Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Revert Hex: Ruin back to 200%

Member Posts: 20
edited March 19 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'll never understand the logic behind the Hex: Ruin nerf in the past.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 279

    revert it but also nerf pentimento along with it🤝🏾

  • Member Posts: 594

    I don't think the current state of the game can hold an 200% Ruin effect. Maybe 125 or 150% at max but ruin is fine for me the way it is now.

    If they are going to buff regression, other gen perks could be buffed, like Eruption or Surge.

  • Member Posts: 379

    Current state of game needs more gen regression to counter speeds. It's insane how fast gens go rn

  • Member Posts: 137

    Bringing Ruin back to 200% wouldn’t be good for balance. It was way too strong before, making gen defense overly passive, especially now that Behaviour has already nerfed 3-gen strategies. The current version is still decent, but if anything, a rework would be better than just a straight buff (which would probably get nerfed a year later anyway).

    On top of that, buffing Ruin would just encourage people to stack it with other slowdown perks and let survivors suffer. Plus, you shouldn’t rely on it too much—it’s a Hex perk, and any decent team or SWF will cleanse it fast, leaving you with a wasted perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 104

    i dont think it would do much tho, hexes usually go within 30 secs of survivors finding out that they are up

  • Member Posts: 10,415

    They won't do it, because it's the same mentality behind not bringing Overcharge to 400%. People see, "Uwah! Big number! OP!" and the devs don't want the backlash, even though the complaints would all come from people not understanding the game's numbers. Survivors progress generators at 400%, so that version of Overcharge would have broken even on regression, 200% Ruin would regress gens half as fast as survivors could progress, and base regression is at 100% (1/4 of the speed survivors progress) which is just sad. None of those give the killer any significant regression, unless survivors simply let a 90-50% gen go back down to 0% over the course of minutes, and good survivors simply don't allow that to happen. That's why they shouldn't play so safe with these numbers.

  • Member Posts: 10,415

    So what is healthy for killers to run? Can they even run anything decent without it being OP for the survivors? Because that's what I'm reading between the lines here. If anything, 3-genning getting nerfed would be a perfect reason to buff Ruin, because with the gen blocker all gen defence becomes weaker. 3-genning actually made finding and cleansing Ruin easier, because the killer's not gonna guard it and 3 gens at once, and when you run off to reset so that you can come back to the 3-gen and pressure it again, you're more likely to come across it. If it's decent, why isn't anyone running it? I legit haven't seen it but once or twice in like 100 matches.

    And it seems like you're concerned with the process of decent killer stuff never staying around long after it's been buffed, and you understand that SWF or any intuitive team will just destroy Ruin permanently because it's a hex. So why aren't killers allowed to rely on hex perks, even knowing that they're cleanse-able? And if Ruin has to be combined with other gen defence perks to be strong, what does that make it on its own? I can never wrap my head around takes like this, where you yourself poke numerous holes in the reputation of a supposedly strong perk, but still say it's problematic design - for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 137

    It's quite clear to say you're upset and angry, and falsely assumed I meant that killers shouldn't of strong perks when I did not say or intend to refer to that. The issue with Ruin at 200% is that it would push the game too far in the other direction, especially when stacked with other slowdown perks. The nerf to 3-genning does weaken gen defense overall, but that doesn’t mean Ruin needs to return to its old form. It means other slowdown options should be looked at or adjusted.

    As for why Ruin isn't worth running, is cause it's a hex, it's a gamble meaning it is inconsistent and not popular among killers who prefer reliable perks like Undying, Devour, or Pentimento. If Ruin needs to be paired with other perks to be effective, it might require a rework instead of a direct buff.

    Killers should have strong perks that encourage counterplay and avoid creating passive, gen-stall-heavy matches. Buffing Ruin could lead to oppressive combinations like Ruin + Pop + Pain Res, and other combos we saw in 2023/2022, hurting survivor gameplay balance. Which is quite obviously what the developers are trying to avoid. Balance works both ways.

  • Member Posts: 2,134

    I always thought they reverted the wrong part of the perk a couple years ago.

    They should've put it back at 200%, but left in the part where it deactivates completely if a survivor is killed.

    Keep the anti tunnel part in, but revert the regression.

  • Member Posts: 521

    If they're buffing any slowdown i'd prefer it to be garbage like Thana and Dying Light.

  • Member Posts: 1,075

    This precisely. They could notably buff a bunch of the most popular killer perks but tie some sort of "this perks is disabled once a survivor is sacrificed" stipulation to it, and it would already do a lot to lessen the prevalence and efficacy of tunnelling (and camping). That they went back on this with Ruin when it was one of the best ideas they've had for perk design in a long time is rather disappointing.

  • Member Posts: 1,843

    200% ruin would be overkill, but it should go to 150%

  • Member Posts: 2,112

    100% True.

    i think that Ruin should be 150%, personally.

    But yeah, Eruption, Call of Brine, Dying Light, these are much more in need of buffs

  • Member Posts: 379

    Agreed, except I posted that in another threat and got like 10 down votes from salty survivors

  • Member Posts: 1,339

    lol if that was a thing it wouldn't be worth using. i don't use corrupt for the same reason because cause the perk is punishing you for doing your objective

  • Member Posts: 806

    Well, there are killers who aim to manage 8 hooks before killing anyone and Ruin would be great for that playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 1,339

    yea that's the thing i don't try to do that since i don't play blight billy or spirit but i also like winning so i'm not going to intentionally throw

  • Member Posts: 806

    Well, are you using currently ruin in your builds? Otherwise it wouldn't change anything for you, but it would make it better for others.

  • Member Posts: 1,339

    i did i even tried mixing it up but it got found and broken anyway so i just stopped. what i am saying is if that feature got put on to ruin i would never touch it again since like corrupt it punishes you for doing your objective

  • Member Posts: 237

    It's because killers can just chase survivors off of generators and get instant regression then and there without having to kick the gen or do anything else special. So they get to have stronger chases AND free regression without even touching the anti 3gen kick limit.

    Ruin doesn't need a buff. Not directly. All totem placements just need to be better and not super obvious.

  • Member Posts: 775

    This is not an instant regression, this is a regression 4 times slower than the progress of 1 survivor as @danielmaster87 said you just look at a big number and don't go into detail about what it means

  • Member Posts: 2,134

    Corrupt is there specifically for early game zoning survivors and preventing them from touching the first gen they see.

    The whole point is to allow the killer to either set up or develop pressure first. If you get a down, that's pressure. CI is on a timer, if you can't find a survivor in 2 minutes, what are you focusing on?

    Similar to ruin, if you've already killed off one survivor, the gens won't matter any more. You've essentially already won the game (if gens remain), and gens literally don't matter if it's end game.

    The only reason you think this would be a bad change is because you'd literally still run full regression and hard tunnel if the game was reworked to be 3v1. In which case, this is exactly the kind of reason why this mechanic needs to exist.

  • Member Posts: 3,566

    If you see the Ruin and decide to let it get value over cleansing it, you are the problem.

  • Member Posts: 794

    I miss old ruin a lot these days hate kicking gens

  • Member Posts: 676

    I'm with you. I hate wasting time kicking gens. I usually just slap Surge on my builds and call it a day.

  • Member Posts: 10,415

    Sometimes I'm angry, yeah, because I always have to sweat as killer, get told the game should be easy mode for me, and every little buff that is suggested, you people say, "Hmm. That's not a good idea." You don't even have a tangible alternative. A numbers buff is the easiest, most obvious, most practical solution the devs can do. And we had 200% Ruin at one point. Was it game breaking? Absolutely not. We still didn't run it, because it was a hex and its permanent destructibility didn't justify how little power it brought. All these wannabe Ruin enthusiasts patronize killers with their suggestion of a mere 150% Ruin. Again, if survivors leave a gen going down for minutes and minutes on end, sure, that version of the perk could get good value. But survivors who know what they're doing will not let that happen, because it would be hardcore throwing the game. Some didn't like me saying this stuff, but then they haven't told me where I'm wrong.

    If killers want to bring hexes, let them. We'll deal with the risk of it getting destroyed. The only part we don't like about that is the clearly visible spawns, and the fact that Ruin doesn't do enough on its own. You want counterplay? You can destroy it permanently, no matter what level of power it's at. Same with 3-gens, where you don't even have to coordinate as a team very well anymore, because the gens will just block themselves off from the killer's kicks. That is the single most important thing that should alleviate your fears of too much gen defence. The survivors win the war of attrition by default; they do the gens faster than the killer can possibly slow them. If the killer has 3-4 regression perks, that's all he's got. No chase perks, no vault perks, no aura perks, no endgame perks, nothing. Once the killer has exhausted his 4 Pain Res stacks, assuming he even can before the gens are done, they pretty much start flying, whether he's got Pop, Ruin, or whatever with it. The only reason that doesn't happen is when survivors go down constantly and won't do their objective, which I've seen today, so don't tell me survivors are always trying their best. They usually don't.

    The balance barely goes both ways. It's not like the devs haven't done anything to help killer. But with the backlash against updates like 6.1.0, they made sure to never give killer decent buffs again. They're scared to, because survivors get all this stuff for free, base BT, base anti-camp, 10-second longer hooks, entire maps that are just 1 big interconnected loop, god windows you can never break, check spots, and scratch marks, breathing/injured sounds, and footsteps not working for the killer. And they still complain that they get nothing and killer gets everything. Killer got gold in 1 Olympic event, and that's "unfair" despite survivors getting gold in the other 9. Survivor mains don't want interactivity and counterplay. They want to win as much or more as killers do, which quite simply shouldn't be possible.

  • Member Posts: 10,415

    Killer perks, yes. Survivor perks, it depends on what you mean. I think they play super softball with the survivor perk nerfs. They nerfed Iron Will, but then OTR is there to power creep it. They nerfed DS to 3 seconds, but it still punished people who didn't tunnel, and then it became 4 seconds. They changed Dead Hard from a dash to an Endurance hit, which gives more distance because of the sprint burst. MFT nerf was fine, but then they just pair it with OTR or Dead Hard and it's the exact same thing. Buckle Up went from unfair double Endurance to a literal sprint burst that gives NO exhaustion.

    What about killer perks? Pop went from doing 25% of a gen to what is usually 8-10% now. Deadlock doesn't even block for 30 seconds per use, and is 4 uses only. Pain Res has less regression than before and is 4 uses only, 1 per survivor, and requires good hook RNG. Hangman's died when it became a scourge hook. Eruption died when it went from Incapacitated to aura. Ruin does 100% regression speed compared to survivors' 400% progression. CoB and Overcharge do like nothing. STBFL loses tokens on hits that don't even damage, or use basic attacks. NOED reveals itself for free. Dying Light still destroys itself after the obsession is dead. Knockout gives Hindered when a survivor leaves a pallet, but not if it gets broken, instead of (you know) actually having to do with knocking someone out.

    The difference is night and day.

  • Member Posts: 1,843

    OTR busted. Maybe stop tunneling all the time?! Even when you do it OTR doesn’t do enough.

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