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General Discussions

MMR fix/change should be priority

You want to balance the game better? Fix the MMR. It's as simple as that.

I have played two survivor games today. There is no reason I should go from a p100 blight with 8k hours and a team who can't loop a housefly to a doctor who seemed to have just installed the game today and a team that knew what they were doing so he DC'd in end game because he had one hook stage.

There is no reason for hitting the opposite sides of the spectrum on both sides in two consecutive matches. Fix the MMR. The only people this is fun for is the higher level killer mains and the 4 man swfs like like to bully the killers.

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  • Member Posts: 476

    Can you describe a metric that would accurately position a players skill against every killer in the game?

    Because I can't. And that's why MMR isn't feasibly fixed. It can be improved - again, not by metrics I think would be even handed, unless you have one I don't - but it can't be fixed.

  • Member Posts: 6,371

    You want more consistent matchmaking, then lobby dodging & shopping around would need to be squashed out. The awful results due to backfilling are the root cause of those one-sided steamrolls, in both roles.

    That would give their system its best chance to put together fair-ish trials each time.

  • Member Posts: 324

    Backfill lobbies are the problem. At least with the current practice to backfill with anyone

  • Member Posts: 3,187

    That and their whole current "TOP MMR/LEVEL" , "I only play with and against golden gods of DBD" headlining will be exposed as the outright fallacy that it is. That's not every creator, but we know who these people are.

    But I think one of the bigger problems is what strict matchmaking would do to queue times. A few years back they did SBMM testing with different settings and the most effective ones (seemingly) came with brutal queue times. Some people might tolerate that, but most won't.

    And I don't think most people really want super tight matchmaking. Only a select few really want to be fighting for their lives every match. I'd settle for seeing the wild misplacements, like a 50 hour player thrown in with a bunch of multiple thousand hour veterans, completely eliminated. You should never see players with such massive disparities in experience in the same match. And it happens. All. The. Time.

    And that's mostly down to the backfilling.

    And of course another known massive issue that the MMR criteria are a joke. That would have to be totally overhauled before real SBMM refinement could happen. And that is something BHVR has not shown an appetite to take on.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    The current matchmaking system exists because it is statistically proven to increase player engagement/retention. It has been designed based on casino algorithms, and it is unlikely to change because of player frustration.

    Its all part of a larger trend in gaming.

    The best thing you can do is play a game that respects your time and money.
    BHVR will change MMR if they see a shift in the industry at large.

    Its not that they don't know how to improve MMR, its that the existing system is most profitable right now.

  • Member Posts: 384

    I'm getting pretty sick of winning a few matches and getting skyrocketed into the SWF and Nurses from Hell range on my poor Trapper or with my silly meme Nicholas Cage because I lucked into it.

    Nobody wants matches that boost you by winning more than they sink you by losing. MMR shouldn't be exponential like this. Linear makes more sense.

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