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General Discussions

Xenomorph's Nerfs Cannot Go Through

These nerfs are absolutely garbage- Overheat takes so long to dissipate that if you're blasted for more than 2/3rds of a second by a turret, it's probably better to just get burned out of your power because at least then you won't have that awful burn overlay adding visual noise and it's faster to recover Crawler from standing than it is to wait out the burn, and it doesn't even recover quickly in the tunnels, so if you're burned and decide to use the tunnels, guess what you won't have even started to recover from by the time you emerge!. The tail feels awful to use, and I'm fairly sure that both the animation and the sound aren't properly sync'd with the new delay.

Were you trying to butcher Xenomorph by completely screwing their numbers, or were you trying to butcher them by making them feel like absolute garbage to play? Because you succeeded in both regards if that's the case. If you're taking any feedback from the PTB, these changes can't go live. Not "It can go live with a number's change", unless that number change is only marginally different from the live version, it cannot and should not go live at all.


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  • Member Posts: 62

    skill issue. now nerf Blight, Nurse and Spirit they take even less skill than the low skill button mashing tail whip cheese spam.

  • Member Posts: 141

    this thread is gonna get removed 100% but I agree. The downvoters are obvious trolls. If the changes go through Xeno will become one of the worst killers in the game and be almost completely unplayable.

  • Member Posts: 4,681

    Not unplayable, but certainly a lot weaker.

    I personally dont some of it. Exiting the tunnels feels amazing now and the tial being nerfed a bit is an ok trade. The turret changes however feel too much and should not go live.

    Xeno has a really low pick rate. It should not be priority to make it even lower.

  • Member Posts: 569
    edited March 13

    People like the buff to exiting the tunnels.

    But they dont like the nerf to the flamethrower/burn mechanic.


    I better see some downvotes, facts are always the hardest to take.

  • Member Posts: 633

    Nerfs might be harsh, but I agree he needs more counterplay. His pickrate is completely irrelevant on whether to change him or not.

  • Member Posts: 633

    I wouldn't necessarily say down voting are trolls. If you agree with the post vote up, if you disagree vote down. Its just a matter of opinion...there is no right or wrong with the votes regardless of which way they point.

  • Member Posts: 10,365

    I won't play him, if this goes through. He should never have a longer tail attack wind-up than he has now. I don't even think noobs were complaining about not being able to dodge react to it. Like, who asked for this?

  • Member Posts: 10,365

    As if EMPs aren't still strong. The problem with these items is they disable the killer's power for free. Nobody wants to play a killer who has to suffer that every single match.

  • Member Posts: 10,365

    How does he need more counterplay? You play against him like any ranged killer, predrop and los denial/distance, and then literal free flamethrower turrets that are a radar and take him out of his power, or at least slow him down. Y'all would find a reason to nerf Ghost Face if you could.

  • Member Posts: 8,908
  • Member Posts: 65

    Yeah I really don't understand why they felt the need to nerf Xeno. It feels like a killer that sat in an OK spot, before this. The only good change is the tail changes, the other ones are just completely unnecessary and will make him Trapper-tier.

  • Member Posts: 825

    I'm not a fan of her original power, but the ptb version absolutely cannot go live. Utterly guts Xenomorph beyond measure with the turrets. For an already unpopular killer, this'll practically ruin her pickrate.

  • Member Posts: 300

    On console xeno is a m1 killer.

    Too hard to hit turrets and nerfs will make it even worse to play.

    Total waste of a licence.

    It's like the devs haven't watched a single movie.

    No speed, no acid no wall/ceiling

  • Member Posts: 1,306

    Just his tail needed to be changed. Burn changes are a complete miss imo

  • Member Posts: 1,306

    Survivors actually want to engage with the killer not just prerun 10 years and play for distance, or take what feels like forever to set up cringe turrets to completely neuter the killer with good setup. Blight and Nurse have more meaningful, interesting, and interactive counterplay than xeno. The tail change is healthy for the game and for the killer, without having xenos balance handcuffed to having an unreactable power they'll actually be able to be buffed in other areas.

  • Member Posts: 83

    idk what the nerfs are, but i think i have won over xeno 1 -2 times max on live servers, so something really needs to be done.

  • Member Posts: 10,365

    No! That's the one change that's the most destructive. Don't you see?! His tail is already hard to hit. How long of a charge time does he need? The better miss cooldown won't mean a thing.

  • Member Posts: 5,305

    maybe they want all killers to suck.

  • Member Posts: 10,365

    I've managed to get quite consistent with his tail on console. It's just unreasonably hard to aim it once it's started, so you have to aim in straight lines, and hope it doesn't magnetize to the pallet/window/object instead of the target survivor. The thing that makes flamethrower turrets hard to hit is, again, not being able to control it once it's going, but more importantly, by the time you're able to aim at and get close to it, you're like 90% burned WITH the heat reduction add-on. And if you hit it with the tail attack, you go into the massive cooldown as if you'd missed (also cancelling Bloodlust), but you almost have to do it that way instead of an M1 because your heat builds up so fast, you'll get burned out 90% of the time because of the close distance you need for the M1. And these changes are reducing the tail miss cooldown, but what is the point if the start-up of the attack is also slower?

    Yeah, most people with disappointed with what they did with Alien. He's just a ranged killer that has nothing to do with wall-crawling, stealth, or the facehuggers, and gives the survivors free flamethrower turrets (which isn't even a thing in the movies) to burn him. Not what anyone was expecting, or wanted.

  • Member Posts: 10,365

    No. His tail could do with the miss cooldown reduction. It did not need to be more choreographed with the slower start-up and the loud sound warning survivors. Those changes were made for noobs, who will lose to him regardless. That's what most killer nerfs are, just making the killer weaker for high level, and the noobs' performance stays the same.

  • Member Posts: 28

    Odd isn't it? They pay for this license too. Nobody will play him if this goes live.

  • Member Posts: 3,487

    Change the killers power and remove turrets. Killers should be fun to play not frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 2,107

    The turrets are a form of slowdown tho. It's pretty clear that people don't consider that part, and the survivors have to spend time collecting, traveling slowly, and setting up turrets for them to be effective. That's time not on gens.

    And the one main thing I haven't seen literally anyone talking about, but it's the reason they made all of the changes to fire in the first place: that it takes almost twice as long to break you out of your power now. The intention appears to be that it should take at least 2 turrets to break xeno out of their power.

    Now, I'm not saying they dialed the values correctly the first try, but if they want survivors to lure you through two different turrets to even do anything, then they can't have it fall off immediately or quickly either.

    Which is why they changed the timer for the fire to start dissipating, and the dissipation rate. If they didn't do that, then the only counter play becomes setting up a turret box with at least 2 turrets to be effective. That's a pretty big turret nerf if they didn't do anything else.

  • Member Posts: 377

    It's always amazing to me to see a hacksaw get taken to very mid power level low pick rate killers but BHVR refuses to touch Nurse for some reason.

  • Member Posts: 8,345
    edited March 15

    To be honest, I'm not sure I see whatever it is that other people are seeing in the heat changes, after playing a couple matches.

    It's only the heat dissipation, it's not as though they changed the power cooldown or anything. If you aren't knocked out of your power, then winning that chase removes all your heat buildup, and if you are knocked out of your power then it's the exact same as live, so… doesn't this only affect you in situations where you had to drop chase on someone after building up heat?

    I'm not saying it's a perfect change, there's stuff I'd tweak about it if I had final say, I just don't understand how this is somehow going to gut the Xenomorph when it isn't that directly impactful in most scenarios. It's not just a flat cooldown you have to eat no matter what or anything.

    I do agree the burn overlay is kinda annoying and distracting when it's lingering on the screen, though. That's worth changing.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Ya, Xeno needs to stay the way he is with the addition of the faster exiting tunnels. Other than that I don’t like how the turrets take longer to take him out his power and then he cannot recover the burn fast amore like wth. They could’ve just kept him the way he is.

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