Leave terror radius at 32m for Pig and Ghostface

Oputeeva Member Posts: 289
edited March 13 in 8.6.0 PTB Feedback

Do you even understand that they can be constantly with low terror just playing with the monitor and abuse perk (imagine indoor maps it's literally broken if it's stays like that)? Survivors won't like it and will go next/dc! It's just a purely free non-skill hit thanks to the perk! If you're going to leave them at 24m, then review all the perks and addons that affect the terror radius of these killers!


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,760

    For Ghostface the Terror Radius is almost meaningless. He can go Undetectable at will and has no penalty for it. They could even keep it at 32m, I dont think anyone would really care. And they can also change it to 24m and nobody would care, even if we factor in M&A and make it 16m, nobody will care.

    Pig on the other hand should have a smaller TR than 32m. Simply because Pig cannot go Undetectable without a Penalty, you are just too slow if you crouch around all the time. I also doubt that anyone would be running M&A on her with 24m Terror Radius. At most people would use the Perk Slot for something else. E.g. I am running M&A and Whispers on her to know when to crouch, I will kick M&A from my Loadout and thats about it. And IMO Pig can certainly have this Buff and it would actually have some impact.

  • Langweilig
    Langweilig Member Posts: 1,824


    You know Myers has no terror radius in tier one and only 16meters in tier two. Hag and huntress also have a 24m terror radius and it’s no problem at all.

    Pig and ghost face are lot weaker compared to the other killers and those buffs will be good for them. They could go even further and make their terror radius 20m or even less.

  • Jtflorencio
    Jtflorencio Member Posts: 119
    edited March 14

    The 32m has always been unfair.

    M1 killers without chase power
    24m must have been since entering the entity

    24m >

    Post edited by Jtflorencio on
  • HansLollos2
    HansLollos2 Member Posts: 270
    edited March 13

    Both Killers can already become undetectable/have a 0 Terror Radius whenever they want. It won't change anything on indoor Maps for Survivors. It helps simply Ghostface on more open Maps and Pig can get faster around the Map.

    Ghostface is finally a bit more then just a "normal" M1 Killer and can now be stealthy even without it. It will help him against strong SWFs, since he can now use Stealth even when someone is dedicated do reveal him all the time.

    And as said, Pig will be able to get around faster, since it takes her a bit become undetectable, because she crouches very slow and moves slower when she's undetectable.

    No survivor will will go next/dc because of this change, since it's not really noticable exept for strong SWFs Players.

  • Oputeeva
    Oputeeva Member Posts: 289

    I hope devs will revert this, no way it should go live and give them free hits, please think about solo survivors too at least

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,987
    edited March 13

    I mean... we are? You need to make a fact supported point dude... otherwise this is just an subjective opinion that holds as much wait as someone just complaining. I play soloQ primarily myself. 70% of my game time apparently.

    Everyone has said the same thing... the Undetectable abilities of both these killers makes it so at best these killers make slightly fewer mistakes in handling the limitations their of power and trsversing the map slightly more efficiently.

    The things that actually get SoloQ survivors killed, i.e.

    • the Reverse Bear Trap slowdown
    • Interrupting a headtrap survivor
    • getting instadowned from a surprise Ghost Face stalk
    • being forced to trade while at 99 stalk

    These things are affected minimally or not at all by the TR reduction...

    You need to argue your case my guy. What makes this change so oppressive for SoloQ? You already have to keep your eye out for stealth killers as a SoloQ player more often anyway... at best... these killers have maybe a couple of seconds better map traversal... everything else is exactly the same.

    Explain why tier 2 Myers isn't insanely oppressive for SoloQ if you want to show why a smaller TR is so oppressive.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,043

    SoloQ survivors have bigger problems to ragequit over than Piggy and Ghostface getting M1s.

  • Oputeeva
    Oputeeva Member Posts: 289

    What? They are very strong especially against solos, insta marking, hard to reveal, broken head traps that can easily be interrupted with proper build and scaring survs off, so this terror radius decrease makes even more powerful. As usual only killer mains are posting here their "balanced opinion" to carry one side of this game. All those killer and their perk avatars says all about you

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,159
    edited March 13

    They are some of the weakest killers in the game. They are pretty much just basic m1 killers. The one thing going for them is that they can get a bit closer to you which is the entire point of their kit. You got other killers who can dash, can teleport, can pass through windows without vaulting, can do shut down loops, can slow survivors, can attack at a range, have minions, and so on. All ghostie and pig has is a melee weapon, and they have to get up close to do anything- literally the most preferred position that a survivor wants a killer to be at - a weak m1 killer who has zero chase powers.

    Them having a smaller terror radius not only matches them thematically, but also mechanically. ALL they truly have is m1 swings - the entirety of their powers completely rely on them being able to do so without the aid of any loop or chase powers. Pig has to melee you twice and down you to put on a trap. Ghostie has to melee you to down you if you're exposed.

    If you are worried about killer strength, then you shouldn't even be remotely worried about pig or ghostie - they entirely rely on m1 hits with no chase or loop power. They are pretty much the weakest possible kind of killer.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 2,089

    A) Ghostface's reveal is janky for BOTH sides. You are not the only one getting screwed over. If he instamarked you, you just failed to notice him, and that's a you problem.

    B) While Pig can make a nasty screaming build, she has to devote her full loadout to it, so she then has problems with the game ending in under 8 minutes. Plus, this change nerfs her synergy with Infectious Fright, one of the perks used in these builds.

    C) Making their TR smaller has NO correlation with Pig's RBTs, or GF stalking.

    D) Both sides can play the "You are biased as a XY main" card, so that gives you exactly 0 leverage in an argument outside of people judging. Just saying.

  • jasonq500
    jasonq500 Member Posts: 318

    No way you're complaining about two stealth killers (who are not that strong mind you) have their terror radius reduce

  • Oputeeva
    Oputeeva Member Posts: 289

    They are deçent enough and destroying solo players easily, if players on pig/gf can't play them it's their problem and I don't believe in any tier list that u mention here aside Nurse/Blight/Billy, all killers are fine if mastered enough without carry me builds and reduced terror radius that they wanna implement next chapter update!

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 457

    I mean, every killer is decent enough at getting kills - Skull Merchant is decent enough at getting kills, I have a 4k screenshot of me not using perks and using the addon where my drones don't rotate with Skull Merchant. That doesn't mean they aren't in need of buffs.

    Pig and GF are lower end of the power bracketing, and both have basekit ways to entirely mask their TR. A basekit TR reduction is just a nice thing to have, it's not a huge power change really. Just makes prerunning a little tougher.