Dbd is losing its best killer..that's really a huge blow.
Hopefully he can come back with a better deal and a better license holder
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This makes me so sad 😭
He’s such a cool character.
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I love when Pinhead says "I have such sights to show you" during his mori. In my trials, the only sights the survivors are seeing are the hook and the floor
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Mannn you tellin me I gotta spend another like 4 hours for a cool screenshot like I did for Stranger Things?
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I remember when Pinhead released. It was the most fun I had with a new Killer since… maybe Legion, and I wouldn't get that rush again until Vecna (who actually did successfully supplant Doctor as my #1 main, which Pinhead did fail at). He's still one of my favorite Killers, even if I have been an extended hiatus from burnout and BHVR's decisions last year and having found a new game that I'm very much enjoying.
This, however, does not surprise me in the slightest. I've actually expected it ever since McCote stated that Hellraiser can never get anything new during one of The King's interviews. If anything, I'm surprised that he lasted THIS long (Stranger Things got removed only two years into it's time in DBD, Pinhead's been around nearly double that). And his perks being available to everyone can only be good, since they range from good at worst (Gift of Pain) to meta (Deadlock), and Killer's needed some free slowdown perks since Surge returned. Further, it's JUST Pinhead that'll leave. We're not losing a map or any Survivor.
What is unfortunate is that I don't see him ever coming back. Stranger Things returned because of how beloved it was and how vocal people were about wanting it back. Pinhead is probably the most niche license in the game, and his release was rocky at best, with all the NFT shenanigans Boss Protocol brought (that even caught SEVERAL BHVR devs off-guard). He's also not particularly popular on either side, having one of the highest skill floors in the game for half the reward that Nurse or Blight could get with equivalent practice, while also being incredibly rough for solo queue to go against. His license situation is also all over the place between Park Avenue and Clive Barker making it almost impossible to renegotiate anything. And then there's the fact that it is JUST Pinhead that's leaving. There's no incentive to bring him back for a map that never saw the light of day or a Survivor that never existed.
It's sad that new people won't get to play him (and how short notice this was, Stranger Things had 3 months and a day between announcement and removal, Hellraiser's only getting one), but it's not that surprising given his history in the game.
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How would this work if you are currently on Nintendo Switch since if you use cross-progression to another console, you must repurchase the DLC?
If you are on Switch and use cross-progression after April 4th, how could you possibly use Pinhead on your PS5 or other platform since you won't be able to buy the character?
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I read this and my first thoughts were for @100PercentBPMain you will have to immortalise Pinface by never changing your pfp!
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wanna comeback to this post but i’d be more surprised if the hellraiser chapter returned because of the NFT stuff.
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That'll be my sight to show you :)
Pinhead is the one killer where I feel like I have something in common with survivors. Whether you are survivor or killer, everybody loves the box!
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These, at least to me are quite niche perks. Yes, you see them get value, yes you see people can use them more often - but to be upset that more people have the opportunity to use them as generics (when we barely have any generics) is odd to me.
If anything, I am happy that people can use them without waiting for the Shrine of Secrets or simply having to buy the character.
More people will experiment with these builds, getting off of meta builds, a win-win for perk diversity - I do not mind this change.
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It's hard to pinpoint situations like this.
Companies lose licensing all the time, even look at GTA: San Andreas remaster when they lost music rights to specific tracks.
I don't remember when Cenobite came into the game off-hand, but Behavior had him for many years now.
Sometimes lawsuits happen, look at Friday the 13th as a prime example. Look at Netflix wanting to do more with the Stranger Things property and changing their mind — this is not something that can easily be predicted and I'm glad at least we have the Left 4 Dead, Halloween, and Nightmare on Elm Street licensing.
I'm glad they gave more outfits to Bill instead of the generic Bill we see. I hope the same for all the other licenses we have - in particular continued stuff for Ghostface as he is easy to make content for and probably the best for negotiations.
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I’m glad they’ll be available for new players that come in, especially with the upcoming fnaf release but having every killer have access to deadlock will just feel annoying. Plaything might get changed or give more clarity for new survivors since the perk is outright game breaking for new players that have no idea what oblivious is, let alone a hex perk. But at the end of the day I’m all for the general perk pool having good options especially on the killer end. Survivors get resi, prove thyself, adren, sb, hope, dh, and many other perks are completely free and have been meta forever. When Stranger things was gone, surge (Jolt at the time) was the most popular perk for a while since it was free AND was a good gen regression perk. I wouldn’t be surprised if deadlock and plaything reach high pick rates once the perks become free to all players.
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I suppose, yes - you have a point but I don't mind perk diversity as a whole because it pushes people to try different builds.
We hardly have any generic perks as is and I am sure there have been many people who point that out that we need more. Behavior hardly does anything to the generic perks (that I am aware of) look at how they announced they were going to change This Is Not Happening during the time where they nerfed Ultimate Weapon.
Many people overlook this, but the point that I'm making is that more generic perks are better for newer players or players that want to experiment that didn't want to buy Pinhead.
Sure, it'll get annoying to go against full Hex builds or Plaything with Pentimento - but that is in essence build variety that I like to see from the game going forward. But again, I know how to counter these builds and combat these issues because I do see these perks at my MMR level. You can choose to ignore your Plaything to avoid accidentally proccing Pentimento OR you can go cleanse it and remember where it is.
Deadlock? Do another gen or wait for It to unlock nearby in case the killer comes back to kick it. If anything, I'd argue that Deadlock is a weaker version of Corrupt Intervention and why it's usage is not used as much as CI.
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Could be why the license renewal didn't happen and he's leaving. If not enough people are buying him, then from a financial/business perspective it's not worth paying for the license renewal. They'd wanna recoup the costs plus profits.
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I think the fact that Netflix's video game plans seemingly died in utero had as much to do with DBD getting Stranger Things back as the fan outcry did, if not more. I suspect they pulled the rights because they thought they were gonna make their own game for a minute.
As far as Pinhead goes, I won't miss him much as he fades a bit. I like playing as Pinhead, but facing him in solo queue really sucks. Which has more to do with other players, but I digress, and it's not like all the current Pinheads won't still be there.
While I don't think you can ever guarantee a license won't get pulled, it might be best to stay away from licenses that have contentious or unsettled ownership. And the group that had Pinhead was pretty sketchy.
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Just curious, why do the perk names have to change? If it was "hex: cenobites plaything" the need to change would make sense but the 3 names seem pretty generic rather than phrases owned by Hellraiser.
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Of course it's a fair perk. It was fair at 30 seconds of blockage, and now it doesn't even do that. It's barely more slowdown than a hit of Eruption.
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Losing Pinhead is super unfortunate. While I, personally, don't enjoy playing against him, he's still a part of the game and a big, box-shaped hole will be left by his departure.
I agree. I think it is interesting timing for the ST chapter to come back after the "Netflix Gaming" idea died. I'm sure the fans helped by making Netflix aware that they were leaving money on the table by keeping ST out of DBD.
I know that since ST was pulled the first time, BHVR has been more cautious about making licensing deals that will stay in DBD, but I feel like this makes it even more unlikely that volatile licenses like Friday the 13th will ever be added to DBD.
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the perk is still good
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”I must be going now”😔
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The NFTs for the DBD Pinhead never released as far as I'm aware. I'm pretty sure this is something that resolved itself ages ago.
Well, the rights did go back to Clive Barker, it's possible they have to sign through him instead of the original company and that may involve a new contract altogether.