The frustrating thing about camping/Tunneling at 5 gens

You load up, wait a few minutes to start a match. Within the first 15 to 20 seconds you're found first for whatever reason. You kite the killer for a bit, get downed and then.... games done....
The killer decides to hook you, camp outside the hook timer, and just wait. You however are playing solo-Q and pray your team knows how to deal with this situation. They don't unfortunately, and you get saved late and lost a hook state.
You get saved however it's super late, by only 1 survivor and in front of the killers face. He decides to go for you again. You kite him a bit more knowing yourgoing to die but it's okay at least your team has all the time in the world to do the gens right?
They stood around, hid, lollygagged. Got 2 gens done the whole time this was going on. I get downed again and die immediately on second hook.
I end the match which took all of about 8 minutes 10 if you include the pre load lobby with a whopping 8k points for all my troubles.
Survivors get punished when killers play dirty. We get no chance to get points bc we are robbed a game. Time wasted, frustrating as all get out and frankly not fun
Unfortunately this happens alot more than it should be we are at the mercy of how the killer decides to play ontop of random chance you get a decent team. Odds are against you both go in your favor in a match.
I hope they do something about this with the points for tunneled Survivors to make the match worth preservering and not "going next" during the quality of life changes.
Don't need massive game changes to fix the tunnel camp, just need point adjustments I think.
Thanks for reading.
It's an elimination game, someone needs to go out first. That one the goes out first will always feel they miss out on a match when others are still playing.
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You must be NA west because I dont know what it is about survivors in these servers but it seems they are allergic to generators.
Yes, this happens way too much which is why I run Kindred when I play solo q (which is almost always).
The best thing the devs can do to fix this issue is fix the MMR. There is absolutely no reason someone with 7k hours should be teamed up with someone at 100 hours in game. It needs to be based on more than just escapes because the new survivors hide in terror and might get out more than someone who is actually facing the killer.
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Not necessarily. I remember going out back in the day with four stacks of WGLF and thinking 'eh, I got my big BP boost, I'm happy!'.
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The balance of the game has always been so wonky that it nearly required the players to come up with an unwritten set of rules to be followed for the game to turn into a "balanced/fun" round. that set of rules is either ignored or not known to a large part of the playerbase on both sides, as killers seek to end games so fast they might as well not have qued, and survivors seek to annoy the killer as much as possible to a point where the killers stop caring about the "set of rules" as the other side alredy isnt following them. All that seems to apply for lower mmr while higher mmr is just win at all costs lol.
I tried logging in yesterday for a few rounds just to try to get some of my characters that are close to p100 some bloodpoints. Round 1 i have 3 teammates with flashlights that i don't know, they all end up slugged in 1 generator. We all die on first hook. Round 2 i start doing a generator someone gets chased, downed, then the other 2 players all get slugged trying to body block and sabotage hooks, i go down on the way to help them after the 1 generator was done. Round 3, had a decent round for a while got 2 generators done then the killer decides he doesnt like myhair or something and only goes for me for the rest of the game. I manage to loop for the rest of the generators and die distracting for the last, then eveeyone just gets slugged anyway lol. Round 4 and onward were similar instances but you get the idea. It takes a while to find a "fun" round anymore in solo que because nobody cares about the old rules anymore.
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Yesterday I did only 4 matches cause of this and immediately switch games. Round 1match a pyramid head downs a claudia, after about 40 seconds of no one seeming to get her, I pull her off and ofc returns to hook and tunnels her out to death which is common of pyramid heads. He did try me chasing but when he kept trying to mind game and failing seeing am a strong looper he ignores me for the rest of match goong only for my teammates,
I can tell he really didnt want to try me cause sure he score a lucky hit at one point and while he went for the othet claudia, I went and got off Rebecca heal her first, he comes back see me injured but instead goes for Rebecca yet again even though I was thinking he go go for me since I still was injured lmao. Long story short had me wnd of eacaping via hatch.
Round 2 was another pyramid head doing the same tunnel crap as the previous one, ignores me when losing to mind games and tunnels my teamates. Round 3 lethal nth sweat nurse where survivor one kamikaze on hook. Round 4 I ran a slinger for 3 gens in rpd and the ######### hits the fan of a apparent 3 man clown fest who cause us the game, cleasing totems taking hits trying to sabo, flashy light before I even get a chance to finish first gen. I Iet the killer kill all of them and escape via hatch. Congrads on giving the killer his adept. Sad part one was a ttv like me and the other a ytd. I hope that killer got the message I was not a part of them. ( if you want the vid ill post it).
Moral is sometimes I hate when am good at looping and now it results to the killer ignoring me and going for my weaker team(solo q). Is it a good strat? Yes but also its annoying and killer mains seriously needs to stop qq about swf this swf that. Cause what would those 2 pyramid heads do then if I was with my 4 man swf who also can loop and mind game like me? Yall need to wake up to reality and stop complaining about swf or bullies when yall treat solo q in the most disgusting and toxic way possible🙄. Devs once again removing unhook notifocations may slightly help.
Post edited by buggybug on0 -
I get sent to Dead Dawg 5 times in a row as trapper. Object of Obsession or a key coupled with discord = 0 people getting trapped at any point. 1 hook at the very end of the match. Body blocking everywhere, sabos, head on, flashlight, syringe and a genrush build.
It's not like survivors are the only ones getting shafted. But then complain when the quad slowdown blight comes out.
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The matchmaking should be stricter. That way, you'd get teammates and opponents that are closer to your level
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What matchmaking xD MMR in DbD is a myth.. You either get baby teammates/killers or sweatlords. There is nothing between. And idk how to fix it.
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Agreed but that doesn't mean the issue shouldn't be talked about soloq is drowning so it should be talked about you might tell me you got rolled by a 4 man team or even a 3 man team but if I play 5 hours by myself and only make it out of less then ten matches something is wrong almost every match I play lately the killer has at least 3 hooks at 5 gens there's no reason the killer should have the ability to kill me with devour hope at 5 gens which has happened multiple times
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Good, I just wanted to establish that. Otherwise I agree. SoloQ is hot garbage at the moment.
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Yeah killers get shafted sure. But i bet you left with more than 8k points tho. Even my worst killer matches are more points than my worst survivor matches. Point being, the bloodpoint system for survivors when you unfortunately have a slug/hard tunneled/camped type of match and get pushed out fast punishes you even more.
You always leave those matches with such a low amount of points when the majority of the situation is just out of your control, unfun, and just bad luck. The wasted time for only 8k to 10k points makes it more favorable to "go next" on hook.
Boosting points for kiting the killer, or maybe even boldness gets vamped up to make it worth sticking out a bad match would help the quality of life.
Those 400x boosts made all my matches worth it even the bad ones. I feel players would tough it out more knowing they would still get the points in the end.
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Surprisingly simple, good answer.
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This is why escapes aren't skillful, because it's just a matter of if you were the last one in the killer's sights or not. And you can't balance the game off teammates not knowing what they're doing. MMR is supposed to place bad with bad and good with good. This is why I actually prefer an emblem based matchmaking system now, because playing the game normally gets punished, and nothing is being done to fix it.
For right now, all we can do is change our mindset. Doesn't matter if you all die in solo. Just as long as you know you did your part in chases, or gens, or both, you get the BP, the emblems, and the satisfaction. Same thing with killer. Just focus on slowing the game down enough to get as many chases in as possible.