New Killer Idea: The Grudge

Depending on licenses and such, maybe give it a different name like The Fear. Still, the Grudge is the inspiration for this idea.
This is a very short killer (like The Pig while crouching). It’s a girl with hair in front of her face who crawls everywhere she goes, even during a chase. Because of the jerky, twisted nature of her crawl, she’s still quite fast.
Her special ability let’s her climb. She can crawl up and over stacks of cars at Autohaven, up the side of a hill or farmhouse, or even chase you from the ceiling of an indoor level. She can run along walls and just curve in through a window. At Gideon, a survivor may be surprised to see her come UP through a hole in the floor and start chasing. (If any of you have ever played the old Alien vs. Predator game on PC, the movement mechanics for the alien are what I have in mind here.)
Once triggered, she can climb for an indefinite amount of time. Her next attack will be a straight-line leap attack (like a jumping spider) which is quick with good range, but has a significant recovery time if she misses. Furthermore, after a leap the overall ability has a significant cooldown time before she can climb again.
Haha i saw a video of those avp games. Would probably more useful in indoor maps.
While the idea is nice and a leap might be a good active ability, i think most people simply wouldnt like that low eye height.Not to mention survivors rioting for her being barely visible.
Well Kayano's movie is The Grudge , if that killer is supposed to be that license , that name would probably be chosen.
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@Raptorrotas said:
Haha i saw a video of those avp games. Would probably more useful in indoor maps.
While the idea is nice and a leap might be a good active ability, i think most people simply wouldnt like that low eye height.Not to mention survivors rioting for her being barely visible.
Well Kayano's movie is The Grudge , if that killer is supposed to be that license , that name would probably be chosen.
Haha I’m glad you got a kick out of it. Furthermore, I appreciate the constructive criticism so we can think of what problems to solve.
Map could be one of her limiting attributes: strong indoors, weak outdoors (with Red Forest being her nightmare!) I think the eye level could be adjusted a bit, but should remain low to retain some level of difficulty in using this killer. To address survivors’ concerns, perhaps we give her a huge terror radius to make up for her otherwise stealthy approach.
It’s also worth mentioning that windows can be a problem for her. During a chase she can go through one quickly, but if she’s on a wall and doesn’t want to go through one, she has to dodge it instead. Jumping across it would end a wall climb.
Finally, to keep her from being overpowered, let’s reduce her speed to that of The Nurse. Since obstacles are less of an issue, I think slower speed makes it more fair. I guess looping isn’t going to be an effective strategy against this killer, huh?
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The Spirit comes from the idea of The Grudge... Doubt this will happen
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Oh! That never occurred to me, though it makes sense.
Well regardless of the inspiration, I still think this would be a fun killer to play. Maybe they could claim no inspiration, change the hair-based theme, and say they’re shooting for some sort of “spider-child” type killer.
Any devs reading this, I promise I won’t be upset if you exercise creative license with my killer ideas! I’m just happy to be involved! 😁
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Hmmm, How about if she could stand up like pig and move at a normal speed, and has to go into crouch mode like pig to start climbing on stuff. And then moves at nurse speed while climbing. While climbing her terror radius is reduced to 0.
Add ons allow an extra pounce attack like nurse gets additional blink add ons. Or increase climbing speed up to pigs crouching speed.
Could have the map be a sewer system, so plenty of walls to climb around on.
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Is it alright if I create a post dedicated to what you posted, and give credits to you? This idea sounds wonderful. :)
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Would it be alright? That would be awesome!! I’m really glad you like the idea and would be happy for all the help I can get in spreading it! It’s worth mentioning I really like Froggard’s idea of the sewer map as well. I could really see this going places!
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I may be a bit late with this comment but I was actually thinking about this idea too. Another interesting feature that they could add is to, just like the huntress whistling, add her iconic noise. Not sure if you guys would know what I mean about this since it's quite hard to explain how it sounds, but I guess similar to a burp or sth?