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Solo Q survivors, are you having fun?



  • Member Posts: 3,642
    edited March 19

    SoloQ feels like walking around on a hot day with soaking wet socks on pavement that somewhat clings to the external fibers of the sock.

    Like yes, you can technically do what you would normally do, but why would you when there are just better options and more fun ways of using your time. I rather just go home and put on a new pair of a socks or do something else completely.

  • Member Posts: 406

    Sometimes I do!

    Mostly I am trying to make random's life better with flashbang/pallet saving, because my build is mostly altruistic for saves.

    Never leaving them until 2nd stage aswell, even if I have to trade!

  • Member Posts: 609

    Truly felt this. You've explained the feelings perfectly.

  • Member Posts: 767

    This game is actually unplayable for soloQ. U face against blights p100 with double iri and your teamates just hide in a corner or down after 5 seconds. After the MMR changes this game is abolutely boring for soloQ, even with "helps" from survivor HUD. When we had the rank system this game was A LOT OF BETTER and more enjoyable.

  • Member Posts: 756

    Been playing Chaos Shuffle and half the games are ruined by my teammates giving up first hook whereas the other half are ruined by the killer hardcore tunnelling someone out of the game at 5 gens because they know there are no perks to punish them for doing so.

    I'm actually writing down how my games turn out (and the builds I get). I didn't escape a single one of my last eight games. 4 of them involved survivors either giving up or throwing (2 suicides on first hook, one with a duo going for aggressive altruism plays and getting all of us killed, the fourth one with a Leon who only God knows what the ######### he was doing). 3 involved the killer tunnelling someone out early game. Only one of them was a decent game, we all still died but I don't mind losing as long as everyone is playing fair.

    So, no, the answer is No.

  • Member Posts: 108

    I feel there is no soloQ left as a killer. I only face SWF with iri addons , with one person trying to stalk my stealth killer callign out where i am. Its not fun to play killer either atm and that is why you see slugging with meta killers and perks becuase you are a bunch of people who play the game unfairly.

  • Member Posts: 512

    Not enjoying my solo que rounds lately. Its like whoever touches the first generator isnt allowed to play (turbo tunneled) and then the rest of the team gets slugged.

    And if its not me getting turbo tunneled then its me running around trying to help people off hooks because they are dropping like flies, and then the team turns around and blames the loss on me for not doing all the generators lol just things like that round after round it eventualy makes u feel its not worth playing, or maybe try playing killer instead, only to go against the army of swfs that make you realise why the killers don't care anymore in solo que lol. If only there was a bigger bloodpoint incentive, the 400% from 2v8 allowed me to get over 47 prestiges even while miserable lol

  • Member Posts: 963

    No, playing survivor has always been miserable and boring, but lately when all killers do is camp, tunnel, and slug, it's particularly bad.

    The entire game needs a rework, but BHVR will never do it. They'd rather make more cosmetics to increase profits in a game where people only play because of addiction and not actual enjoyment...

  • Member Posts: 122
    edited March 21

    Not one bit. I think I can handle 3 matches max anymore.

    I used to love chaos shuffle but now the killers are playing like their families lives depend on their win. They act like they have to sweat even harder because they don't have the perks they want to have but still play chaos shuffle anyway.

    Then you have the teammates who seem to be allergic to gens or heals (which I hear the NA-W servers are well-known for), can't loop a house fly and drop on first hook all while consistently going against killers with over 100 ping.

    The only chance of survival would be having 8 perks to counter tunneling, slugging, gen rush and self-healing because my team won't do any of it.

  • Member Posts: 135

    It's sad to see my fellow solo players really not enjoying it. Maybe It's because I play so infrequently now I can still enjoy it.

    That being said, had time for two matches yesterday. Played on on Chaos Shuffle and one on normal. Both we were all dead at 5 gens.

  • Member Posts: 8,364

    Sure, if I weren't having fun then I wouldn't be playing.

    In fact, I'm actually playing more survivor lately than killer. Solo queue's really improved over the years- exempting the unfixable issues like the occasional braindead teammates, a lot of issues are lessened overall. The action HUD especially finally freed up the perk slot that was locked in to Kindred for a long while.

    Of course, there's still stuff to fix, and some wider survivor issues that affect both solo queue and SWF especially need addressing. Just that solo queue specific stuff doesn't feel as bad anymore.

  • Member Posts: 1,402

    Last time I did post 2v8, I did not. So I stopped. Took a look at Kaneki PTB for 2-3 matches but that's it. Don't plan on coming back anytime soon. - Maybe when the Health Phase One things are fully implemented (sometime between April and June they said?) - but tbh, not holding my breath.

  • Member Posts: 1,559

    Solo queue is rough for a wide variety of reasons. The only advantage of solo queue over SWF is that at least when you die you don't have to wait around for your friends to finish. And you will die. Probably around 80-90 percent of your games.

    They need to separate queues with quitters getting stuck in their own pile while non-quitters get to play with each other. Who cares if it makes wait times a few minutes longer.

  • Member Posts: 31

    ... I'm scared to answer this... but I actually do have fun in solo q. I enjoy the adrenaline rush of being chased by a killer. Do I escape a lot? No. Am I great at looping, hell no. My favorite moments in solo q are when the hatch gets closed, I'm trying to open the exit gate, and I have no idea on if I'm going to escape on time. To me, it's like a little virtual haunted house. Full disclosure, I mostly play as killer, but if I get a survivor daily, need to do a challenge, or the bp incentive is high, I play as survivor and have a bloody good time.

  • Member Posts: 9,438

    The issue with solo survivor is having teammates giving up over selfish reasons.

  • Member Posts: 75

    They already reverted most Xeno changes because some killer main content creators got upset that they can't get low skill cheese kills after the changes. They follow the $$$ which means releasing OP licensed killers and bending over backwards to whatever a handful of content creators that have a cult following believe.

  • Member Posts: 108

    Well i spend 75 hours a week the past 7 months becuase i havent had anything to do. And when you run franklin/weave, Ghostface you can see who is SWF and who is not. When they put their items in a specific place of the realm. How they follow each other , how you are always trailed by that 1 person the entire game. When the end of the lobby they got similar names

    Solo Q does not have the coordination to know when a stealth killer is coming towards you area 200 meters away in stealth and is on the other side of the map unless someone has told them something.

  • Member Posts: 1,600

    Not in the slightest. Not just solo queue, survivor in general.

  • Member Posts: 2,162
    edited March 22

    I'd say 90% of my survivor matches are solo queue - I personally have a load of fun. Sometimes the teamwork is just oh so right, and after we will add each other and play a few matches together after, but usually it's just solo. As long as it's not a blight/nurse/wesker, it's usually at least a 3 man out.

    Granted, sometimes I play at late night, and when I do, it can be the wild wild west of the quality of teammates.

    Here's one of my two favorite solo queue saves to date.

    Other one is on Reddit, no video link directly sorry.

    Solo queue is perfectly viable once you're in the mmr with other experienced survivors, but it's pretty frustrating on the way to that point.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    ”numbers is all that matters to them?” What does that even mean? A vast majority of the player base is survivors, many of whom play survivor only. BHVR has made plenty of changes in the past to buff survivors and/or nerf overpowered killers/add-ons. They know what will happen if survivor becomes too miserable for people to play. The player count has been very stable for the last several years, so clearly they are doing something right. If BHVR did what you want and nerfed killers into the ground, nobody would want to play killer and you would have ridiculously long survivor queue times like there have been at several points in the game’s history.

  • Member Posts: 404

    I don't believe the vast are survivor players, I really don't think there is a such thing as survivor main because there is no point in it. The queue times and incentives speak which side is most popular and fun. There is always an excuse to nerf survivors.

    Tell me, if we are so worried about survivors waiting, why wasn't killers nerfed for 2v8. Killers waited like 30 minutes even with a 400 percent bonus for survivors and there was no nerfs to killer. Everything will deny common sense to keep the game killer favored and miserable for survivor.

    The game would be so much more popular if it was fun and fair for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    I'm having more rough games than fun ones at the moment. But to be honest, some of that might be down to my own personal Survivor role burnout. I do find my games tend to go a little better if I play later at night and I find myself an unofficial member of a SWF, which I think says a lot for the state of Solo Q.

    That said, I don't think Solo Q is the hell many players say it is. I don't personally have much negative to say about my teammates. It's more so that Killers are often using tactics and strategies that Solo Q cannot effectively counter. The usual things like stacking slowdown on very strong Killers, proxying hooks and hard tunnelling, but also newer developments like 4 man slugging and using plaything / penti builds.

    I also think a lot of Killers have been buffed up to combat the advantages that playing in a SWFs on comms can bring and Solo Q has become the collateral damage in that particular arms race. I'm just getting so tired of it all that I play more Killer than Survivor these days.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Every time I play at night, survivor queues are super long and killer queues are instant. Even during the day when fewer people are playing survivor, killer queues are never as long as the evening time survivor queues for me. You can believe whatever you want, but the fact is there are far more survivor main players than killer main players.

    Survivors were buffed quite a bit for 2v8. I played survivor almost exclusively during the last 2v8 event and escaped a majority of my matches. It was not even close to being killer sided.

    I’m sure this will get downvoted just like my last post, which tells you that any opinion that even remotely defends the killer side is not popular here. What were you saying again about not believing there is such thing as a survivor main?

  • Member Posts: 15

    I find it pretty fun in spite that i main killer, find it less stressful and survivor has more loadouts you can have fun with

  • Member Posts: 3,188
    edited March 23

    The vast majority of players being survivors isn't really a matter of opinion, the game wouldn't run if that weren't the case. I mean every match is a 4v1. And I don't see the incentive on surv 24/7 or anything. At least half the time I see no incentive at all, and when I do see it, it's like 25%. So logic and math dictate that ~80% of all players at any given time are playing survivor.

    I'm not saying solo queue isn't tough right now, it is.

    But saying the majority of players aren't playing surv or that there is no such thing as a survivor main (lol) is just delulu talk. The biggest slice of the DBD player pie chart at any given time are solo queue survivors. If it weren't so I'd be waiting forever to get into a killer match, and I certainly am not. I have no patience for waiting.

    Now it's not as much that way as it once was, as the balance has tilted toward killer (no objective person would deny that), but the game used to be wildly surv sided. And people have been saying "just wait killer mains, you'll be waiting an hour for a match when no one is playing surv!" since 6.1.0, and it hasn't happened.

    Okay, maybe it takes 30-60 seconds to get into a killer match instead of 10 seconds.

    And as for your statements about 2v8 - people didn't want to play surv as much in 2v8 because all the novelty of the mode is in playing killer in tandem/with a friend, not because surv was weak.

    2v8 is insanely survivor sided. I would know, I played pretty much only survivor (played five or six matches as killer total over the three 2v8 implementations) and escaped constantly. Like 75% of the time, like twice my 1v4 escape rate. Nerf 2v8 killer? lmao.

    Now solo queue survivor is most often a rough experience. But people screaming "solo is unplayable! It's so bad that no one wants to play anymore! It's literally like being dipped in acid!" and flailing about isn't helping when they could be making rational arguments and actual realistic suggestions instead.

  • Member Posts: 794

    I am playing lot of soloQ lately and it's decent. But you have to play with Kindred imo to have any decent chance.
    I prefer Kindred over Bond…

    I usually play soloQ with something like Lithe, Deja vu, Kindred, OTR and it's quite fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,881

    I have the most fun playing events or special play modes like Chaos Shuffle and 2v8. I usually pull back and don't play as much when only the normal mode is available, because it ends up feeling so sweaty. I actually think Chaos and 2v8 are very friendly to solo, which is probably why I like them — you aren't matching with people who have a perfectly calibrated build; everyone has either one of the pre-set builds from 2v8 or a random build from Chaos, and that feels a little more fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,794
    edited March 23

    Fun? FUN. Let me tell you how much I've come to have fun since I began to play. There are 387.44 million hours of play time in wafer thin layers that fill my console. If the word 'fun' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of hours it would not equal one one-billionth of the fun I have not had since 2020 at this micro-instant. Fun. FUUUUUUUUUUUN.

    In short terms SoloQ to me has not been fun for a while. Get screwed over by teammates, you try to have fun by going in a circle thinking maybe the killer will join but nope get downed but the next game you die first and suddenly the killer is doing it. With matchmaking and bunch of other stuff yeah no SoloQ has not been really "fun" even if I try to make it fun for myself because all of sudden bad guy because I was wanting to have fun in a game.

    Post edited by jamally093 on
  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,515

    I played a few rounds of this run of Chaos Shuffle. Every match had the first person suicide on hook. Multiple matches in a row shouldn't be hatch games with five gens left, but they were, and I haven't played Chaos Shuffle since.

    I still say the broken SBMM is the game's biggest problem. How is solo queue supposed to be an enjoyable experience when someone with thousands of hours gets teammates with maybe five hours max?

    I've been playing the first Dying Light game a lot again, recently. Went a couple years without touching it, and now when I turn on the console, I see its thumbnail and DbD's thumbnail next to each other, and it feels much nicer to click the Dying Light one.

  • Member Posts: 10,395

    Fix the matchmaking so people can actually play with people their level.

  • Member Posts: 2,246
  • Member Posts: 2,306
  • Member Posts: 288

    You should be able to "Ping" things like totems, generators, and chests. Even if you think showing the aura is too much info, you could do something like a glyph where it makes noise if you get close. Just to get a LITTLE help from teammates

  • Member Posts: 3,125


  • Member Posts: 2,246
    edited March 23

    I have a theory that Killer difficulties were placements along the mmr bracket. So Trapper and Legion were categorized as “beginner” which leads me to believe they were mostly for lower mmr. Higher mmr Survivors might have faced less of the “beginner” Killers. I think Plague was categorized as “hard” because the power is so easy to get value from that the player ends up playing against “hard” Survivors.

    I’m not willing to die on this hill or anything but it is a suspicion on how I think the difficulty system used to work.

  • Member Posts: 2,306

    oh okay thank you, I mean you could possibly be right ppl that are higher mmr generally pick stronger than trappers.

  • Member Posts: 6,870

    Solo queue has been so bad for me, can’t get teammates to gens while I run the killer forever.

  • Member Posts: 10,395

    I thought you meant that killers would have a difficult adjustment period, like they did at MMR's start, which would also be fine by me. If I am correct, that killers getting matched against survivors of their own caliber will lead to mostly losses and extremely hard matches in general at the mid and high levels, then that will pretty much force the devs to give killers some much needed buffs. Opposition to that outcome is the only logical reason why my initial comment should have been downvoted; otherwise I have no clue.

  • Member Posts: 291

    The quality of my teammates extends from a single cell organism with an Xbox controller to 100,000 IQ Einstein. I help everyone equally, and sometimes I get emotional when other players make a big mistake. But that is okay. We will work together anyways. That is my favorite part about this game. It sucks when other people don't care or get upset—but sometimes things work out.

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