will MMR be reworked???

We know one of the health updates coming to DBD this year is an MMR update, so do we think this game won’t base your MMR off of kills and escapes anymore??? I really wonder whats gonna happen with that.
Unless they scrap their trash kill/escape system and recreate emblem system, nothing makes a difference.
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I still think they should experiment with a casual and ranked matchmaking system similar to how Dead by Daylight Mobile functioned, despite it being questionable if it worked at times, it was a great feature.
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I really wish that was the case. I suspect they are just talking about tweaking the current MMR system based on the changes they are making. "So sorry solo survivors, you just don't matter." (BHVR, always)
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If it's anything less than an overhaul to make any amount of points, kills, or escapes feel more like a win I don't care what they do and it won't bring more fun to the game. Losing needs to become a state that feels natural and part of the game, not like a punishment. Currently, losses feel way too punishing because they are such one sided stomps of losses you feel no reason to continue playing after a few of them. Not even difficult games do that! This system should make trying your best and not being perfect feel good to encourage more play, but right now it makes it feel bad to try your best and fail anyway, and incentivizes sweat.
They need to seriously rework it, revamp it, and disincentivize pushing your MMR and always playing for a 4k/escape as your goal. I shouldn't be made to feel like I suck ass while learning a new Killer or punished for trying a silly build with friends. I should not have to move heaven and earth just to pip in Iri ranks especially as Survivor, and struggle with some Killers to pip at ALL because of how they happen to work (stealth Killers missing out on chase points for example). I should not have to escape through the gate or kill everyone in the round for the game to consider it a win, and MMR being raised should not be a wincon at all in a game built to be more casually minded. MMR should not be exponentally easier to gain when you win but harder to lose if you start to struggle, I should not have to lose 10 rounds to get back to a comfortable level of play away from ubersweat Blights and SWF Team Six.
We shouldn't have to feel like we have to sweat to have fun in this game. Currently we do. That's a problem - games are supposed to be fun. Again, not even games built to be challenging like Hollow Knight or Dark Souls make it this difficult to have fun losing over and over again, to the point people quit because they don't want to try anymore.
Dead by Daylight should not be, and is not, a rage game. It's a casual-minded horror inspired co-op tag game with competitive elements and it always has been. The MMR and reward system HAS GOT to reflect that.3 -
It should be tweaked or fixed, it simply doesn't work fine rn.
For illustrating a bit: I've had a long break since July 2024 and I started playing again a few days ago, when playing killer I'm more or less ok because I'm killer main, but as survivor I'm pretty rusty, I've been playing in the last 4-5 days and I've had a lose streak of 8-9 matches in soloQ but the MMR keeps matching me with 2K hours killers and honestly my MMR wasn't too high before the break… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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LOL are you insinuating that in fact kills do not equal skills?
Joking aside, I'm sure it'll be some barely noticeable tweak.
The kind of overhaul it would take to make SBMM actually useful isn't something BHVR is interested in, I fear.
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We can only 🙏 and hope so but eh not getting my hope up as usual.
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I actually thought you were serious you had me for a sec 🤣
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yeah this MMR in DBD can be so funky, you can be a brand new player and somehow get paired up against survivors with 5k hours.
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Having killer “skill” be based on hooks rather than kills would be a healthy change.
On the survivor side, it’s absolutely insane that “skill” is still based on escapes only and nothing else. There needs to be some way of rewarding players for playing well even when they have useless teammates and don’t escape because of it.
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Yeah, there used to be a thing called emblems back in the day, when the game had actual ranks. It functioned a lot better than the system we have today. Emblems were earned based on several factors, and actually required you as a player to interact with other things than generators.
For survivors, you gained emblem progress for being in chase / winning chases, doing objectives, being altruistic and lastly, surviving the round by any means necessary (with a bonus if you did not get downed).For killers, you gained progress from hooking (the more hooks, the better), using your power, winning chases, sacrifices / kills and halting progress for survivors (gen patrolling and kicking / regression).
The better you did, the quicker you ranked up to your skill level, and you also got matched with players of your own skill, more often than not.
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The only way I see the current MMR system getting any better is them doing something about the evils of backfilling. That imo is the root cause of all the one-sided stomps that are rightfully complained about. Removing the Prestiges in lobby was a good step in the right direction but more is needed.
A couple of years back they messed around with tighter MMR, and I think this should be revisited. The issues players had with that were longer queue times and burnout from back to back to back stressful trials for those vocal ones who play the game for a living. Turns out the sweats actually did not like going up against the sweats all day long, imagine that. 🤔
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The specific skill being measured is your skill at winning the game consistently, so it makes sense to base it on the win condition and not the steps up to the win condition.
Solo queue should probably have some specific MMR adjustments, but I'm not sure exactly what that'd look like. Maybe tighter matching? Unsure.
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Hopefully it's visible MMR, and potentially a separate ranked mode for the game.
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I wanted them to bring back ranked/ grades. That would be awesome.
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For sure. And the scoring system tracks (to a degree) how you actually play, so you know a more nuanced solution is possible. And it's not unusual for the best player on a team to die while teammates escape.
But as a certain hockey loving former dev once openly admitted, the system "ignores how you got there" in terms of the result. And there is little indication that has changed at all. Which is kind of okay for killers, but woefully inadequate for survivors.
But to be fair here, the accuracy of the ranking system is secondary to how the SBMM system actually makes matches, and how that affects queue times. Anyone who was around back during the SBMM testing will remember, there were times where the queue times were obscenely long. Ostensibly this what when they tightened up the parameters.
Any actual improvement to the matchmaking will come at the cost of queue times, and BHVR has to weigh how that will affect the player base (a lot of people won't be willing to wait). I am not confident we will ever see balanced matchmaking.
But of course that doesn't mean they shouldn't at least try to have the system measure actual skill.
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maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea
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Visible like you can see your MMR? I don’t think BHVR would do that.
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Debatable, highly debatable.
Then similar to now you could borderline carry someone up to a rank they weren’t supposed to be at by swf because naturally they were able to do more because they had more cover, and escaped more often. So then just like now, you have players in places they shouldn’t be doing similar things like swarming the hooks and causing snowballs at the start of a match from over altruism. When instead of just letting a person hang for a little bit, doesn’t crawl away from killers when slugged, or start crawling away when slugged in general and left alone. Like there’s always actions that you can tell when perks or a team has carried someone. It’s why I predominantly solo so I’m exactly at where I’m supposed to be.Idk if I want it to go back to exactly that SBMM, but I do believe if they do SBMM lightbringer and evader should be your heaviest categories graded , but altruism and boldness count for less(not count for nothing but count for less when considering grading skill to progress the rank). So you don’t end up with people who can’t touch gens and can’t last a certain amount of time in a chase at the top, because ending up grouped with people who run around waiting or standing around waiting for saves that entire time , and over boldness from over stealthing sucked much. I know because I never really cared for “second chance perks” that much, and preferred info perks to see what was going on since I wasn’t on comms to help make better decisions for the team or perks that would silence my crying or erase my scratch marks quicker for line of sight breaking. A lot of players straight up were doing the most mid level knows some but not enough- to new person played with their friends things. I still get annoyed thinking about it. Should hatch help your scoring, not much, but gates should count. Do I care if I escape all the time?No! I do care about if my team is actually trying though, because I’m trying. People should want to at least try.
You shouldn’t just pip down after a few matches so you can feel good picking on people lower than you, you should be actively trying to get better, it’s a PvP game. If you want to play like that fine, I don’t think anyone should stop you honestly the game is what you make it, but I don’t think you should get bragging rights of R1 or high mmr if you’re not trying to escape and be a team player on the team side. Like honestly just change the tag line to escaping is not an option if at red ranks you get grouped with two people flash banging the killer while they repeatedly down the poor person that got boosted from their friends and doesn’t know how to interact with killers even a little. If I’m up in red ranks I want to at least feel like I have a 50/50 chance at winning whether I’m solo or not, and be grouped with people that also deserve to be there because they’re at least trying for the gate.
Edited for grammar.
Post edited by HeroLives on2 -
Yes, I was a bit crude in my comment. Certain categories has to be weighted heavier than others of course. Players has to pull their own weight if they want a rank up. This is also a good measure for SWF's so that they can't carry their lower ranked players as hard.
As for the matchmaking itself with the "old" system back, a tight grouping of players around your own rank should be the priority (like +/- 1-2 ranks), as to avoid "rainbows"
With SWF's (especially 4-man SWF), the matchmaking should match the killer with a bias towards the highest ranked player in the group, but not to make it a complete stomp against the lower skilled players.
There could also be a smurf prevention system in place, to allow for rank skipping if the player has too easy of a time against the other side.
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1&2 Yes exactly so they can’t do that as easy, because it was a big issue, for me personally as a solo because you’re not on a trying 4 man . As a solo you end up with a lot of combinations of people:
Then duos that are good but will absolutely end up throwing matches to save each other; or the duos that make good decisions, and another solo that could also go either way due to bloated mmr/rank from swf or a solid one that makes good decisions. This is mix and match the duo and 2 solo combo, and it works because it feels fair for the rank your at or it absolutely sucks.
or there’s the 3 man you’re paired with:They’ve trolled their way up and never touch gens, they don’t care cause you’re the random and the expendable one, but will go all out for each other, or they treat you like you are a part of the team even though you’re not on comms with them.
Listen I don’t expect people to go above and beyond in a bad move situation likely to cascade, and when I do it I knew the risk going in that I’m absolutely increasing my chance at death, but I’m not doing it at times like the start or middle of the match, it will be at the end when doors are good to go.
I wouldn’t expect that from others either. If you can’t get the save you can’t get the save, I understand, but what I can’t understand is being just left there for no reason and not even 1 person coming to check out if the killer is about or went off through two hook stages until your impaling, especially today when there’s a hud. What I do expect though when I’m paired with people it’s that they can at least read a hud and try to make moves off it.Is the hud perfect? No, there’s some issues with it. One that I can think of as a solo that would be super helpful that bites me a bit from making good decisions,if I’m not running at least two info, is when I am on a generator and I see the pincers/mandables(whatever they are) moving on one person because they’re being chased, and I see the other person not on a gen with no alerts for actions doing what could be presumed as nothing or going to get the save already, I have to get up and go check out what’s going on now at what could be a crucial moment in gameplay for decision making that could result in snowballs at the beginning of the match or the middle of the match .
Like if they are in the killers terror radius I would consider putting a little heartbeat alert or something by them to let me know that since I don’t have comms, which tells me they’re in the thick of it near the person being chased or they’re in the thick of it near the hook. Also an icon that lets me know they’re already near the hooked survivor or pathing towards so I can be like cool they’re going for it, or okay they haven’t made a move bc the killer is in the area. I can make my own decisions from there, other solos should be able to as well.
At minimum two other people have comms and already know what’s going on between the two of them, and at worst you’re the odd person out. I think this would help without straight up giving everyone reads like a built in perk, but at least a give a ball park for personal decision making, and game comprehension.
This isn’t going change anything for 4 mans or high mmr swf, or trios they’re still going to do trio things , or duos who are still going to do Duo things, making the matches harder especially when they don’t care about you and a lot of killers don’t either, but it will exclusively help solo not feel like such a guessing game in all these match making and “rainbow” situations that no matter what the developers do are still going to happen causing fluxes, or just absolutely boning good solos bc well “that’s the solo” “‘my friend died I want out” “we just want to chase and flashbang” “I don’t like this killer, I went down early, you can already tell how it’s going to go two seconds in because someone went down early” mentalities.
They can adjust gens or gen perks if they need to if giving the solos some help changes things within too many degrees at high mmr/sbmm.Dang I got lost in thought and my bad. I think detailed feedback helps a lot with understanding issues.
3. Yeah I’d say if you got 1 highly skilled with three much lower put them with not a brand new but a low rank killer; or somebody that plays a lot of survivor(probably about 1000 hr up just messing around) but occasionally picks killer but is on the lower end(trust me they have enough knowledge on survivor patterns to not get their ankles broke because they’ve seen it all. They might not know how to use killer powers really well yet , but they know a great bit about game knowledge one side to not chase the one breaking their ankles for too long. Remember survivor game sense and believe it or not even if they’re brown rank and new to killer that absolutely makes a bunch of difference compared to someone that’s brown rank with no hours.
If you got something closer to lower like 1 high 1 mid and 2 low, probably a killer somewhere in the middle. They should know to give up the high, work with mid and lows until you can get the high. Honestly they need to learn it.
2 high though plus whatever else , a higher ranked killer for sure. That way they’re not getting nothing but sweat because they’re still on comms. You still get 2 easy chases but 2 people at your range. Take your breather, because there’s still a skill difference. I’d give them to people trying spacing things out.
4 man swf all high bar non running the best stuff match the top of the sweat with the sweat. They’ve got all the tools to handle it, highly coordinated and well that killer has Strat, perked out for weakness , and awesome addons. They’re un-nerfed . They both want to play like that so let them. Asking for easier matches on either side when you yourself won’t go easy makes no sense to me. If you want the easier match, be the easier match. It’s that simple. No you can’t on either side just crush someone below you, both sides of you are making the game miserable for everyone else. If you’re getting 4 man out after 4 man out, and 4k after 4k and so on you deserve each other. Everyone else doesn’t deserve you though, look at all the complaining from the top down. If you want change be the change this is basically a sandbox game dressed up as a PvP asym.
Anyways, Keep enough variety up there to keep them entertained, and want to go up because you can do cool things, bragging rights, whatever. yes that means more S tier un-nerfed (within reason, you can’t be hitting people through walls that’s crazy, I mean you can do things but at least make it make sense, he’s a ghoul not a ghost), killers to play with, for gods sake give them the Tokyo ghoul, and make him good. You want to hit people through walls tell the devs you want a ghost character that can do that so they can cook up something feasible and on brand, makes sense. Reign whoever in (killer/survivor doesn’t matter) with something that’s actually too problematic. For game health/ balance reasons.
^ This should in theory make things not too overwhelming for either side and average out skill differences. Playstyle differences , there’s still going to be shenanigans, but it should in theory make things feel fair or at least in the ballpark of. The player base will grow because people are more retainable bc it generally feels fair. People will be mostly where they should be due to playstyles/ game knowledge.
I mean they’re pretty much almost here now, just some leg work in balancing ranks/match making and emblem scoring.also absolutely yes Smurf prevention; if I take a break and come back I shouldn’t be in lower ranks too long because I’ve got over 2000 hrs in this game, actually looked at it the other day and added it up. I feel like they have this now since I was moving up pretty quickly in the middle of a season when I came back, I wasn’t playing with the best but i was getting my sea legs back and basically double pipped my way up to gold middle gold before 2v8, the matches were so easy I could basically do everything for the whole team, those survivors must of thought I was a god; and the killers just let me through gracefully, but to be fair I wasn’t trying to take their eyes or hit them with a bunch of things, was running nothing but off meta and nothing but brown med kit no addons ; or yellow if I ran out behavior from me on my way through; I’ve got empathy for the baby killers that had to put up with me being there on the way through, and had a relatively easy time doing it, outside of shenanigans getting in my way here or there. I didn’t take a break to get rolled back, I took a break because I was burned out and a bunch of cool stuff was releasing, regardless of why yeah nobody scoring that heavy should be be down there. Leagues ahead just off basically game sense and perks that most people people would laugh at and say suck(they don’t) with no exhaustion, and the worst medkit in the game, because if you rip one or there’s healing regression in play the medkit is toasted with no addons, and as a solo I bring a medkit just in case all the time anyways. I tried not to give them too hard of a time; couldn’t help it though if they wanted to chase me all match. Yep though i would say people bubbling or staying in that range because of the current pip system deserve to be there for one reason or another, because it was very very easy pipping for me for the most part. Couldn’t tell you too much about the killer side push up side of things , I don’t really have any significant amount of time sunk into the role ultimately, I pick them up to learn how they work generally then put them down, and just support the company, occasionally if they have a super cool skin I’ll buy it just in case I ever truly pick up the role, but a killer main coming back from a break could probably tell you. I think hybridpanda is coming back, and he streams so his experience might be interesting to garner/gather from because he’s very good and has a ton of time sunk into the game, so he could probably articulate the experience well.
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tbh, I'm tired of playing with new survivors or hackers, there's no in between...