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General Discussions

Very simple solution for unplayable solo Q experience.

Member Posts: 75
edited March 17 in General Discussions

Killers already have Bloodlust to hold their hands when they suck at chasing and did nothing to earn it, so just give solo players a Haste bonus to compensate for their lack of SWF comms.

BHVR stubbornly chooses to balance around the minority of high MMR 4 man SWF teams, so the solution is very simple. Solo Q players are invigorated by their courage to face the Entity without comms. For every solo Q player in the lobby, receive a Haste bonus.

For example, 1 solo player = 2% Haste, 2 solos = 3 % Haste per solo, 4 solos = 4 % Haste per solo. SWF teams receive no Haste bonus because they already benefit from comms and improved coordination. These percentages are arbitrary. BHVR should adjust the haste bonus until 4 solos, 2 solos and 1 solo teams all have equivalent escape rates to high MMR 4 man SWF (currently 48%, except all the DC matches where survivors DC because the match was unwinnable must be included in this figure).

Survivor will not be overpowered by doing this because remember, the Haste bonus will be scaled based on fair escape rates. 4 man SWF, 3 man SWF (1 solo), 2 man SWF (2 solos) and 4 solos will all be balanced for a 50/50 escape rate, tweaking the solo Haste bonuses until they all have equivalent outcomes on average.

This will restore balance to the game and Solo Q will actually be a playable experience.

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  • Member Posts: 985

    1st of April hasn't arrived yet bro

  • Member Posts: 75

    No need to wait that long to create a balanced game. The solution is impressively simple even if it nerfs the ability of low skill killer mains to power trip in an imbalanced game state.

  • Member Posts: 61

    it sounds like you have no idea how impactfull a haste boost it let me remind you of old mft a wich used to be a 3% haste boost. If soloQ got a 4% haste boost that would be the DEATH of m1 killers like pig trapper etc not because they cant loop but because theyre slow. if you notice them just hold W and pre drop pallets and they either have to break chase or waste SO MUCH TIME getting to you.

  • Member Posts: 75
    edited March 17

    The example is arbitrary as clearly stated, so pay attention. I specifically said that the haste values should be adjusted for the 50/50 escape rate outcome. The point is not those specific values, but the scaling haste based on number of solos playing. And the only way you can be against this change is if you want the game to be unfair for solo Q players at the luxury of killers. I don't care if it's 0.01% or 10% so long as the escape/kill rates are equalized between solos, SWF and killers.

  • Member Posts: 61

    im not stating its a bad thing inherently im just saying that this hurts m1 killers even more then they alr are (devs want to balance around 60% KILL rate not escape rate) what id do instead of give solo survivors kindred basekit (minus the killer aura read) and some form of communications scroll wheel (like dbd mobile had) The core issue of SoloQ lies in the asym nature of dbd you just cant make a soloQ survivor be able to hold their own against the killer thats just not possible in this format of play.

  • Member Posts: 2,123
    edited March 17

    Most of your opposition to this will be killer mains, or people 'playing both', as if that made anything someone said more important.

    I like this idea, and the numbers would definitely need to be scaled back, but it'd be a nice gesture. Still, Solo'q is early game progression, SWFs are end game progression. This is the state of the game and by design, and tbh every time someone complains about SWF comms, they show they're in a higher bracket than they should be. It happens time and time again.

    Still, cool idea, but unsure if haste is the right term. I agree it'd be cool if BHVR did try a bit. But I feel it would break things more than help, as per history. Curious to see other thoughts!

    edit: grammar

  • Member Posts: 409

    Bad idea. We need different ways to make soloQUE survivior experience better. Have you played on MFT meta?

  • Member Posts: 985

    after we had MFT in it's prime (literally op perk at that time), you really want to create a "balanced game for soloQ, which suffers from problems that are only relevant to communication and individual survivor behavior?

    You are suggesting a fundamentally broken mechanic that impacts individuals in team instead of something that would help overcome burnung problems of soloQ, such as:

    1. lack of communication capabilities;

    2. tome challenges encouraging gameplay that just griefs your team;

    3. handling trolls and other people griefing matches.

  • Member Posts: 75

    This is incorrect. Haste bonus would simply allow survivors to last a bit longer in chases, on average, which would make escaping more viable. And since the exact Haste values would be adjusted for a 50 percent escape rate, it would not be overpowered, it would simply balance out the power differential between SWF, killer and solos.

  • Member Posts: 75

    MFT meta is irrelevant. Haste values would be adjusted specifically for a 50/50 escape/kill rate, so it would not be OP, it would only be fair. And since the Haste is applied only to solo players and adjusted based on the number of solo players, escape rates would be fair across the board.

  • Member Posts: 96

    This is the worst idea imaginable. It’s a lazy fix and survivors don’t like lazy fixes. They tried making Huntress move faster to fix the issue of her being trash on 70% of maps and survivors shut that down because it was a “lazy fix” Giving free haste is literally removing any skill needed. You don’t like bloodlust so your solution is to give free haste to survivors?

    Bloodlust exists because you aren’t supposed to be able to loop a killer indefinitely. You are supposed to go down at some point. Chases already go on far too long for most killers WITH bloodlust. Not to mention breaking pallets removes it. Along with using your power.

    A 50% escape rate isn’t what Devs want either. They said they want a 60-40 split. So they should be nerfing SWF down to 40% and bringing solo queue up to 40%

  • Member Posts: 985

    ahh yeah, i guess this is going to finish as just another "it's just a 3% bro" old MFT defendant argument...

  • Member Posts: 75

    Your double standard is hilarious. Bloodlust is basically just free haste for killers that can't use their skills to catch up to a survivor even with faster base speed. Yet giving this to solos that are at an inherent disadvantage is a big "no no". The truth is that killer mains with your attitude are power tripping and just want the ability to easily stomp solos that are above their skill level instead of winning by learning the game.

    Yes the devs should aim for 50/50 as that is what creates an optimal gameplay experience. Both killers and survivors should be winning based on their skills and this is only possible when the two sides are properly balanced. You know what happens when games are unwinnable? People stop playing. Hence you are left with the DC/suicide epidemic that is the current unplayable game state.

  • Member Posts: 96
    edited March 17

    It’s a double standard that makes sense if you think about it logically. Killer is the power role. They should get special things that allow them to keep up with 4 survivors since every second they spend is 3-4 seconds survivors can put on a Gen.

    Going for a 50/50 escape rate is a terrible idea and that’s why the devs aren’t doing that. Jason had an 80% kill rate in Friday and everyone loved that game. It only died because of the lawsuit.

    DC epidemic is way overblown. I tracked 500 games and only 7 survivors immediately DCed and 13 gave up on hook instantly. 20 survivors out of 2,000 is irrelevant.

    Don’t ignore the fact that they wouldn’t let Huntress keep her small haste boost. Survivors were crying and throwing up about it. So let’s keep it fair and have no double standards when it comes to survivor haste.

  • Member Posts: 61

    but but muh soloQ in an asym game my silly little survivor should be able to 5 gen chase a pig ;(

  • Member Posts: 4,707
    edited March 17

    … and weekend is over as well.

    On topic though. Giving haste for free is a bad idea on multiple levels. Some have already pointed out how miserable it was to play against mft when it first got released. Why was it miserable? Because haste stacks in this game, resulting in very stupid scenarios where the killer can NOT catch up.

    On top of that, high tier killer are less influenced by haste than lower level killer are. This is due to most lower level ones being focussed on m1 gameplay which is completely dependent on movement speed. Survivors have a smaller hitbox, which is why catching up at loops takes longer than catching up in a straight line. When both hug it as tightly as possible, the survivor makes more distance than if they dont hug it. This is how looping works. Mft made this shift to survivor in most cases by default and created a miserable experience for lower tier killers. High tier killers with strong abilities like Nurse, Blight or Billy dont care that much about speed increase as these m1´s do (while some of them are still impacted heavily). Therefore you hit those that already struggle with your suggestion.

    Last but not least, I want to go into your mindset of balancing swf / soloq. The game is not balanced around 50/50 escape rate. Its 60% kill rate. Why? I can sadly not tell you that. Its what the devs want and what they do.

    The misery of soloq is nto only the lack of communication, but the skill difference between the players. You, as a solo player dont know how experienced and reliable the others are and vice versa. Often people of very different skill levels get pushed into a lobby, creating the typical awful soloq match. Giving the corner-Claudette 10% haste for free will not help the team when shes just sitting there with urban evasion and self care, never touching a single gen. Swf deletes that aspect because the people know each other and their respective skill level. The weaker link will stay mostly hidden doing gens and strategyzing, while the strong loopers will take aggro. Most scary are 4 players that can do everything. They know each killer, map, how to loop and what to do in every situation. They dont have to be swf.

    I appreciate that you try to fix one of this games most longstanding problems, but this isnt it. Bad players are not fixed by giving them a busted effect for free, which they dont even understand how to use. You fix them by:

    • creating an easy to understand and comprehensive tutorial.
    • implementing a WORKING matchmaking that looks at more than just kills and escapes.

    PS.: Thx for the downvote ^🐽^

    Post edited by radiantHero23 on
  • Member Posts: 2,106

    Have you learnt nothing from MFT?

  • Member Posts: 2,017

    What soloq needs is a way to communicate and coordinate. Haste is something that needs to be heavily restricted otherwise we get mft/dull merchant

  • Member Posts: 75
    edited March 17

    If haste only increases the escape rate of solo teams to 50 percent, then it will not be overpowered. Obviously, too much of a good thing can be bad. Not enough of a good thing is also bad. Funny how killer mains aren't crying about the base kit Bloodlust they receive for doing nothing but failing in chase, but are up in arms at the suggestion that disadvantaged solo players receive a slight speed buff.

  • Member Posts: 1,073

    OP is simply trolling yet again. They like to come to the forum to demand survivor buffs for EZ escapes while telling killers that they suck and need to get good, even though they themselves don’t play killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,073

    maybe you should just take the same advice that you always give to killer players and get better at the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,073

    They do know, they just don’t care how it will impact killer players.

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