Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Make Nowhere to Hide aura reveal center around the generator

Member Posts: 172

I have always been in that opinion that how the Nowhere to Hide perk works makes no sense. Killer kicks a gen and then can walk for five seconds and see any survivors aura who even happens to get 24 meters of him in that five seconds.

To me it would make more sense to have the aura reading around the gen like Wiretap for survivors. This would make it more of a gen patrol perk than all around find survivor perk that it currently works. They could even up the time to be like 8-10 seconds as killer can take time to leave the area. This way also there is some possible counter play survivor can do other than hide in a locker or use one of the few perks that can hide your aura.

To me it just would make more sense of the aura reveal to center around the gen and not the killer. I have felt like this even from the release of the perk and I have to admit that even when I use it I just feel like its currently too powerful. Centering it around the gen would make it more balanced in my opinion.

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  • Member Posts: 3,644

    Honestly Im not opposed to making the Aura Reading tied to the Generator instead of the Killer.

    Most M1 Killers will still be able to get the same value as before since they lack the mobility to capitalize on the Aura Reading, it just keeps meta Killers (Blight, Billy, and Nurse) a bit more in check, which they need.

  • Member Posts: 165

    I thought when the perk came out. It would be tied to the generator. But when I found out it's tied against the killer, it was cool. And I see killers benefit from this, even with limited kicking gens.

    Tbh I think the perk is good as it is now. Because some killers really need it to be tied around them, instead of the generator.

    But yeah, if they ever change this to be tied to the generator, it's range should be increased too.

  • Member Posts: 96
    edited March 17

    No it’s unique. Ultimate weapon used to do that and they removed it. There should be at least one aura perk that follows a killer.

    Post edited by Bodark on
  • Member Posts: 172

    Its interesting that when I did this topic the second one popped up two days later.

  • Member Posts: 2,163

    It makes more sense and is easier to understand. I never understood why it focused on the killer to begin with. It's far more intuitive for it to stay on the gen kicked.

  • Member Posts: 3,759

    Yes, should be gen centered.

    This is one of the aura perks which is to strong. Could also be 16 meters.

    (If possible i would remove it completely with a lot of other aura perks…)

  • Member Posts: 896

    Just reduce the radius. Don't gut another Killer perk…

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