No more cheap flashbang saves

This should prevent flashbangs from working while my face is practically in a wall.
Thank God if this is the case, took forever to fix this.
Only remaining bug is still the audio being missing when around corners or walls (droping the flashbang).
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This and flashbangs themselves getting an adjustment to stop them blinding you while you're facing away, too.
If those bug fixes work out as intended, flashbang squads are gonna be much weaker. Very nice changes.
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Inb4 comment "wow another survivor nerf" like this wasn't unintended before lol.
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Not sure if this means looking up will prevent a blind but... worth testing.
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With all due respect, I’ll have to see it to believe it. This is not the first time the devs have claimed to ‘fix’ flashbangs.
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Don't worry, flashbangs are definitely fixed now. BNP accidentally insta finishes a gen now tho… woops, they'll fix that too eventually™ (it'll break flashbangs again)
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This has been the 3rd time in the span of about 4 or so months that the devs said they "Fixed" Flashbangs, only for the fix to have done precisely nothing
I'm keeping Lightborn on until I see actual proof that these stupid things are actually fixed
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This is a bug i called out during the release of the unknown. Nice to see its finally getting fixed. Not only did it allow for survivors to get pallet saves when before you could pick up a survivor on 1 side of a pallet to body block the save, but now you can drop flashbangs inside the killer model anymore.
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Flashbangs have no counter unless you bring Lightborn every single match (we always hear complaints about how you shouldn’t have to have perk slots dedicated to countering stuff from the other side) or you slug and search around for any nearby survivors (and we all know how survivor main players feel about slugging). Giving the killer more ways to counter flashbangs will reduce the necessity of unfun counterplay.
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So are they going to fix power struggle so killers can't swing out of the animation anymore.... Or they'll just let it be for another couple years
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That's weird, I've never heard anyone bring up that power struggle was bugged. Hopefully they'll ride the momentum though with bug fixes, cuz there's so many of em that it's just become the norm.
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I will believe it is fixed when it is actually fixed.
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That's legit how people think. They cite Bloodlust and Entity Blocker as survivor nerfs.
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So that's what was happening. I was like, "How?! I'm blocking them!" All it took was SWF purposefully going down under a pallet with Background Players and it was an uncounterable save.
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Here's hoping it works like we think it does. I know I've logged it as a bug before.
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Sounds like skill expression being removed from the game. I've heard any bug that advantages my side must be made into a base game feature because I took time to learn how to exploit it.
Am I doing this right?
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It's a relief to know that there is one less gridge that survivors continue to abuse. Now it's Ada's base kit Iron Will's turn.
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Remember when they said they were working on equalizing survivor sounds?
What was that, two years ago? Three years?
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That's not bugged, you obviously don't get stunned if you're not hit with the palette. You simply can't instantly press space to drop it and the killer can if he clicks 100 times a second (it feels like) swing out of it and eventually don't get hit, however this only works if the survivor isn't perfectly in the middle and even then only sometimes.
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Power Struggle should be design to punish killers that completely walk through an unstopped pallet.
Power Struggle shouldn’t make survivors immune to being picked up. Part of the anti-slugging changes should address this, because survivors that force killers to slug is part of the slugging problem.
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I'd be okay with that, at the moment there's not really a counter except this little trick (that also has counterplay obviously) if someone's near the palette. You don't really have an option except slugging.
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It literally is bugged, it says no where in the perk a killer can swing out of a stun. Half the point of running the perk was to waste killers time who tunnel. This is the hypocrisy of some of you. You want things nerfed/fixed/changed because it wasn't fun. But since you benefit from being able to avoid a pallet stun cheaply it isn't bugged. And for the guy who said it creates more slugging. It doesn't, if the killer picks up right away they avoid the stun and does the opposite of encouraging slugging.
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What is the problem of people with descriptions in the forum at the moment? Can't you think yourself without reading it?
You know what also doesn't stand in ds? That you should run to the killer to waste his time. You what doesn't stand in otr? That you should use it to bodyblock. You know what never stood in the horsey perk? That you should run up to a crazy mainbuilding and make yourself unhookable.
Just because it doesn't stand there it doesn't mean it isn't possible or intended. Outside of that I don't care at all about the perk if I tunnel lol - it's punishing slugging not tunneling, it only activates after being slugged, not tunneled.
Flashbangs could only be dropped inside you after the unknown chapter and blinded you no matter where you looked. Flashlights could blind you outside your viewingfield what didn't ever make sense. But powerstruggle can only be avoided because you simply missed the palette, and that only if you're positioned badly, that's completely intended.
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Your suggestions makes Power Struggle encourage slugging, because if the killer is forced to slug, or if the killer doesn't immediately pick up the survivor, then the killer might be literally better off just letting the survivor bleed out.
And this is true for any survivor that has been slugged under a pallet for a while, regardless if they have Power Struggle, because the killer won't know if someone has Power Struggle before it is used. And therefore, the killer would be encouraged to bleed out survivors that are slugged under pallets for a while, if all the survivors are currently slugged or hooked.
Your suggestion also encourages SWFs to weaponize the perk, by forcing the killer to slug, and forcing a situation where the killer can't safely pick up the survivor, even if zero teammates are nearby.
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Considering that you can get power struggle to be active in as short as 7 seconds of being on the ground, I think it's countering more than just slugging. If the killer so much as looks around to ensure the coast is clear before picking up a survivor under a pallet, they're gonna get hit.
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the fact that your being donvoted just proves your point.
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I mean not really? It doesn't activate while you camp (obviously), and also not while you tunnel - you have to slug for a moment.
So I wouldn't say it counters anything else.
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There's more in life than slugging, tunneling and camping, lol. I was saying with how quick it activates, you're essentially countering getting picked up. Unless the killer grabs you IMMEDIATELY without regard for anyone else in the area who could pull down the pallet, its gonna activate.
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When survivors place themselves in situations where the killer can't reliably get them to a hook, it encourages killers to let them bleed out on the ground.
The actual solution is that flip flop recovery shouldn't count for power struggle. The perk should require the killer to carry a survivor through a pallet. It shouldn't be "get 30% of dying state recovery, and flip flop turns that into an instant power struggle"
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I mean you could say that, but that would be a little bit dramatic in my opinion. Of course you can't look around, but the perk itself without someone near you won't stop you from picking up the survivor.
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Yes that would be an option, but maybe make it a little bit too useless. I'm used to not really running through palettes since years, so it would basically only activate on forced palettes.
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It’s healthier for the game if power struggle + flip flop was nerfed. We have so many people demanding anti slugging, that we really shouldn’t have a combo in the game, that encourages killer to bleed out any survivor that has been slugged under a pallet for more than a few seconds.
A survivor getting 30% dying recovery, can be faster than it takes for a killer to completely check the surrounding area for teammates, which is often what killers should be doing if a survivor purposely gets knocked down under an undropped pallet… because if the survivor didn’t bother to drop pallet, it might be because they are setting up a pallet save.
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I understand the reasoning, probably it is better, idk we'll see.