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your best builds on your fave killers ?

hey guys i would like to know ur best builds on killers you play most nowadays

i did my 50 win streak as ghosty with corrupt/deadlock/surge/coup

i play myers with tomb + play with ur food/corrupt/bambooz/deadlock

legion enduring/fury/corrupt/deadlock + red addone for smashin pallets

the knight : corrupt/pain res/bbq/dead man switch

singularity: corrupt/pain res/coup/no way out

spirit: corrupt/deadlock/save the best/no way out

please share your best builds for the killer u play most

thank you

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  • Member Posts: 119


    Need For Speed
    I only ever play legion so I guess Coup, Fire Up, maybe even run play with your food because you'll be in and out of chase with frenzy and Any 2 gen slower perks or information perk as I find it fun to just gain a massive amount of speed depending on how far they get into the match which would make sense for legion's kit and being able to know info on where they are is useful. and for addons Mural Sketch and Franks MixTape so I can kick down doors like a swat member while in chase fast and catch up faster

    pretty fun :D

  • Member Posts: 2,067


    Add-ons: Dried Cicada and Rusty Shackles

    Perks: Corrupt, PWYF/STBFL, Surge, Monitor


    Add-ons: Severed Hands and Festering Carrion

    Perks: Pain Res, Dead Man's Switch, Iron Maiden, Tinkerer (Surveilance works too)


    Add-ons: Lock of Hair and Hair Bow/Judith's Journal

    Perks: Corrupt, PWYF, Spirit Fury, Enduring (swap for Surge or STBFL)

  • Member Posts: 274

    I’m sure it’s a lot more fun to use than to go against but: Surge, Franklin’s Demise, Weave Attunment and Friends ‘til the End

    And my favourite 3 killers with the add-ons:

    Vecna - Ring of Spell Storing, Pearl of Power

    Knight - Call to Arms, Town Watch’s Torch

    Dracula - Magical Ticket, Winged Boots

  • Member Posts: 16

    thats sounds good but there is a problem ! im In EU ..and here surrvivors love gens , they do gens like there is no i have to give up atleast two perk slots for corrupt/deadlock or something like this ...i just did make a build for fun on ghostface fireup/brutal/bambooz/coup ...its just so fun and fast but yeah there were matches that i lost 3 gens in first even fast down ...and the match was already over ...eventho i had matches same build and i just played a bit nasty with tunneling and slugging due to same gen rush and i ended wining the match yeah here if we wanna have a balance matches it should be atleast 2 gen perks main build is corrupt/deadlock/surge/coup and thats the only build that gave me the time and situation to be able to controll the match and push the gens and chases at the ame same time ...

  • Member Posts: 16

    dont play hag ...but myers build i would try it tonight thank u ✌️

  • Member Posts: 16

    i would try the knight ...did not played other two killers thank u✌️

  • Member Posts: 748

    My main is Doctor and my build on 99% of my Doctor matches is Surge, Sloppy Butcher, Distressing and BBQ. Most times I run Calm add-ons, or a combination of Calm and Discipline (the shorter detonation delay for Shock Therapy is awesome). Every now and then I will mix up some Restraint and Order, but it's very rare for me not to run any Calm lol.

    It's a very straightforward build but let me explain how I use it anyway.

    The objective behind the Calm add-ons + Distressing is, of course, to make your terror radius gigantic, because I always want as many survivors to be hit with my Static Blast as possible. The idea behind this is to apply as much madness as I can, as madness serves as a heavily underrated tracking + slowdown tool. Sometimes, if I want to go in Static Blast spam mode, I will run Calm + Order.

    BBQ is an excellent tool to determine the general area in which survivors are so that I can go Static Blast them. It's especially useful when you get there, Blast, and fewer people than expected scream, because most times it means someone got into a locker to avoid screaming and many times I've caught people inside lockers for this reason, as you can often guess which exact locker they got into (unless you're on a crazy locker map like Midwich I guess).

    Sloppy Butcher is probably my favorite perk in the build. As I play somewhat hit & run-ish, Sloppy allows me enough time to catch survivors before they heal. The big Static Blast comes in handy here too, because it's the perfect tool to determine where those survivors are and apply madness to them (which, if reaching tier III, will stop them from healing altogether). Sloppy will buy you the time you need to get all of this done (well, most times, supposing survivors aren't running some crazy healing builds or syringes).

    Last but not least, Surge. This is my favorite slowdown perk because I hate kicking gens and, unlike other perks such as Pain Res or Grim Embrace, this one never runs out. It's also perfect for Doctor because, as an M1 killer, he will always trigger it. And, since the entire build is designed around keeping people injured and interrupting them, most times they will go down close to a gen in progress.

    Every now and then I will play other builds, but this is my fav one :) I've tried stacking a bunch of regression perks on him but I feel that those fail to make use of Doc's power to its full potential. Doc has built-in tracking and slowdown, and I feel that this build enhances those abilities even more.

    Also, I love Calm add-ons due to how nicely its effect synergizes with the rest of the build, but you can absolutely run other add-ons. I recommend the four Class add-ons since they are all useful. I prefer Discipline over the Electrode add-ons because most times it's way more useful to reduce Shock Therapy's detonation delay than to hit the survivor from a mile away. In both cases you will probably stop the survivor from dropping the pallet/vaulting, but Electrode will hit from so far that some times you won't be able to catch up before they get to another pallet/window, whereas Discipline will do its job when you're close to the survivor. Also, it goes without saying that Doc's Iri add-ons are some of the most solid Iri add-ons in the game and can be pretty fun to use. I love Iri Queen because it helps spread madness a lot!

    I love Doc :) I hope you can play him with my build. And if you do, have fun!

  • Member Posts: 7,177
    edited March 11


    Perks: Pwyf, Nemesis, Surge, Friends til the end.

    Add ons; Judith's journal and J Myers memorial.

    Basically you get constant obsessions whether you're hooking survivors or getting stunned, always farming your pwyf stacks, you're always zooming fast, and the Judith's journal add on lets you get stalk 40% faster from the obsession so you're constantly popping tier 3's.

    All credit to Stalky boi for this fantastic Mikey build.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    LLegion With iri button and glasses or filthy blade + Surge, Dissolution, Ensuring, and Genetic Limits or Fearmonger

    I don't respect pallets I just love m1 gaming :)

  • Member Posts: 4,695
    edited March 11


    • Stbfl
    • Lethal
    • BBQ
    • Surge
      • Johns medical file
      • Workshop grease

    (this is my chill build. Best build looks a bit more boring and slowdown / hex heavy)


    • Stbfl
    • Hex: Face the darkness
    • Surge
    • Discordance
      • Ring drawing
      • Bloody fingernails

    (An incredibly good build, not just to learn this killers most effective playstyle but also very strong in general to keep monitoring the entire map while maintaining pressure)

  • Member Posts: 523
    edited March 11

    Wraith God of Speed
    The few times I try to play 12 hooks. Fade to stealth and you get a Play with Your Food token. Wraith is the fastest at gaining speed tokens.
    "Windstorm" - White, "Windstorm" - Blood
    Play with Your Food, Friends 'til the End, Furtive Chase, Nemesis

    Version 1 - A build where I always play for 4 kills. Designed to find the last one and identify overly smart survivors (Iron Maiden)
    Iridescent King, Iridescent Queen
    Distressing, Infectious Fright, Iron Maiden, Whispers

    Version 2 - Light version with terror on the entire map
    "Calm" - Carter's Notes, "Calm" - Class II
    Distressing, Merciless Storm, Surge, Languid Touch

    Version 1 Like the mistress of birds, an authentic bird build.
    Severed Hands, O Grief, O Lover or Darkest Ink
    Languid Touch, Spies from the Shadows, Mindbreaker and Iron Maiden

    Version 2 Aura build
    Severed Hands, Matias' Baby Shoes
    Lethal Pursuer, Alien Instinct, Friends 'til the End, Nemesis

    Dredge Partial 12-hook game with tunneling ability
    Lavalier Microphone, Field Recorder
    Make Your Choice, Deathbound, Forced Penance and Surge

    Knight The most balanced build that I never want to change. I used Surveillance before they reworked the generators. The second killer that can play without Lightborn.
    Call to Arms, Dried Horsemeat
    Discordance, Surge, Mindbreaker and Languid Touch

    Houndmaster Actually a universal double tunneling build for all killers. Surprisingly works well on the lady with the dog though.
    Some brown addons.
    Alien Instinct, Friends 'til the End, Furtive Chase, Nemesis

  • Member Posts: 797
    edited March 12

    Myers: Fire Up, Friends till the End, PWYF, Surge.

    This build is absolute S tier + on Mikey, but make sure to get those PWYF stacks, Friends till the End makes it much easier to always have at least a stack in your pocket.

  • Member Posts: 16

    thats good ! for rushhing pallet forsure

  • Member Posts: 728

    Myers... Tombstone

    Lethal, play with your food, corruption, tinkerer.

    So satisfying when I 99 the stalk, tinkerer gets triggered, sneak up on the gen worker, scare the **** out of em and mori em.

  • Member Posts: 567
    edited March 13

    Currently I am running a build on Artist that can best be described as "I Have Seen Too Many Lithes And Now I'm Mad". The obvious downside is that if nobody runs an Exhaustion perk, or if they run Sprint Burst (which is by far the hardest of the bunch to counter this way) you're playing with 3 perks and 1 add-on.

    But I found that this build can work surprisingly well. And that is because of the synergy between Genetic Limits and the add-on O Grief, O Lover. A swarmed Survivor will be exhausted for as long as the swarm is up, and any action they do will reset the repel timer. So if they vault, drop a pallet or anything like that, they stay exhausted. Then, when they take damage, Genetic Limits kicks in and keeps the exhaustion active, only this time it's on a timer (and can be walked off, so be careful).

    It's a silly build but I have a lot of fun with it.

  • Member Posts: 643

    My builds are all simple. I limit myself to one slowdown or regression perk. I just can't and will not run quad slowdown. My favorite build on myself

    Lethal, Franklin's, Surge, Genetic Limits or Infectious Fright.

  • Member Posts: 10,369
    edited March 13

    I use Pain Res, Grim, No Way Out, Remember Me on everyone now. But I usually play Nemesis, Unknown, and Xenomorph.

  • Member Posts: 206


    Addons - Heavy Panting, Plaid Flannel

    Perks - Predator, Nowhere to Hide, Lethal Persuer, Grim Embrace.

    After the change to Predator, it's a very nice perk for Nurse. If Victims manage to escape/make some distance, it's a good catch-up.

  • Member Posts: 49


    Surge/brutal/nurses calling/no way out

    Addons: wardens keys/ammo belt/iri coin

    Ive had great succes with this build as slinger (hes my main)

  • Member Posts: 2


    I've recently started to play the Houndmaster and I think Discordance is a very strong perk for this killer. When the notification of two survivors working on a single gen triggers, I can immediately send the dog to that gen with the search command to pressure multiple people at the same time. If I'm in a chase right now, and dependent on the situation, I typically send the dog after the survivor gets downed but before picking them up for the hook. This usually works well to still pressure the survivors away from the gen, especially when used in combination with the Belaying Pins add-on which makes them oblivious for 20 seconds.

    For the other perk slots I currently use Oppression and Overcharge, which I think are great perk designs because they still give survivors an opportunity to pass a difficult skill check to avert some generator regression. Probably there are more powerful perks than these, but from the survivor POV they don't feel annoying if you still have the means of influencing the effects (this also applies to the Merciless Storm perk for example).

    As the last perk I currently have Hex: Haunted Ground, just for the fun/memes. While it seems pointless to run this as a single hex perk on its own, in practice the majority of survivors do cleanse hex totems as soon as they find them. So it's always fun when this triggers and you know that they inflicted the one minute exposed effect by themselves :)

    I don't feel like the Houndmaster needs any chase perks, because the chase command for the dog is already very powerful.


    On Clown I currently run Coup de Grace, Hex: Blood Favor, Pain Resonance and Grim Embrace.

    Since Clown has no real map wide pressure, I think he benefits a lot from chase perks to keep the chase times short. Especially Blood Favor immensely helps to get a quick first down. And having some form of gen regression/blocking perks seems to be necessary to keep up with fast gen speeds if survivors split up and work efficiently.

  • Member Posts: 28


    Franklins Demise/weave attunement/lethal pursuer/Friends till the end

    Addons front page article and blurry photo or oss report and blurry photo for the 5 second teleport cooldown reduction

    The point of this build is to hit survivors with franklins so they drop their item, Then you place your hallucination on the item so they cant pick it up without cleansing the hallucination and when they start cleansing your hallucination you can see it from anywhere with weave and easily teleport to interrupt the cleanse weakening them and giving you a free hit

    you can also place the hallucinations in the aura of the item and teleport when they go to pick up the item which is usually better then the point of the build at least in the games ive played using this build.

    Friends til the end and lethal are just a great duo that gives you lots of information, To start it helps you find your first chase and gives you information on the obsession when you hook showing the aura of the obsession letting you teleport to your closest hallucination to start a new chase, friends til the end is one of unknowns best perks and the main reason lethal is here is to buff friends till the end more

    I love this build with unknown (My Main) Its surprisingly useful with how much information it gives and how easily you can capitalize on that information

  • Member Posts: 16

    Since I haven't been around too long, I'm looking at Otz's builds on his website. I need to buy more killers so that I have access to all the benefits. I do the same for the survivors. It all just takes a bit of time

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    My favourite build for Freddy is Garden Rake, Nancy's Sketch (bigger snare and shorter immunity)

    Barbecue and Chili, Mindbreaker, Surge, Save the Best for Last.

    Save the best for last surprisingly good on freddy, i find it's better than Rapid Brutality and Brutal Strength.

    Surge means you don't have to kick gens, it's really powerful on freddy.

    Mindbreaker and Barbecue means after a hook you can see and teleport to gens survivors are working on and they can't escape the radius and also can't recover before you are chasing them.

    Maybe not Freddy's best build but it's by far the most comfortable build i've found for him.

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