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General Discussions

Why people say the game is killer sided when it only depends on the type of killer and survivors?

If you’re not playing against nurse blight, billy or oni etc then you shouldn’t say it’s killer sided. Also if your playing M1 killer who doesn’t have a high kill rate like pig Ghostface wraith or Onryo then it shouldn’t be that killer sided. It depends if going against high killer level. For Solo q it’s not always the killers fault if certain survivors give up on first hook by killing themselves by throwing the game. And you also have survivors who dc, don’t do gens and that’s the point of solo q but it’s not the killers fault it’s the survivors fault who should know what they are doing. But as for Swfs it is very survivor sided if your facing a 4man because they have comms and they bring builds that deal with gen speeds, hooks, flashlights and exhaustion. In my opinion I think the game is 50/50. If you disagree with what I’m saying then you have never played both sides before and I think that’s the problem with the community you have to play both sides in order to understand both perspectives.

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  • Member Posts: 2,444

    People tend to say the term killer far too much. What they really mean is A tier or higher killers when it comes to complaining about the general strength of killers.

    When it comes to tunneling, slugging and camping it probably is genuinely applied to all killers and I think that's fair.

  • Member Posts: 3,197
    edited March 16

    Yes, the majority of the killer roster is not strong, and more often than not you have to fight for your life as a B/C/D tier killer player. If you're say, an Onryo main, people crying about how easy killer is seems ridiculous.

    But the issue is that in a given surv play session (at anything above bottom tier MMR), at least half your games (if not more) are going to be against S/A tier killers.

    Because the strongest killers often have the highest pick rates, DBD can feel killer sided. That most of the killer roster is weak doesn't mean much to you when you're facing your fifth consecutive Blight.

    And solo is solo; a total mixed bag. Good SWFs are the strongest thing in the game by far, but strong SWFs aren't all that common.

    There's just no consistency/standard in DBD, which is why making blanket generalizations is so stupid.

  • Member Posts: 758

    Because the majority of the survivor playerbase plays solo Q and solo Q can be a nightmare even against the worst killers in the game. Not to mention that facing those killers is rare, since people tend to play the higher tier killers much more, which only makes the solo Q experience worse. Of course, folks playing the higher tier killers is not a problem per se at all, I'm just pointing out that it makes the solo Q experience even worse.

    SWF is absolutely busted (well, as long as they are actually playing to win, because I've run against many SWF who were just fooling around with silly builds). But the survivor players who actually play in 4-man teams are rare. Most people play solo or duo.

  • Member Posts: 10,404

    They have a skewed view of killer, either because they don't play it or because it gives them smurf matches when they do play. It's funny how half of the complaints that go into match specifics talk about Hillbilly or Blight taking everyone out at the start. So what happens when that's not that case? Nothing? No, it's gonna be the opposite, where the survivors are walking all over the killer. Those matches don't get talked about as much, because it hurts their position that you "can't do anything" against killers. No, the ones who can't do anything are the M1 and non-S tier killers. I've seen enough matches where the survivors didn't do anything impressive, got downed back to back, and did the gens really quick anyway, to see that the game isn't balanced around good survivors. So a lot of the survivors complaining just need to get good, OR maybe they're getting messed up by solo matchmaking. But it's not the killer being too strong that's the problem.

    Those of us who main killer, or believe the role really needs help, are being pushed to increasingly "radical" opinions because of how far behind killer is getting. Like, I don't know how you can even justify a killer being 110% at this point. 115% killers have a hard time catching survivors, so why do certain ones need to be 110%? Because they have a good ability? That's basically all killers, even though "good" isn't good enough in my experience. You miss a survivor once, and they're on the other side of the map. You hit them, and they're healthy, they make it to the other side anyway. That puts extra stress on 110% killers, who are either dominating or getting dominated, with no in-between, and little to no comeback potential. Hatch is another thing. Forget that it's a free escape for just a second. Why does it open even after 5 gens are done and the exits are powered? Why does the killer have to patrol 3 escape routes in a 1v4? That's the handholding we're talking about.

    For a map, or anything, to be killer sided, you'd better show me how each and every killer uses it to perfection. Because if you're wanting to nerf something because 1-3 killers in the whole roster can use it, that's not very convincing. Or that it's too good against solos. Why do people always run to that, when they never have nerfing SWF as an option? Good SWF has been untouchable in this game since it came out. If 4 good solos can get a 4-man out against a really good killer, these guys will give max 1-2 hooks at 5 gens done. The communication and the coordinated builds is too much. The gens are too fast, and the random teammate save our of nowhere is too consistent. You've got to debuff their gen speed. Start somewhere. Maybe the gens should be slower for them, but the same as usual for randoms. IDK, but you cannot simultaneously balance for them and clueless solos at the same time. And because clueless solos get priority the most, and the game has been made so that they can still beat really good killers, good SWF just dog walk the killer when he comes into contact with them. I've seen it again and again. On the nights where it's mostly SWF, I don't want to play, because I'm not getting more than 1-2 kills no matter how well I play. They're able to go down near constantly, because of their meta perk cocktails, but if I make 1 mistake (allow 1 flashlight save, or get 1 person to death hook and then they hide), kiss the match goodbye.

    So I don't know why all killers get lumped in with the strongest, most favorable positions possible, and the same is never done for survivors. I don't know how people get survivors who just don't do gens, and then use those matches as justification for why all killer matches are easy. I've said for years that the level for viability in killers is S tier, because anything below that, you're just leaving the match up to chance. Maybe you get survivors who don't know what they're doing, and you get a slightly less sweaty match. Or maybe you get the untouchable teams (because of such well designed maps), and get 2-3 hooks. Because if you look at how killers have to sweat, they're having to down survivors constantly, and the match result is still up in the air. If they'd just fix the matchmaking, and then the balance, the game wouldn't be in such a terrible state. Or they could change the win conditions. But what it is right now is not it.

  • Member Posts: 1,101

    Here's my thought, what's the point of debating it? What do you achieve? Seems like a complete waste of time to me.

  • Member Posts: 526

    Even the killer side needs hope. The few voices that are not afraid to speak out about the problems that accompany the killer. In an era of darkness, when any killer opinion will be downvoted on the forum by the surviving side. These few messages show the killers forced to hide that in a world of injustice there are still pockets of resistance ready to fight for the rights of killers…

  • Member Posts: 1,072
    edited March 17

    The game is slightly killer-sided by design. I play both killer and survivor and I’m completely fine with that. The only people complaining about this are people who don’t play killer and want EZ escapes. You can easily identity them by looking at the downvotes for my comment.

  • Member Posts: 10,404

    Because the devs listen to the majority when making balance decisions, and the majority, the casuals, say that the game is killer sided. That's not fair. For all we know, half those people don't even play killer. They're playing at such a low level, they complain about like Wraith and Freddy and Ghost Face, and how killers use OP perks like stuff that shows aura or applies Hemorrhage. At least us arguing out case, there's a chance the devs will listen to us instead of people who don't know what they're doing. We have to try. If we didn't care about the well-being of the game, we'd have left long ago.

  • Member Posts: 2,123
    edited March 17

    This ^

    Solo'q being the majority of matches is how they keep their player numbers up (and with that, auric cell sales). High MMR (If it exists) is the minority and tbh, should get more attention than is current to balancing. But I wish they'd just do that or something else. Anything.

  • Member Posts: 10,404

    I don't think it is. The math of the game suggests that survivors should win basically every time if all players know what they're doing. Some people have tried to use false equivalencies with comp to say that it's killer sided, but the only type of tourney where you see killers getting lots of kills allows literal moris. I say look at the majority of those matches, where the survivors are severely handicapped in what they can bring, and Nurse/Blight is getting like draws against them. Or they point to the top players in the world who do killer win streaks. Okay, so 5 players can do triple digit win streaks, therefore killer never needs another buff, is basically what they're saying.

    Look at certain killers, how their gameplay loop is. Legion and Plague keep survivors injured all game. Hillbilly, Myers, and Leatherface also instadown basically all game. And yet those are some of the weakest killers in the game, because their powers don't help with the broken loops. Check spots at loops give survivors time to react to whatever the killer does, so they have agency in chase, not the killer. There's several 110% killers in the game who barely move faster than survivors. There's clear double standards between killer and survivor perks. Hope gives 7% Haste forever. NOED gives 4% speed (and instadowns tbf) and it's a destroyable perk that reveals itself to the whole survivor team.

    Nothing I've seen in my 4500 hours has shown me the game leans killer sided. Killers only do consistently well at bottom level where the survivors don't do their objective. If the game was killer sided, you'd be right in that it would be justified, because it's supposed to be survivors and killers, not the Scooby-Doo villain chase simulator it is now. The survivors should never be in a position where the killer is their plaything, except maybe in smurf scenarios (because there's no real solution to that). But in this game, they can make almost any killer their plaything just by stacking advantages, you know, OP map with super safe multiple loops, second chance perks, flashlight/pallet saves, check spots, shift W, super quick heals, infinitely replaceable boons, etc. Obviously not all of those will be in play at once, but it really only takes 1 for good survivors to just dominate the killer. And because the devs are forcing solos closer to that power level, to make the game "more equal" for solo and SWF, bad survivors are honestly starting to beat really good killers.

    I don't really look to the downvotes or upvotes for objective "this is the correct answer" kind of validation. If something a I disagree with gets lots of downvotes, or something I say gets lots of upvotes, that's just inconsequential personal gratification. I do see a lot of downvotes on mine, but not a lot of responses. If what I say displeases you, show me where I'm wrong and let's talk about it. I feel like a lot of killer nerfs happen in this game without any legit macro reasoning. I'll challenge people on the bogusness that was the Engineer's Fang nerf, the Pinky Finger nerf, the Adrenaline Vial nerf, numerous other killer and killer perk nerfs, and even the "gen kick meta" nerf (or at least its principle). Maybe they don't bother to argue because they know I won't change my mind, but when an unstoppable force meets and immovable object, that can happen. But that hasn't stopped the devs from nerfing killers when they've also refused to change their minds. It only goes 1 way. Sure, they throw us a bone every now and then, with the FTP/MTF nerf, or the first MTF nerf (literal 3% speed just for being injured), or the removal of perma destroyed hooks (never made any sense). But looking at the greater history of DBD, I think you'll find it's just a series of killer nerfs meant to satisfy the most casual among us.

  • Member Posts: 10,404

    For real though. I remember during 2020-2021 where it was like 2 straight years of killer nerfs, Freddy, Wraith, Deathslinger, Pinhead, and others one after the other, and I couldn't understand any of it. It felt like I was going crazy, because everyone in the DBD space just seemed like, "What do you mean? Of course these are good balance changes. Get good." When I had an hours-long conversation with a friend of mine who had returned from a hiatus, I felt so validated. Like every nerf I contested, he was like, "Yes, that's so dumb!" It wasn't an echo chamber. It just showed that not everyone who's vocal is representative of how most people feel on the game. There are countless killer mains who will never go to these forums, and we won't even see them leave the game because they won't be here to say it. But get them on a random PlayStation party or Discord call, and they'll be just as logical and down to earth as anybody on here. It's not as if being a killer main makes you super biased either. Like you pretty much have to be good at both roles to be good as killer, so you can understand what you can and can't get away with.

    It really does feel like a resistance though, because the devs are never on our side. And if you don't know what I mean by that, just look at any patch notes, and note how the devs word their justification for a killer nerf or a survivor buff. When those in control have your back, you're not the resistance. That's what I try to tell survivors who say the devs have abandoned them despite giving them free BT and anti-camp. It feels like we do give hope to killer enthusiasts with some of our comments. We want a better game overall, but you're never gonna get that by just nerfing everything killer has, and then expecting them to make up for those losses with "skill" alone. What skill? There's no room to display it or grow it. You just lose until you're forced to adopt "dirty" strategies, and then honing those strategies becomes the actual tell of a good killer. If that's supposedly a bad thing for killers to be doing, why do survivors and comp killers do the same?

  • Member Posts: 1,101

    I think most balance changes comes from content creators finding and abusing new combos, that BHVR then sees and then adjusts. I don't think that threads like this move the needle much, or at all.

    Especially seeing as nobody makes feedback threads for the devs to read. They just make general threads to vent and complain in.

  • Member Posts: 75

    Because it's killer-sided in spite of the large doses of copium being ingested by so many killer mains.

  • Member Posts: 59

    just curious in what aspect is the game "killer" sided (no soloQ doesnt count bc its an asym game)

  • Member Posts: 75

    Killers kill more than survivors escape at all level of play.

  • Member Posts: 59

    but thats what the devs intend the game to be a 60/40 aspect ratio.

  • Member Posts: 59

    if their intentions are irrelevant then whats the point of them being a developer of the game????. and while it might be killer sided like you said its supposed to due to the asymetrical nature of the game (1v4)

  • Member Posts: 75

    When I say it is killer-sided, I am not saying that 1 survivor is more powerful than 1 killer, I am saying that 1 killer is more powerful than 4 survivors combined, assuming that their skill levels are the same, the killer will kill more than half of them on average. This is objectively bad game design for a PvP, which leads to a combination of boredom and frustration as opposed to fun.

    What this means is that you can invest only about 500 hours into learning a specific killer, and compete competitively against survivor teams with thousands of hours per member. Not only that, but those games will feel unrewarding for both parties because the skill differential will remain obvious, while the killer can still cheese his way to victory with low skill tactics like slugging, tunneling and proxy camping instead of, for instance, being skillful in chase.

  • Member Posts: 59

    (the game devs apear to want a 2 die 2 out aspect in terms of matches) and with all these things to account you forget a tiny detail maps. sadly the map design isnt competetive to be "balanced" for the whole roster. where nurse can just ooga booga around garden of pain. pig might aswel not even try most of the time due to the simple fact that most loops eithe A: chain together creating sudo infinites or B: strong windows/pallets you HAVE to either break or play around wich wastes allot of time for these lower end killers due to their lack of mobility. I understand your points but as you probably know dbd is flawed to the core since it never expected to grow so drasticly

  • Member Posts: 75

    The maps are definitely imbalanced, but kill rates are high in spite of this.

  • Member Posts: 59

    dont forget these killrates (wich are probably taken from nightlight) are highly inaccurate due to the whole killing on hook dcíng etc

  • Member Posts: 75

    The kill rates are probably much higher than what BHVR released. Most DC/suicide on hooks happen when the game is very likely to be a loss anyways. And don't forget all the matches where the killer like Nurse or Blight steamrolls the team with a 4K and one of them DC's out of frustration.

  • Member Posts: 59

    isnt that then an issue for blight and nurse? (talking about in terms of power lvl) because a pig wil have to do MUCH more work then a nurse or blight to achieve the same stats

  • Member Posts: 75

    At low to mid MMR any killer can dominate survivors. At high MMR it will mainly be Nurse, Blight, Spirit and they will appear far more frequently.

  • Member Posts: 974


  • Member Posts: 6

    I say it's killer sided because of this: I'm legally blind. I can only see out of 20% of one eye. I cannot see the survivors, their scratch marks, the map, etc but I can so easily get 4ks.Consecutively. But, when I play survivor, it's incredibly hard to win. I use the exact same methods for both- I rely heavily on sound, knowledge of the game and knowledge of the task at hand. If I can honestly assess the situation and say the survivors had no chance, regardless of the killer I choose, literally not being able to see what I'm doing- I think I can fairly say that the game is skewed in favor of the killer.

  • Member Posts: 15

    I do play both sides.

    I keep my music going as kilker, and have higher than the 60% kill rate, even with c class killers. Many swf are bully squads that are just throwing away free hooks and downs, so the swf is irrelevant imho. A pretty limited amount even focus objectives.

    If your argument is it's survivor sided, but only when all 4 survivors are try harding, then the conclusion is it's not. There are tomes, achievements, and dailies, so your odds of having a game with 5 players all focused purely on the W is fairly slim, and there are more survivors, so more chance of one of them focusing on a side quest.

    I know it's not sign of evidence, but even when I'm focusing on tomes as a killer, I don't find it severely difficult to maintain my 60% kill rate... playing as chucky or nemesis and focusing on scamper vault hits or ignoring punching for infection for a daily.

    Why is a game survivor sided, when it requires all survivors to try hard to be that way, but a killer can goof around and regularly get a 3k+?

    Killers also determine chase. If you have a swf with perks setup for 2 on gens, 1 on loop, 1 on assist, a good killer van identify the looper and practically ignore them, causing the entire match to crumble.. in fact, I love seeing it because it's a sign of free pressure.

  • Member Posts: 139

    Watch people that are actually good at the game, like content creators. They win the majority of their matches, even against teams that are clearly quite good.

    The fact that this can be achieved tells me that people just need to get better at the game. If they can't be bothered, then why are they even caring about this in the first place?

    You can say the same about survivor, but I can't will my soloq teammates to be better, limiting my agency. That said, survivors could definitely get better too instead of whining. But one side clearly has more agency than the other.

    For those that say Comp SWF's win, perhaps comparing them to Comp Killers is a fairer comparison. And, they actually did an unrestricted event like that. It came out at about 50/50. So, surprisingly, at the sweatiest level, it's hardly even sided. Though that was a couple of years ago, it might be different now.

  • Member Posts: 91

    Well it's killer sided, I just started playing all the killers I've never played, Spirit, oni, ghost, I have played blight twice, I don't like nurse or any of the chainsaw bros and yet it gets 4ks most matches, on rare occasions 3k and that's even without tunneling anyone or running back to hook.

    Tell me again how this is not killer sided?

    I see how helpless the survivors are, I know where they are, they can chain as many loops as they want but I'll still get them as long as I don't spend too long in a particular chase, all I have to do i pressure the gens and not tunnel the person off the hook and you will get them.

    If they are efficient in doing gens, then you will get 2 or 3 kills before the end game, lastly it's a race to hatch where the last survivor may escape and that's based on luck.

    How is this not killer sided? It's boring after a few games seeing helpless survivors…it's then my decision to tunnel if I want to win quick. Convince me otherwise

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