8.6.0 PTB Feedback

8.6.0 PTB Feedback

THERE IS NO WAY Xenomorph can stay this way + suggestions

I'm sorry but the nerfs are too overwhelming and the buffs too small, there is no way this goes live as it is. This horror icon already felt kind of underperforming and clunky, you can't have it in this state at release, that's just not acceptable, we already had that with freddy, and even as a P100 xeno main with over 500 hours on him, I can confidently say that there is no way i'll play him(or at least way less frequently) if this changes go live

The turrets buffs now ensure that you never have your power, not less often, just never. But if you eventually do have it, well congratulation you got a watered down version of pyramid head(because let's be honest, even though everyone kept complaining about this power, it never was as good as some of the other killers ability that for the record don't have an obvious bipping counter to deal with). I'm willing to accept the clunkyness of the tail attack's increased reaction time if people think its better that way, but some serious changes need to be made. I'm not going to only complain here, if this changes need to go live as they are, you at least have to consider some of this changes(I'm throwing every ideas I had on my mind and let you make the sorting) :

-if you want to keep the new turret progress depleting nonsense AT LEAST make it 200 max charges, that's the bare minimum to make it playable

-NEW going inside tunnels decrease your burn charges

-NEW for every 80 burn charges depleted this way, the xenomorph power get a token up to 8. For each token, get an additional 4% speed whil in a turret's radius and a 10% stagger resistance increase

-this ensures that the turrets stay strong, but become less and less efficient as the match goes, witnessing the xenomorph's incredible adaptability

-decrease the speed debuff after a tail attack, make it a bit less frustrating and more rewarding for those times where you do have your power

-NEW while in crawler mode, xenomorph is now undetectable there is no reason for this to not be a thing since the xenomorph will now be significantly less in this mode, so you can at least try to sneak on survivors even though they have an automatic alarm to tell if you're around

-NEW suppress the speed penalty while carrying a turret, make it just longer to install to avoid mid chases placement. A change for survivors this time, allow them to walk around with turrets as just detectors and not only turrets, so it feels more immersive with the new undetectable effect.

-placed turrets will now have a 35% reduction on their motion sensor detecting ranges, while this nerf doesn't apply to carried turrets to encourage survivors to chose between a detecting item or a defensive item all while making it more pleasant to use. Also make it so the survivors can work on a gen with the turret, so they are not obliged to place something that will be detrimental to your power

this changes would make the character far more enjoyable and immersive for both sides i believe

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  • Member Posts: 37

    I hightly agree with this. I stopped playing Xenomorph because turrets were to op and i couldn't learn his ability because I'm always got knocked out. Now you wouldn't be able to use the tail at all with these changes

  • Member Posts: 1,308

    the changes are fine outside of the burn ones imo. Tail is pretty cringe to play against at 0.2 seconds and the tail recovery buff is effectively a turret nerf.

  • Member Posts: 11


    well if you think that you're probably representing this part of the community that made this nerf a thing in the first place. People constantly complaining about how unfair a character is while never really playing it or getting to learn how punishing/unsatisfying it feels to play is not a really healthy thing for the game imo and that's an understatement

  • Member Posts: 11

    @Shinkiro i agree but devs being devs are not going to reset it as it was before, since it already took them some ressources (even though I'm sure that wasn't a lot) to go down this road. They are going to try and implement as much of this changes as possible to not make it pointless, so I'm writing down ideas I find relevant to make this changes more bearable. The concept of this mini rework is interesting on paper but the reality of it is just horrendous, so those ideas are only for the eventuality in which devs decide that the core of this rework is going to stay

  • Member Posts: 1,360
    edited March 12

    The changes are very odd for sure. I could understand keeping his tail attack, but nerfing the uptime or buffing counterplay by making turrets more useful by themselves and vice versa. They've decided to just do both and make you a m1 killer most of the match. I'm not a fan of playing or vsing him. That doesn't mean you need to completely gut the killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,527

    If dodging the tail is as easy as it is in ptb you dont even need turrets so nerfing them is pointless.

  • Member Posts: 1,527

    Nah, I just came along some information that not only is funny af but also completely invalidates this comment, the missed attack cooldown on ptb only applies to tail attacks that fully miss, meaning turret hit cooldown is still the SAME. Lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,308

    survivors actually get a chance to try to dodge now instead of it being effectively hitscan as it is now. You can literally on reaction punish fast window vaults with current xeno. Awful design

  • Member Posts: 1,308
    edited March 13

    It's just extremely uninteresting gameplay man. xeno 100% has counterplay but it's bad and unfun for both xeno and survivor. I want to actually engage with the killer but against killers like xeno, the counterplay is to not let them interact. This kinda gameplay is some of the worse that dbd has to offer imo, extremely safe play shouldn't be encouraged more than it already is.

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