How do you keep faith in the balancing team?

I don't trust the Phase QoL initiative whatsoever. Seeing how little they buffed Chucky, destroyed Skull Merchant, the upcoming xenomorph update, how Bhvr is content with the Knotted Rope change (, and not to mention the past few years of changes.
How do you keep faith in the balancing team because I lost all hope in it.
Never had any to begin with.
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I have faith in them because I don’t believe they’re genuinely trying to destroy the game. I believe they want their game to succeed. What we see and experience is a small bubble of the entirety of the game, and they have access to data, knowledge, and information that we don’t. I’m not going to pretend I know more than they do.
Now, I do agree that they’ve made some mistakes and I don’t think they would deny that. But comparing the game now to how it was even 4 years ago is night and day, showing the constant work and adjustments they’ve done, are doing, and will continue to do. They will continue to make mistakes because the Devs are people too, but if I’m going to actively play the game, it is not in my best interest to root or expect them to fail. And if it is, I probably shouldn’t be playing. I wouldn’t bet money on a horse I expected to lose.
This is just my personal opinion, but that’s how I keep faith. I like the game and I think they like the game. So I support them in trying to make the game a better place and point out when maybe they’ve missed the mark— not because I believe they can’t be successful— but because I believe they’re capable of better.
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Love the goblin who flat out downvotes just about every post as if it does anything.
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Part of the reason why the downvote button does nothing except discourage people from saying stuff and elaborating on why. Nothing positive came out of it. I saw people comment day 1 that they would downvote everything and laugh at the reactions when the button came back.
Most will just push the "no" button and move on without saying why they disagree with something, reducing actual conversations and possibilities of finding good middle-ground solutions.
Some will get massively downvoted after posting their opinion (by trolls or not, doesn't matter) and will start to comment less to not have it happen again.
Some are just trolls that enjoy annoying people and making any sort of data that could be taken from the like/dislike ratio unreliable.
Some will dislike purely because more people disliked than liked, further skewing information.
Hopefully the goblins eventually make BHVR realize that the downvote button serves no useful purpose.
Post edited by Skillfulstone on5 -
Nerfing something into oblivion so it's effectively non-existant with the idea of putting it on the backburner and fixing it later is the issue. It would be one thing if the devs fixed it in a timely manner, but the back burner is full of things that have been sitting there for years. Theres no reason to believe any new addition to it will be any different.
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There’s little to no hope considering we have bugs and hackers in this game for years that never get resolved and the sad part is BHVR makes money off of hackers.
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BHVR doesn't make money off of hackers. Hackers just made a bot and spammed a million free accounts into existence. They have a surplus of free accounts they sell. So it's actually said hackers making money off of BHVR.
It's peak reddit behavior. I don't engage with the system at all because it has no place in a forum in the first place.
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Well, i am happy with more balance changes they make than i am unhappy.
The knotted rope comment is news to me and is in insane take on their part, especially considering they said in december they have plans to revisit it 2025. I hope it's miscommunication, or they at least changed their mind.
Skull merchant did get pretty gutted although they promised a rework at least.
Chucky nerfs i was very unhappy about, but i am very optimistic about the upcoming tweaks. The slight cooldown change does make a big difference on a killer like chucky, and the speed change might make him feel good again.1 -
The downvote button was added to stifle actual conversation and to have the forum become an even bigger echo chamber, nothing more nothing less.
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Do you have any evidence to back that up?
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I lost faith in their balance team once they added the original MFT which clearly had broken most m1 killers turning the weakest killers in the game to being almost unplayable, and that loads of the community let them know in the ptb that it was problematic, but they still let it go live for months upon months upon months with "we'll keep an eye on it" until they finally admitted it was a problem then fixed it. If they would have listened to the overwhelming feedback that was a problem, it would have never gone live to push m1 killers to the brink of extinction.
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Besides the obvious point of everyone who actually plays this game at a reasonable level of skill could tell right away that near permanent 3% haste is ridiculous, you have to keep in mind that a ton of said feedback is just flat out BS.
The majority of feedback is probably counterproductive, so I can't fault them for "not listening". I can only say that they are obviously not engaging with their game on a meaningful level. Which is their own fault as well, they are making it unnecessarily hard on themselves by taking the easy way out every single time they can.
I have tons of suggestions that would make their lives a whole lot easier in regards to DBD development decisions, many of which I do not even bother to share since nobody cares and BHVR will not react to it in any way. It would be wasted time and effort on my part.
After almost 10 years of this, none of this will change. At this point I am even convinced that DBD is nothing but a side project for BHVR.
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Some of the changes they implement are so bad for the game, I can't help but wonder if they are tired of being the dbd game company and want to move onto new projects, but dbd keeps holding them back and they want to kill it off. Perhaps they are intentionally sabotaging the game so it'll just fall apart so they can say there's not enough interest in the game and can drop it without just outright dropping it.
Do I believe that this is the case? No, but it's just this weird feeling in the back of my mind. They clearly self sabotage in some of the changes that are made.
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We just hope that they cant make things worse.
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It's tough, but the freddy rework has shown that they are capable of producing good game outcomes.
I think overbuffing Houndmaster and Singularity, as well as missing the mark on the Xenomorph changes concerns me, but I can see the line of logic they followed, at least. I don't believe there's any malice behind what they do, instead I think that they just aren't given the time to let good changes get proper testing anymore.
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EDIT: It seems I slipped and fell on my keyboard and accidentally posted this video and I don't know how to delete posts.
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Yea your post is glaring evidence.
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Can you elaborate on that?
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are these free accounts still being sold? If so, shame on BHVR for not deactivating them. That free giveaway was years ago and there would be zero legitimate players harmed by deactivating them at this point.
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The biggest problem IMO is that the balance team only seems to make necessary changes after a huge amount of community outcry. There have been so many things in the past that were clearly busted, people told them right away that they were busted, yet were kept in the game for a long time. Sometimes I wonder if they intentionally leave busted things in the game to attract more players.
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From what I've been seeing, any pro-killer posts are being downvoted to oblivion
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Interesting. I haven't payed too much attention but I will observe this. It's not unlikely.
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That speed change is only after scamper, no? So doesn't really change that much. Not really enough to make him worth playing. Just play Dracula if you want third POV.
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Yeah, I have feeling the moment they revisit knotted rope, she will get nerfed along with it.
I still hate her visual design, so don't care much about her…
Skully, Chucky, and Xeno are kinda getting the reason, why Deathslinger was nerfed. Not like killer was too strong, but survivors didn't like to play against them…
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They updated the dev update to clarify it applies to slice and dice and scamper
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oh, ok. Well, we will see on PTB if it is going to change anything in reality.
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The game's ninth anniversary is coming up. I've got personal problems with the decisions BHVR makes, but they've kept the game interesting for longer than the vast majority of games I've ever played.
At this point I am even convinced that DBD is nothing but a side project for BHVR.
It is, and always has been, a side project for BHVR. People don't seem to get that BHVR is not a company that primarily designs their own games, they are hired to work/partner on other games.
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They lose money off hackers considering they give themselves everything, including the hundreds of dollars worth of DLCs
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I get what you’re saying, and I agree that some things have been left sitting for too long. But I don’t think that means every change is doomed to stay broken forever. The game has changed massively over time, and while some fixes take longer than they should, others have been addressed fairly quickly. If I genuinely thought the devs had no intention of improving things, I wouldn’t bother playing at all. But I see progress, even if it’s not always at the pace we want. But I understand your frustration.
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thats because this is a survivor main forums
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i can see its being abused. i think its high time to remove the downvote button already.
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The comment about knotted rope made me REALLY doubtful, lol. To say 2% is a good place is just wild. Who in their right mind would say 0.05 seconds is viable?
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Do I really need to? Most of this is just common sense as it's self evident. I shouldn't have to explain to you how a downvote button does nothing but deter differing opinions and the same people who spam each others upvotes will now just spam peoples downvotes. There's no Karma system on this thread (yet, but let's wait and see), so really there shouldn't be upvotes or downvotes, all it does is deter people from actual discussion.
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No no that's not what I was adressing.
You were stating that
The downvote button was added to stifle actual conversation and to have the forum become an even bigger echo chamber, nothing more nothing less.
As if that was the deliberate decision and intention of BHVR. I was asking for evidence about that. We've already established that the vote system is no good.
Hanlon's Razor.
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oh thats interesting, and with all the delays happening they’re trying to keep up with finances by bringing back old tomes in a bundle which seems so greedy.
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There was hope?
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If you equip it you can have hope all the time.
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I have no faith in the balance team. The fact that they’re still trying stuff like the xeno nerf nearly 9 years into the game shows they have very little understanding of their own game or how it’s played. I feel like they make balancing decisions based of spreadsheets and never actually play test them to see if they’re viable. How else could they think giving xeno a 95+ second cooldown is reasonable?
Too many instances of that kind of thing happening over and over throughout the years.
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Most of the time the balance team cooks, sometimes they burn down the kitchen. C'est la vie.
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Part of the issue is the community viewing things through extremely uncharitable lenses a lot, which compounds in on itself until changes that may even be potentially questionable are considered outright abject failures before they've even been tested.
Like here, where the Xeno changes are being portrayed as "a 95+ second cooldown" even though that's extremely not at all what was in the dev update. The time it takes for heat to dissipate is not a power cooldown, but things have warped so far away from the starting position that it's making the devs look worse than they actually are.
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The power can become disabled and will not recharge for up to 95+ seconds. It’s a de facto cooldown. I don’t really think there’s much to be gained splitting hairs about semantics because it’s “heat dissipation” instead of a “cooldown” when the practical, effective result is exactly the same.
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Is the implication here that you'll keep the heat status after you're knocked out? I don't see any reason to assume that's how it'd work, if you're knocked out your actual power recharge should begin, surely?
I straight up didn't even realise that was the assumption being made here, so I do apologise for heading in the wrong direction. My point stands but your post isn't an example of it the way I thought it was.
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Yeah, the way I (and I believe most people) have read it is that the heat dissipation continues after you’ve been knocked out of your power. I could be wrong, but given how many folks have come to the same conclusion, I think if it doesn’t work that way it’s a problem with how the change was communicated.
If I am, I’ll be the first to admit it!0 -
I doubt that's how it'll work, myself, but I suppose we'll both know for sure when the PTB drops.
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I just reread the update and I do think your interpretation could be correct. I guess it all comes down to whether being knocked out of crawler mode immediately resets heat or not.
And to your point, I do agree that a lot of reactions (like mine) are fairly uncharitable to the balance team. However, I do not think it’s unearned. They’ve made some frankly abysmal balancing decisions over the years, and I think anyone reacting to their announced changes with skepticism is justified. But as you said, we ultimately just have to see what shakes out in the PTB.1 - idea how that has any relation to what you said initially but aight, cool
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Faith is granted based on divine status. So it'd be bad to have faith in a cabal of micro transaction focused game developers and their managers.
Trust is something that groups builds. I trust, based on historical experience that the forward results will be in line with the historical results.
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Now that the PTB is out, folks have tested the xeno change and true to my word, I’ll admit I was wrong about the heat dissipation not resetting after xeno gets knocked out of crawler mode.
However, the heat dissipation takes so long if you’re still in crawler mode (and doesn’t reset if you go into tunnels), that it appears it’d be faster to deliberately burn yourself out of crawler mode and then let your power regenerate. Which doesn’t seem great to me either, but it’s not as bleak as I thought.