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General Discussions

what can be improved here to have this survivor want to stay in the game?

Member Posts: 5,626
edited March 7 in General Discussions

I know with them announcing the "go next solution" people are worried about false positives and that BHVR will use it to just keep unfun mechanics in the game since you can't just leave, And it is a game at the end of the day. But there's also the opposite end of the spectrum of people who just don't seem like they fit in this game anymore or just don't enjoy it at all. Its first chase and i am on demo with a meg. I get a good shred on her and mind game her at a window (nothing really unusual). She then proceeds to just try to go next and when saved just runs after me to make sure i get her out of the game. Wasn't gonna slug her just hoped she'd eventually get bored of it and actually play. Which she eventually did and they actually got all the gens done (with a bit of hand holding on my part but it is what it is). Like i play a lot of survivor too i get there's a lot of unfun things they have to deal with on a daily basis especially in solo que, And going next is definitely one of them as me playing survivor when they do it on the first hook. I just personally never resort to forcing myself out of the game as fast as possible even if its a unfun one. If we want to improve the game what could happen here that would keep them in?

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  • Member Posts: 2,129

    Alot of times the only cause was they got found first

    I mean, we agree on this part, although you seem to think it's pettiness the way you describe it.

    Imo, the phase 2 issues of camping, tunneling, and slugging are the core problem here. It's not simply that "the survivor got found first", it's that "the most popular and meta ways that killers play the game mean that the first survivor to be found doesn't get to actually play a well rounded game".

    Everything for survivors encourages will rounded gameplay. You should do gens, assist with recovery (unhooks, heals, mends), interact with the killers power, be chased, and get hooked. You can also opt to interact with the killer, killers perks (hexes, counter play), challenges, altruism, chests, and more.

    But for reasons that's are entirely within the killers control, all of that will rounded gameplay becomes "get chased, hooked, and back to the lobby" for about 5k BP that you had basically no choice in. You got unlucky, found first, and don't really get to play that match. Good luck next game. Every game some nights.

    I'm personally hopeful that phase 2 actually addresses some of these core problems, and the symptom that is the "go next epidemic" diminishes as well.

    And lost a chase.

    Why say this? Not being able to lose a chase might've been true years ago before 6.1.0, but infinites don't exist anymore, maps have been nerfed, tiles and pallets nerfed, tile spawn logic nerfed, and more changes have occurred since then. All of that means that survivors are literally supposed to lose chases by design. Sure, some people may make a mistake and be frustrated, but getting a map with massive dead zones and a single pallet held up by toothpicks can also be frustrating as well as hopeless.

    The game only functions if survivor players have any hope that escape is possible. The fact that "go next" has become this much of a problem is a huge game health indicator that something is drastically wrong. Hopefully, phase 2 can address some of that.

  • Member Posts: 10,404

    Yeah, these are the people the devs need to stop catering to. She wasted pallet, has no plan and instead runs out in the open, and then wants to DC instead of simply chalking it up to a bad start. Why even boot the game up? They don't need to be in the lobbies of people who are actually trying and know what they're doing. DC penalties should be strict (maybe not on the first offense, because legit DCs happen), and they should be backed by the confidence of the devs and the community. Because I've seen a lot of people still arguing for no DC penalties, period. You can't do that, because people will just DC on a whim like they did before.

    A lot of the complaints on this game have nothing to do with balance. They have to do with feelings, lack of trying, not understanding something, someone DC'd, someone wasn't playing well, someone was playing unfair. Other games have this all figured out, and their community can just focus on balance and fun. But I see a lot of complaints about DCs, and when that happens in your match, that's not your fault. And that's the issue. You can't just let players ruin the other 4's match. The game requires 5 players to be played, not 10 or 20 like some others, and those games see less DCs than this one. Those games have DCer's queues, they have a decent report system, they have at least some level of respect for the game from the players. This game has none of those, so players just DC and then get validated by the lack of punishment and community pushback.

    So you can't fix the game to fit this survivor's standard of satisfaction. Your best bet is to increase punishment for continued match abandonment, and hope they finally understand that and improve, or that they'll leave the game. I'm in favor of the "go next" prevention. It might be to my detriment down the road when I really feel like going next. But it's worth it if it improves match quality for everyone, which it will.

  • Member Posts: 137

    You got unlucky, found first, and don't really get to play that match.

    I think its an unhealthy view to say that getting tunnelled = not getting to play. Getting tunneled in the best chase practice you can get.

  • Member Posts: 249

    As per my Dead by Stats statistics I play more Killer than Survivor. 60% killer, 40% survivor.

    I gotta say that I stopped putting any of my BP into survivors and I very rarely touch survivor anymore as I find it has become extremely unfun to play. I got about 2k hours in this game and play since 2019 and I am at a point where I could comfortably say I wouldn't touch soloQ survivor until substantial changes have been made.

    In my personal opinion, the biggest issue that this game has is having too much killer variety and killers with powers that are just plain unfun to play against (and arguably play as). Coupled with the engagement based match making it leads to exceedingly frustrating situations that do not warrant me investing any more time into this.

    Not even going to touch upon the issue of downright terrible map design in some instances.

    I see no way for BHVR to remedy this in any meaningful way, so that's probably it for me, I'm only going to be playing killer from this point forward.

  • Member Posts: 444
    edited March 7

    No one denies that this type of people exists, and that they should be penalized. The problem is that we need a PRACTICAL solution, and so far, everything that BHVR has implemented has the same problem: it sounds very nice in theory, but always ends up terribly counterproductive in practice.

    Let's examine your video. There is ALREADY a DC penalty, supposedly to prevent the exact scenario you shared. But what do we see?

    1. The crybaby finds a way to circumvent the penalty, and still manages to leave easily.
    2. Instead, the penalty now prevents the 3 other survivors to leave, who can't DC out of an unwinnable match.

    So the debate is not whether this person is a crybaby or not. The debate is, what is the point of keeping or even increasing DC penalties, when the current system only punishes everybody but the crybaby. i.e., people who have to DC for legit reasons and have the decency to give their teammates a bot instead of staying AFK. Your video perfectly illustrates that. If the crybaby could DC, then at least the other survivors would get a bot. So, the "DC penalty" that is supposed to prevent DCs, ends up making them worse.

    Now you might think the solution is to just get rid of the exploit (hook suicide) and improve the detection system so that the situation above does not happen anymore. If we were in an utopic world where everything can be perfectly implemented then I would agree with that approach. The problem is we're in the BHVR world, where somehow they always manage to get things implemented in such a naive way, people find a way to abuse it again before it's even live, AND they always end up making the problem worse somehow. It's been like this for the ~4 years that I've played this game, and at this point, I almost hope they don't touch anything anymore.

    Imo the practical solution for the go-next problem would be a completely different approach. Since we can't fight go-next, the game should be rebalanced so that an early 1v3 is not game-ending for survivors. Let the baby go next or ban them, I don't care. But at least don't penalize the other 3 survivors for it.

  • Member Posts: 8,938

    Unfortunately you do infact have ppl denying that ppl like the meg should be penalized. You don't have to go any further than this very thread.

  • Member Posts: 407

    The elephant in the room is that killer is insanely more easy than survivor. The survivor is most likely fed up losing. Survivor is never been a rewarding experience.

  • Member Posts: 444

    The post you are thinking of does not say that Meg should or shouldn't be penalized, they are saying that penalties shouldn't be the focus of the discussion, because it's just a symptom of a more fundamental issue, and I agree. You are focusing way too hard on moral aspects that don't matter for a video game.

    It doesn't matter who this Meg is, whether she's a bad person or not, or whether she just had a bad day. We've been trying this route for 4 years, only raising penalties, result: it doesn't work. Imo, this Meg shouldn't play DBD, but it's her problem - it's BHVR who's at fault for letting her ruin the game for other survivors. It is not bad to have altruism in a game, but the way it's implemented in DBD is horrible. You can't force 4 strangers who just met to all be altruistic with each other and call that "teamwork", it just goes against basic human instincts. You can't give one single survivor the power to entirely doom a match within 1 minute, without any opportunity for the 3 other survivors to counteract it. That's why I advocate for the game rebalancing the power discrepancy between 4v1 and 3v1.

  • Member Posts: 8,938

    I'm all for doing the usual balance changes and such. The line IM drawing is ppl who insist BHVR needs to just fix all the frustrating things first before implementing a time out. The list of frustrations are ENDLESS. You can ALWAYS find stuff that you find frustrating no matter how much gets tweaked.

    In this particular case, this meg NEEDS a timeout. Her immediately getting to go to another match is NOT a good thing if she's SO frustrated that she's doing this. If she's not adult enough to manage her own stress levels properly to give herself a cooldown period, it's not fair to just expect the ppl in her next match to deal with it.

    After watching this clip, I actually decided to play a game as Demo cuz it's been awhile. I got absolutely demolished and I felt pretty frustrated. That's fairly normal. Depending on how bad it is will determine if I queue up again or do something else for awhile. I decided to give DBD a break and watched an anime, then played some warframe. Maybe tonight I'll hop on DBD again. I see the timeout function as essentially for ppl who for some reason CANT manage their stress lvl enough to do what I did and take a break.

  • Member Posts: 277

    I not really understand that.

    I mean yes, there is a problem with that go next thing. Yes, devs (and nobody) can force somebody to play a game if they do not want.

    But if you que up you know, that maybe you will face with something which is unfun for you. And since this is an online, multiplayer (and PvP) game nobody cares about your fun. Like you not care about their - otherwise you wouldn't go to the next match as fast as possible. Those people should be penalyzed, because they ruined the game for 4 other players. I think this is that simple.

    If you burned out, if you so annoyed that loosing a chase or anything like that makes you want to go next then you have to take a brake. And the game should enforce it for you, defending other players from you.

  • Member Posts: 8,938

    I'm not saying meg is a bad person. I'm saying the very penalty itself IS BHVR stepping in so Meg can't do this. If they were just taking away BPs or something it would be different, but making the penalty a timeout function so an overly stressed player can cool off is the right move. The LAST thing that should happen is meg jumping right into another match.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I would also like to add that today I was playing as Plague and in 3 games back to back I had two people give up on first hook. Because they found plague "boring".… Whatever that means.

    This caused 3 games in the row were the other two remaining survivors had 0 chance to win and I get 0 pips because I am not dooming the two survivors to death because of entitlement of other two I just let them farm and leave...

    this type of behavior in my opinion is unacceptable, it is becoming more apparent to me that some survivors only like to face certain killers and will not participate if they perceive the particular killer as "boring" based on their power.

  • Member Posts: 277

    Usually boring means they cannot play against, or it is more then shift+w to win.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I see, well thank you for the information. I really don't have any solution to this issue, other than perhaps re-working some killers power to be less frustrating?

  • Member Posts: 21,268

    We have a timeout. We have had a time out for years.

    If timeouts worked, we would've seen a reduction in DC'ing. We did not, it all pivoted to suicides. We will just continue to play wac-a-mole with trying to force people to play the game.

  • Member Posts: 683

    For majority of survivor play its really simple. But the devs refuse to do it.

    Devs: "We want to bridge the gap between soloQ and competitive swf"

    What devs have not done to fix this simple problem:
    -0 communication or coordination systems in a team game implemented.
    a)No ping system
    b)No in game chat system
    c)No in game voice system
    d)No teammate loadout in lobbies

    Result: A bunch of people with different agendas on survivor that dont necessarily mean they want to engage in teamwork, winning, or escaping. Leading to matches that should never have happened at all.

  • Member Posts: 8,938

    Can't really blame the devs for alot of this when they have ppl telling them they don't want these things. In-game chat has been brought up plenty and ppl make the argument it would just lead to an increased in toxicity from their teammates. They'd either get shouted at after a misplay or get left on hook or something if they choose to not use the chat.

  • Member Posts: 683
    edited March 7

    Thats just something they have to moderate every team game does this.

    Its just for dbd the decs dont want to im guessing as it would be too much work?

    Even a basic ping wheel system would be better than the nothign we have now.

    "Im saving"
    "I have agro"
    "Killer is missing"
    "Using reassurance/for the people/shoulder" (x perk call outs that would be enabled when you have them equipped)
    "Danger here" (alerting your less paying attention survivor of a meyers stalking you)

    And of course a team loadout screen because its pretty obvious why this should be in the game.

    Just basic problems the game has for the majority of survivor play that has 0 work done to combat it.

  • Member Posts: 30

    I am thinking of a standby screen showing the number of times that player has done a DC.

    Of course, I know that sometimes the server goes down and unwanted DCs are attached.

    However, I think it would be a good indicator, and by resetting the number periodically and changing the color of the names of players whose DC count exceeds a certain number, such as double digits, both killers and survivors would be able to avoid being matched with players who DC frequently. We believe that this will help both killers and survivors to avoid being matched with players who dc frequently.

    Translated with (free version)

  • Member Posts: 444

    Not only does the penalty NOT prevent Meg from doing this, but it does in fact prevent everyone from leaving BUT Meg. Look at the video you shared. The penalty did more harm than good even in the example you shared.

  • Member Posts: 8,938

    The go next penalty isn't in place yet. Ideally it WILL affect ppl like Meg once its implemented since currently we only have a penalty for DCes. Sidenote, I'm not the one who posted the video. I'm not the OP.

  • Member Posts: 8,938

    I'm in no way debating whether we should have anything or not. I'm simply saying for every function that sounds like common sense to YOU, you have ppl who have argued against it. Its not a case of everyone wanting stuff that BHVR just doesnt deliver on.

  • Member Posts: 21,268

    It is evidence that timeouts do not change people's opinion on leaving the match.

    Currently, DC penalties are really just preventing bots from taking over, at this point.

  • Member Posts: 2,444

    I love opening this forum for the first time in months and seeing people defending this behavior. I know for a fact that penalties reduce people from afking, trolling or giving up on a whim in a 10 second moment of weakness. It's not an opinion, I've seen it first hand in SEVERAL multiplayer games.

    DBD is an inherently a toxic community and a baby one too. beyond any other I've seen, leagues not even 50% of this stuff.

  • Member Posts: 653

    Mouth breather Meg screwing over the team………..

    I'm looking for to the health updates coming

  • Member Posts: 21,268


    What you would end up doing is playing wac-a-mole with issues. People DC? DC penalties. People suicide on hook instead. Okay, well, let's remove the 4%, now they can't do that anymore. Now people are AFK'ing. Okay, well, let's ban them for that as well, easy enough. Now they are running into the Killer. Well, let's ban them for that too, oops, now we are starting to just ban newer players who don't know better yet.

    When you keep addressing symptoms, without addressing the root cause, you just end up hurting innocent players without actually changing anything.

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