousands upon thousands of people begging netflix to bring back ST
0 -
not surprised honestly cause of the whole licensing hell the character has gone through
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That was the old license holders
Hellraiser is now back to Clive barker in the US. I believe park avenue still own the international rights but the reason we even got the voice lines back was cause of Clive barker getting the rights and a strange bts stuff involving Bradley himself
0 -
best news of the day today
-8 -
What will the perks be renamed to?
0 -
This is a problem with Deadlock, not with its availability. Pinhead has 3 really good Perks, that they are no longer locked behind a paywall is a good thing.
7 -
I'm sad that this chapter is leaving DBD. Pinhead is one of the coolest and unique killers in the game. His animations were and continue to be very impressive even 4 years later. The chain projectiles and chain hunt mechanics offer unique gameplay. And the voice lines were great.
I really hope that they will still give him such much needed improvements in the future, a lot of his add-ons are not very good and i think the chain projectiles need some quality of life.
I'm happy that the perks are unchanged if you own him, so if you do own him nothing is being lost. Sad new players won't be able to get him though.5 -
You saw thousands of people? Where?
0 -
unfortunately perpetual licences just aren't standard. why would you want a one-time fee & royalties when you can have several fees & royalties which you can increase in line with inflation (and greed), alongside the more flexible nature of allowing for renegotiations. perpetual licences, especially for IPs, just aren't going to happen when there's money to be made.
1 -
Wasn't he supposed to get an update? Does it still coming?
4 -
I got all 3 of them for free if I remember correctly, but at least it's not rng based anymore
0 -
It's bitter sweet for me. I started playing around the time this chapter was released. I still remember my very first match against a Pinhead where I encountered a bug where the sound of survivors screaming over and over happened during the whole match. It happened just after someone solved the box and I just thought it was part of his kit, to drive survivors crazy with the screams. I remembered thinking "This is wild". When I started I also decided I wanted to be a Pinhead main. I used to even shake my head at people who complained about him and would think "Just do the box!" It wasn't until I switched to playing survivor more that I realized what a pain he can be for people in soloq that I dropped my plans to main him.
0 -
Sad, one of the coolest killer designs in the game by far.
7 -
on social media
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That's unfortunate, he's one of the most unique killers in DBD. But I guess I'm not really surprised either.
The good news is this time unlike Stranger Things we are not losing a map too.
1 -
Is this why the changes that he was supposed to get in November got delayed?
6 -
Fair enough. It's the specificality of "thousands" that threw me. I saw many posts too but never took the time to count.
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Not surprising. This was one of the most controversial licenses due to the whole NFT thing as well as when BHVR first gave Pinhead that really bad sounding voice that the license holders didn't approve of. That's why Pinhead didn't have a voice for awhile if anyone didn't know that. The license holders basically told them to take out the voice that sounded like crap and wait until they have Doug Bradley do it properly. So yeah, they got in big trouble for that first voice that made Pinhead sound like a joke.
Now they just need to renegotiate with Clive Barker so we can get more Hellraiser content. We need Butterball and the Female Cenobite. (Deepthroat is her actual name) If we can't get the original Female Cenobite, maybe they can give us the new female Pinhead that is in the Hellraiser remake.0 -
I would but I'm @ work rn lol. Maybe some other kind Samaritan will let us know
0 -
him and plague were supposed to get tweaks during November put got post-poned to a later date. I’m almost 100% sure that even if bhvr loses a license, it doesn’t mean they can’t make balance adjustments to the character. When stranger things was gone, demogorgon had multiple balance changes before the license got re-instated. I’d wish we got those balance changes before the announcement of hellraiser leaving since it would’ve prompted more people to purchase the chapter.
6 -
I do remember a dev mentioning that they can still do changes. This was during the time demo was gone and people were questioning if changes could happen to demo.
0 -
I should clarify I didn’t count but yeah it was a lot LOL
0 -
They contracted with Park Avenue Entertainment. The contract didn't suddenly change to Clive Barker, especially because Park Avenue still own the international rights. The contract was always with Park Avenue, who were behind licencing Hellraiser out to Boss Protocol & thus licencing Hellraiser out to the NFTs. After all the backlash, I would have been very shocked if BHVR were going to extend the licence once it expired, which we can see here, it hasn't.
And even if we completely ignore that, it doesn't change the fact that we got no map, no survivor, and nothing since launch. It's been a mismanaged licence from day one.
4 -
With the sale, the Chatterer skin is currently available for 742 auric cells.
3 -
thank u legend
0 -
Licenses leaving is always bad. No matter who it is.
I really hope they work something new out.
5 -
every gaming company has to renew a license to keep it in game though.
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I can't believe he came out nearly 4 years ago. But yeah if I remember correctly people was saying at the time that this was a rushed deal between these two companies, so it's not surprising.
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Well, survivors also have many very strong perks and addons that they don't need to do anything to use them, like syringes and DS for example. So I think Deadlock is a fair perk.
1 -
Having any content leave the game is very sad to see.
I sincerely hope that BHVR and the license holders can come to an agreement to make Pinhead enter the fog again!