Let the Killer end the game

I play a lot of killer and I wish there was a way for the killer to end the game besides disconnecting.
I propose that if both gates are open or if one gate has been opened and an amount of time has passed (say a minute or two) then the killer has the option to "close the hatch." Closing the hatch ends the game and awards any remaining survivors a gate escape, possibly with a small bonus to account for the missed opportunity of getting the hatch. Possibly give the killer a small penalty, a cost I'd gladly pay to be able to move on to the next game faster. Technically the killer wouldn't be able to close the hatch if there is more than one survivor left in the match, but there should still be a way for the killer to forfeit the match if the proper conditions are met, I am just proposing having the hatch have an interaction for the killer to end the match.
In addition, if there is only one survivor left in the match and they can't find the hatch after a certain amount of time there should be an option to again "close the hatch" but this time give the survivor less points than a gate escape or something. Long 1v1s are excruciatingly boring. At least with hatch standoffs there is always a quick exit available to both survivors/killers. Perhaps add a mechanic that requires the killer to be a certain distance from the hatch (enough so that the hatch is available for the last survivor to escape without danger of a hatch grab) for the timer to run down. Also consider some sort of indication for the killer for when "closing the hatch" becomes available so they can stop their search and go to the hatch and end the misery.
This would save a lot of frustration on the killer's part when the last survivor is greedy looking for the hatching or just using bad manners at a gate or elsewhere. Also it would be great for streamers or players who want to quickly get back into the action without having to disconnect.
Survivors have the opportunity to hold the game hostage at end game if they really want to. If a survivor wants to just urbanly evade around the map hiding from the killer then the killer has lousy options. They can spend possibly far too long hunting that last survivor down or they can DC and lose all their bloodpoints. The survivor(s) have no real repercussions for doing this, no matter what the killer does the survivor(s) is(are) getting bloodpoints once the match is over.
Killers are reactionary, not deciders. I would say if they take too long, have the killer auto win. Too many people locker swapping to ######### with killers, and no one does anything against people who hold the game hostage. Each gate has 2 minutes after opened. Hatch should not spawn after a gate is opened.
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In one of the many other discussions on this topic, I suggested that players should start losing score (to the killer) after piddling around too long past end of game, and should immediately get swallowed by entity if they run out of points to donate...
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Brilliant contribution, exact level of thought I would expect from a Dwight.
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I'd love for killers to have a forfeit option, where they just say "You win" and every survivor still in the game just auto-escapes and the killer gets to go with whatever points he got.
This option should only become available when the doors have been opened and the survivors can escape whenever they want.
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See this is fine, say with a 2 minute timer then the killer can do it so that if there's a hooked person/noed w/e.
What I hate is when you got the noed totem on the far side of the map, and the exit gates our far opposite of you and both are close together. Then it's a Billy or you're an instant down.
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Same amount of effort killers respond to survivor ideas with.
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The way I would suggest to implement it is to just have the killer stand idle in the exit gate area for 60 seconds. That way they can't just say "you win" or take away points from the survivor team. Survivors have already had the time to get the exit gates open by that point and gain the points from that and escaping and also a little time to find the hatch if it is 1 survivor left going for it
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I can see why survivor-mains would absolutely hate this idea since they lose might lose their opportunity to teabag at the gate or otherwise bm the killer for no good reason.
They are supposed to be survivors running from a killer. The killer should not have to push them out the gate.
I should just make peace with the fact that BHVR will never implement something like this, yes?
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I reckon it should work like this:
- Killer gains a Concede menu button on the Escape screen that is available at any point in the trial. Every survivor alive in the trial when Concede is pressed gets 1000 BP for each incomplete generator on the map (note that there are 2 extra gens on each map) The killer's pipping score is adjusted to show that every remaining survivor escaped. The "safety pip" threshold for survivors alive when the killer concedes is set to zero.
- If the exit doors are open when the Killer concedes, all living survivors are credited with an exit door escape. If ONLY the hatch is open, the survivor is credited with a hatch escape.
- After all gens are completed, the survivors have 90 seconds to open exit doors, after which the door switch "burns out" and the door is disabled.
- When an exit door is opened, it remains open for 90 seconds and then closes forever. If the killer is on the far side of the door, it remains open until they cross the threshold, then closes behind them.
- Hooking a survivor resets the timer on all open exit doors.
- Survivors on the far side of a closed exit door automatically escape, even if the killer has somehow gotten past the door again. Nurse, for example, can do this. This is because they can no longer be carried to a hook.
- If both exit doors are closed and disabled, the hatch opens regardless of how many survivors remain in the trial.
- The hatch closes after 60 seconds.
- Survivors still within the trial after every exit has been disabled die immediately.
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This is a not good idea, A better idea would be.
- Increase Crow Time spawn time when exit gates are powered or Hatch.
- Increase the basic Survival bonus for escaping, and then cause it to decrease over time, incentivizing survivors to get the ######### out of the map.
- Show the location of the Hatch to both remaining parties.
- Allow the Killer to Grab a Survivor, disregarding hurt status and grabs them for hook transport.
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Maybe the killer will be able to close the hatch temporarily for 180 sec. 😬