Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

At some point, would allowing players to select a killer they don’t ever want to face be reasonable?

Member Posts: 394
edited March 7 in Feedback and Suggestions

Just a thought experiment so don’t jump down my throat my please :)

Had a session the other night where I seemed to face all the killers I hated and this led to a conversation with friends where we discussed who we would choose if we could remove a killer (or killers) from our matchmaking pool.

And it got me thinking- is there ever going to be a system where you can opt out of matches against certain killers?

Let’s think why this could be a good idea:

  1. Phobias/sensory issues. Speaks for itself, clown/plague etc and I think phobia is one of the big reasons that would prevent a spider killer ever being in the game
  2. Number of killers- there’s a lot of killers in the game now. Would it really be a big deal to matchmaking if you could choose not to face 1-3 killers?
  3. Potentisl positive impact on giving up- if people aren’t going to face their most hated killers PERHAPS there’s a chance they are less inclined to DC. A system whereby if you opt in to deactivate some killers from your matchmaking pool in exchange for harsher DC penalties would be reasonable (but probably unlikely)
  4. Similar to the sheer number of killers point, I don’t think everyone would choose the same killers. And if the same killers are overwhelmingly selected maybe it suggests there’s actually a legit problem there for the devs to look at
  5. Beyond simply disliking a killer, if you feel like you’re just seeing the same killers over and over, you could opt in to removing them from you pool temporarily (new chapters not included)

Potential downsides:

  1. I said it would hopefully be unlikely but matchmaking could have issues
  2. Killers having extended wait times simply for playing an unpopular killer
  3. People simply select the S tier killers because they want ‘easier games’. Personally I wouldn’t do this as I enjoy blight games and I’d take a nurse/spirit over quite a few other killers.

Honestly I can’t think of too many downsides to this sort of system- I guess the question is have I missed any or would the affect on matchmaking be large enough that such a system would be untenable.

I think there used to be an argument that if you’re disliking the killers in most of your matches then maybe you’re just burnt out. But honestly I’m enjoying DBD at the moment a lot. It’s just a session of facing Legion-Plague-Nurse-Legion-Wesker-Houndmaster-Knight put this thought in my head.

Curious to hear any thoughts on this and who people would choose to blakclist if they could!

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 5,249

    Everyone would just pick Nurse or Blight

    Would kind of defeat the point of it really

  • Member Posts: 2,379
  • Member Posts: 108

    I would love to opt out of facing Blight, but to keep this fair killers need to have the option to opt out of facing SWF’s.

  • Member Posts: 358
    edited March 7

    Why is allowing people to ignore others who like a character and want to play them ever a reasonable choice? Why should I be punished for needing to do a daily as Skull Merchant with long queue times? That's absolutely unreasonable, yes.

    Listen, I never want to play against a Slinger. I do not enjoy Slinger. I have never had good experiences playing against Slinger. That doesn't mean I think people who enjoy Slinger should be punished with queue issues because they're playing Slinger.

    What if it was your Killer or Survivor Main that got hit?

  • Member Posts: 2,101

    I could maybe see an argument for each player being able to ban a map, with the map pool expanding over time and only 5 maps banned per match.

    But not killer bans. Ideally the devs should be fixing issues, and they would be intentionally getting less data from those games.

  • Member Posts: 394

    The devs have already said they’re working on the daily challenges. A healthier system for those would be that they’re very generic and more like tome challenges that can be completed with every killer.

    As I said in my OP, I just don’t see how you personally opting out of facing Slinger would make that much of a difference to matchmaking. If the entire playerbase picked Slinger then yes obviously that would cause an issue. But is that actually likely?

  • Member Posts: 394

    Do you actually think this is true? Maybe at high MMR. But I know a lot of people who would remove Plague or Clown if they could. Blight and Nurse are rough to face depending on how good the player is, but I actually enjoy facing a really good Blight.

  • Member Posts: 394

    Your additional issue is definitely something I didn’t consider. So that’s completely fair.

    One thing I will say though is you and other people have brought up the idea of variety being a huge part of DBD. I know it’s only anecdotal but I would put money on most of my games since the houndmaster chapter being made up of less than half of the killers on the roster. And that’s over a period of months.

    I think in theory the game has lots of variety, but in practicality it isn’t the case. Or maybe I’m just a bit unlucky with matchmaking.

  • Member Posts: 68

    It would be my dream to never see houndmaster or singularity again, but this wouldn't be healthy for the game. All it would do is increase que times for people playing the hated killers. I understand the phobia part, but instead of outright banning those killers, just make a setting that changes the models and textures of the killers and powers that may have accessibility issues for certain players.

  • Member Posts: 394

    If a majority of the playerbase load into a match and see a certain killer and the response is to groan, then I would argue that killer needs looking at.

    Similarly, low pick rate (either choosing to play as or choosing to face) should be an indicator of an issue. A handful of people whining isn’t very helpful, but if a majority of people chose to remove a killer and a good number have feedback why then that could also be useful.

  • Member Posts: 2,101

    Similarly, low pick rate (either choosing to play as or choosing to face) should be an indicator of an issue. A handful of people whining isn’t very helpful, but if a majority of people chose to remove a killer and a good number have feedback why then that could also be useful.

    True, it could be.

    But there are a lot of factors that play into that as well. Killers with "mobility" are generally more popular than "M1" killers, although popularity doesn't always mean "weak".

    Twins, for example, has a very high percentage of games resulting in a 4k (41.4%), as well as a high kill rate (61% according to nightlight), but also the second lowest pick rate. That doesn't necessarily mean they need buffs, if people generally would rather zoom around the map on wesker instead of pouncing as Victor.

    Some killers will have a lower skill floor or higher skill ceiling, and I think that's ok (even healthy). It's possible there could be some quality of life changes that could make a difference, but at least on this forum people seem to confuse "quality of life" and "balance changes" very often.

  • Member Posts: 3,968
    edited March 7

    I think a more productive variation of this idea would be to specify a killer you're looking for as a preference. Not a guarantee by any means, but if there is one available gives you a slight weighting to Tey and get a killer you're after.

    Might help with that Vecna achievement for example. Though the obvious downside is sniping and targeted bully squads... so maybe not...

  • Member Posts: 384

    So killer's would never find a match. Game in unbearable at solo que right now so most of the people are looking for swfs.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Much as I would want to ill always instant ban spirit along with a few killers I cant stand but 90% of time her, she is my second most hated killer after skull merchant.

    Interestingly though for rank idv allows hunter and survivor ban up to 2 each and you can't have 2 or more of the same survivor for balance purposes. Though it suck for the people who mains said survivor which usually is priestess and seer e.e 97% of time.

  • Member Posts: 2,056

    The cons you mentioned are true, and pretty severe.

    Matchmaking would take a hit, especially if all 4 survivors have widely different tastes and killers they hate.

    I can guarantee you that at least 50% of people would select Skull Merchant as one of the blacklisted killers. Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Twins, Trickster, Legion and Hag would all suffer too.

    This idea is a one that sounds good on paper, but would be horrible in practice.

  • Member Posts: 441

    I think it's a great idea as long as it's fair and killers can opt out of playing against 3 and 4 man SWF

  • Member Posts: 5

    I have a huge phobia of clowns, so honestly, being able to remove him from my que would be great. Loading i to a match with him is the only time I've dc'd aside from facing the bug in 2v8 where the survivor gets stuck on killer.

  • Member Posts: 191

    Why so? Literally everyone is suck of playing against the same top 5-8 killers. When was the last time you played against the low tier killers that did not have superb power? Hell Nurse is not even the huge issue it is Blight, Billy or some other killer that has overall good power and is being used more. You can just limit the thing to like 2 killers max and only that if you are with friends it still stays 2 max choice of which killers not to be meeting very easy

  • Member Posts: 191

    OH YEAH I wanna have that option. Then I would actually want to play the game again. I don't want to play against SWF they are just always cheating with their discord app. It is honestly just dumb

  • Member Posts: 892

    It should already be in the game. Just exclude new releases and there you go. With 30 something Killers is it REALLY that big of a deal?

  • Member Posts: 266
    edited March 8

    Imaging you buy, grind and learn a Killer, just to not being able to play at all or wait ages to find a match. This post made me a bit sad, cuz many Survivors should realize that Killers are Players too.

    It's like if Killers could blacklist specific Perks, Items, Perks, Map Offerings, SWFts or even specific Survivors and Skins. Wanna use a fun Survivor Build, play as your favorite Character or got a new Skin? Too bad, you can't cuz it's on many peoples banlist.

    That would make DbD unplayable.

    And the whole phobia thing is a topic for some people, but it takes a lot of work to cover/censor even a small amount of more common phobias in videogames. That's why not even big AAA Games have phobia filters. Also it ruins the fun for killers. And I don't wanna sound rude, so please forgive me, but DbD just isn't a game that people with phobias should play that often then. Overall it's recommended that people with any kind of phobia shouldn't play videogames at all.

  • Member Posts: 104

    Bad suggestion, there are killers that would never find a game if that were the case. I'm sure there's plenty of survivors have passionate hate for 90% of the roster so they'd never find a game either.

  • Member Posts: 81

    yeah, I just wish we could ban a killer for the next matches based on how many times we vs. them during that session. But it isn't a fair system anyway…

  • Member Posts: 81

    lol I don't even remember when was the last time I've played against one of them. I guess it really differs from server to server.

  • Member Posts: 191

    Yes I would love to have one option to choose one killer to never face in a match. It would absolutely lessen the probability of me quitting the game. It is not bad idea you can just not give swf the option to ban a killer from the search and we are done boom.

  • Member Posts: 13

    I think I've seen like one twins in the past 3-5 months..

  • Member Posts: 358
    edited March 10

    Here's the issue:

    Everyone hates Skull Merchant. Soem people like to play Skull Merchant.

    This change would mean Skull Merchant sits in long, long, long, long queues just for playing Skull Merchant. Is that going to make her mains feel good? Would that feel good to you if you had to use her for a daily? Would you be OK with a 30 minute queue every time you needed to do a challenge with her?

    It wouldn't for me.

    What is your Killer Main? Would you accept 10-15 minute queues every match because everyone decided they didn't like them anymore and banned them? Of course not… that's why this is unfair.

    It may not make a difference "for everyone's queues" if I can ban Slinger, but it sure makes a difference for people who like to play Slinger. And that just isn't good balancing or fair treatment, friend.

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