1 year after the Unknown release... what is your thoughts on the killer?

Hi! Hope everyone is doing fine.
So, its already been a year after the All Things Wicked Chapter, which brought us Sable Ward and the Unknown. In my opinion this is the best DLC ever made in this game: i like Sable - not my main or a character i play but i like her designs - i like Greenvile for its cool atmosphere - beside its large size and number of pallets - and i really love the Unknown.
Unknown have been very fun to play with: his power is efficient although hard to play, his teleports are scary and good and his design is perfect. Even if sometimes he feels so hard to play, he is my favorite character right now.
But one things keep me intrigued: after his initial release there were MANY people who main or at least played a lot of Unknown and most of them now, one year after his release, have jumped of the boat. What have happened? Why people """""hate"""" the Unknown now? One streamer even said he prefers to never play Unknown like ever, just like some don't like to play Hag.
What are your thoughts on the Unknown? Does he needs any changes? What you like and you don't like the most on this character?
The teleport recovery speed "buff" was a nerf in disguise. They need to make his default teleport speed what Blurry Photo used to be, as basekit. As it stands, the teleport still feels clunky.
Apart from that, the buffer for being able to break LOS and still be considered Staring Down the Unknown feels too generous. 1.25 seconds means that you can only be getting glimpses of it, but the Weakened State will be constantly draining. They should reduce it a little bit.
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Aside from the butchering of the UI, which I still don't understand, the actual release of ATW was just 10s all round. The marketing (rip marketing team), the following promo, the skins, the concept - the best original chapter BHVR have released in the 2020s and it's genuinely not even close. A decent map, a strong but not obscene killer… Sable Ward exists I guess! She doesn't detract from it but it could be another survivor and my feelings would be identical tbh.
Just fantastic, easily the best original chapter we've had since Cursed Legacy, a welcome breath of fresh air from the continually churned out slop we'd had previously (I mean how do you go from the highs of PROJECT W to the lows of Forged in Flop, Tools of Trash, the disappointment of Alien, the mistake of Chucky, and the missed potentials of Alan Wake and End Transmission; a generational fumble). I just wish they'd kept the same energy up for DnD (or given any of it to Tomb Raider & Castlevania, really).
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I have plenty of issues with the entire chapter of ATW as a whole, but as far as gameplay goes, while Unknown is not my cup of tea to play as, i think it's fine as it is.
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Still an easy mode version of Artist with a teleport.
Doesnt need any buffs thats for sure-8 -
In terms of aesthetics and build-up to release, the best killer in the game.
His power doesn't quite match his aesthetic but it's well-designed gameplay-wise. There's still a few small frustrations for either side:
Missing a second UVX is the difference between getting a health state and resetting weakened, or getting nothing and the survivor removes weakened. It's extremely frustrating if you are hitting every other shot, especially if some misses are because of weird collision and bounces.
Meanwhile the lingering hitbox of the UVX explosion outlasts the visual effect.
Overall great killer, not perfect but pretty good.
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I love the killer; they are just very addon and perk reliant.
For example, I could take Legion into Chaos Shuffle and find a new spicy build. If I take Unknown with random perks, I just want to curl into the fetal position until the match is over.
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The teleport recovery speed should be reduced further and he desperately needs an addon pass. A lot of Unknown's addons are weak, boring, or both.
Other than that, he's fine.
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Too difficult, or too demanding to play for most people. I think UVX's cooldown should be buffed by a couple of seconds, and/or Weakened should last a little longer. No extreme tweaks necessary. Also, bad add-ons as others said.
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best chapter with a great design killer.
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I really love the Unknown and think he has a high skill ceilling and floor since you need to use the bounce logic in a really smart way. It also feels really satisfying to hit a survivor with the UVX and there are so many ways to hit them in a skillful and funny way. His design is also great - just wish more skins for him.
However, he still needs some buff:
- The weakened status duration needs a buff to 12 seconds
- The lingering of revealing needs a nerf (from 1 second to 0.5seconds) since it feels so dumb when someone gets rid off it behind a wall
- The cooldown for his UVX should be buffed to 6 seconds.
- Hallucinations are too easy to remove and they are a key ability for him (he has the easiest counterplay in the game). Survivors should get a little yellow glyph/merciless storm skill check to remove it and the aura should be decreaed for survivors.
- Some of his addons need a rework: He has two exhaustion addons and they should become one addon to be useful. His Captured By the Dark addons should have no downside since why has it such a high one but Singularity and Weskers ones have no but another big advantage and his one is the weakest one. He has one addon that just applies Haemorrhage for 30 seconds which is completely useless.
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It's alright. Definitely strong when it first came out but over time people naturally know the counterplay now so Unknown is kinda weak.
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Defintely best original chapter since Cursed Legacy.
Build up & marketing were amazing & then it released 🤷🏻♂️
I like Sable, Meg's my forever main but I do like Sable, hated the map since day 1, (both sides but especially on survivor) no idea why really either, it looks fine enough I just hate playing on it.
As for the unknown in particular, never actually played as him (not even a practice against bots) like all other chapters owned day 1, but he's not for me. Will do his achivements someday then cast him aside again!
He is one of my least favourite killers to play against, along with wesker, nothing to do with how strong or not a killer is, never had an issue playing against blights for example, just don't enjoy it win or lose.
To each their own we all have our favourites!
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The add-on, i forget it's name, that allow's you to make Hallucinations act as UVX blasts is just terrible, most Survivors are wary of hallucinations when in chase, so there not going to go near them while in chase. It's a cool concept, but it's just not worth bringing as you generally never get the opportunity to use it.
Outside of complaining about one add-on, UVX Direct hit's doing nothing is always the kick in the pant's. Firing a lob without the Survivors anticipating it from inside a tile, just to hear the Direct hit sound but the blast not tagging them feels rather insulting. Getting a direct hit with the projectile in chase has the same effect, you hit them, but not with the blast, so heres a funny sound.
The UVX projectile itself is mostly dodgeable, so direct hit's with it should have some sort of actual effect. I would flip the effect from Hindering for 3 seconds to reducing the next UVX shot charge time and pausing the Weakend timer for 3 seconds.
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You said it perfectly. Honestly.
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I like The Unknown I played it a lot when it first came out and I like how eerie the realm that came with the chapter was as well and it's power was really fun as a Killer main and I like that it can bounce off of surfaces helps hit cocky or annoying Survivors and the teleport ability is creepy af I love it when a Survivor was despelling my illusion and it had the creepy music and I teleport to that same one on knowing they were there or I just got lucky and jump scaring them I even used to have chills when I just looked at The Unknown definitely one of DbDs creepiest Killers yet.
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Yeah. They could make UVX easier to hit and the Weakened hard to dispell. I think Hallucionations are fine the way they are. If they ever buff the UVX they could nerf the teleport cooldowns in 3 or 5 seconds to make it more balanced. It weird that sometimes its easier just to drop an hallucionation and go for a teleport → M1 than to try to play around the UVX.
Outside of this i really love his design.
I don't think his addons are that bad. The problem is that Vanishing Box and Blurry Photo were too good, so now they are nerfed they feel quite underwhelming. But he could receive some minor changes in his addons in the future.