been away for like 3 months and killer are just impossible now

all my killer games end up like this, gens fly before i can do anything, even when i try to reach the gen with most progress..
do i really need to tunnel to get a decent game as killer?
- the chases are not long as i use guards to help me.
and the survivors are not even using gen rush perks.
Suggest changing up your gameplay.
Nothing in this match even shows they rushed. Theres a brown toolbox in play and thats it.
You need to pressure and target better. Nothing to do with tunneling. Knight is one of the best killers for this as well you can hunt someone and chase someone else very easily.
Being away for 3 months might be the cause, but honestly without gameplay footage we really cant tell. The perks suggest its a you issue though.16 -
That is what im saying, that "they dont gen rush."
Im not sure how i could change my gameplay, when i get a hook i see the gen with most progress and people are completing it before i can get to it half the time. they dont even bother heal up, so i wonder why they bring medkits
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I haven't gone against a knight in maybe a year now how is he since the changes?
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terrible you get punished for working with your power lmfao
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Again hard to say based on the screenshot. Would need video.
The perks and items in play on both sides tell me it was more a you problem then "gens fly"8 -
if it was a SWF coordinating on comms, that might explain why they were able to get gens done so quickly. You have to play with scummier tactics against those teams to offset their unfair advantage of coordination. Don’t feel bad about it.
-8 -
i remember they changed it so you can't drop guards near you is that still in?
i seen some clips on youtube of people just tricking the guards over an overn just running round a rock to deal with them.1 -
Ah yes, that 48% escape rate. Truly scummy. Broken as hell.
6 -
Change build, it's very bad
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you cant just instantly drop guards at loop. You have to draw a line more than 8 meters to actually drop them.
it sounds bad but it’s not you can still drop them at loops.0 -
It was a build i got suggested on this forum, as being very good, and i still think it is. I get stealth when my knights are in chase.
What build do you recommend for knight?
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Pop is issue, it's way weaker than before.
Pain res, Flood of rage, Compass, DMS can work quite well for any killer.
If you like undetectable, then maybe Nowhere to hide, Unforseen, Eruption and either Pain res/DMS/Lethal/Corrupt0 -
What makes pain ress better than Pop?, that i dont have to walk to the gen?
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also im not sure if something was off with my mmr, now it seems to be me that have the upper hand, in most games.
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Unless we saw the match no one knows what exactly happened. I find most killers spend to much time in their first chase. Many will chase a survivor through multiple loops and or across the map. Then in end game they complain about gen rushing. A lot of bad killers out there take the easy route because they don't understand how to cut a survivor off, force them into a dead zone or break a pallet on the right side. I can't tell you how many times I've ran a killer for 2-3 gens just to be camped or tunneled out because they're frustrated.
I could have some sympathy for killer mains for mind games not working, swf squads or bad ping. But everything else that happens is on you and you alone.
Rng effects everyone equally. Yesterday a sadako was complaining about tv placement during chaos shuffle on azarovs with that terrible choke point in the middle (perfect for 3 gen). Yet they got knock out, noed, and crowd control. While I got that stupid invocation crow perk, mft, and slippery meat. They still got 2 kills and complained in end game.
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Amount of regression, you don't need to go there directly and it always hits best target. Also have a form of information (if you don't lose any token, it means no gen has any progress at the moment)
Both are 20%, but POP is only from current progress, which is simply way lower unless you find 99% gen, but at that point survivors can just finish it in front of you…
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We absolutely can not make gens take any longer. 90 seconds of sitting on a Gen is crazy. We need more side objectives that survivors would actually have fun doing.
I would play survivor more if we had to do things like grab wires and fuel and stuff
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Some SWF are better than others. If you’re facing a good one, you have to play scummier to secure kills. If you disagree, would love to see some of your gameplay so you can show me how it’s done
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My advice, tunnel, camp, slug... whatever you need to do because if you don't then you will end up being beaten a lot if you don't use everything in your arsenal. You wouldn't expect survivors to not use pallets or flashlights so don't limit yourself.
-6 -
I would heavily advise against relying on slugging or tunneling to win, as I do believe those things will be receiving changes to make them less effective in the upcoming health chapters.
I’d give yourself at least a few matches to shake off the rust, as going 3 months without it could very well be a contributing factor.
2 -
Gens can fly even without gen perks. Survs needs a 2nd native objective. PERIOD.
Then BHVR can heavily nerf or eradicate tunnel/camping.-2 -
gen speeds are absurd, which force you to either play toxic tunneling camping and slugging, or to run 4 slowdown perks because running 1 isnt enough.
And sadly, gens fly even when the survicors have nothing to gen rush...
And to make things worse, kicking gens is a joke that only makes you lose your time
-1 -
Another factor could be cheaters, i just had 2 games in a row where there was no doubt they cheated. A gen got blocked as if i had damaged it 8 times, i kicked it 4 times max. And the game before i had 2 people standing under a hook, and the meg tbagged me while taking at least 6 hits from me and one from my guard with out taking damage at all. - and this was obvious cheaters. This makes me wonder if there is a lot subtile ones as well.
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Why is every post about "gens go too fast" always followed by the solution "the devs should put even more pressure for survivors to do nothing but the objective?"
You could make gens 5 minutes each, but that would literally just make gen rush the only viable play style to even have a chance at winning.
I understand that, for some killers, that's the ultimate goal: get back to the gen kick meta days. That's where this idea started at least. They want the killer to have effectively infinite time to win the game (or auto win at 60 minutes) but that just puts pressure on survivors to rush gens as the only thing that can even possibly work.
It's been 3 years of this really. Killers complain that survivors are doing X thing, X things gets nerfed, putting more pressure to just get the gens done before the killer can get someone out of the game. (CoH was a big one for this: all the time booning and healing was time off gens, but people screamed to have it deleted, and when it was... Oh look, gens "fly again")
Killers want more time, then survivors will need less pressure to do gens and nothing else.
1 -
The problem is your build.
You can't rely in only one gen regression perk, specially considering that Pop was nerfed and it is worse now.
-4 -
Basically you need to make a path of a minimum of 10m to spawn them and then IF you get near 8 meters of them their timer decays 4x faster enjoy the gutted knight!
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Basically what every 10 year old thinks and they make a picture like this.
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You're rusty. You're going to need some time to rebuild the muscle memory on playing tiles and assessing macro to make good decisions. The wins will come, for sure.
Especially if you don't send yourself to Ormond, one of Knight's worst maps.
Post edited by kit_mason on4 -
Are you so offended by this that you even bothered to write me a response? The truth cuts deep enough to respond to it :) Seriously, does anyone need a little irony and humor.
I'm just asking the author what he wants. Victory or fun?
If fun, then he will have to get used to the idea that he will lose against survivors who understand how to play this game. The most you can count on is one kill. After all, the game has always been on the side of the survivors. It's just that the survivors, for some reason unknown to me, do not want to use their advantages.
In case of victory. The end justifies the means. Reject mercy and do everything that will help you win. The survivors, like sellers of useless junk, are trying to limit you with the idea of fun. This fun is primarily beneficial to the surviving side to make the game easier for themselves. After all, the game, unfortunately, is not balanced for 12 hooks. No matter how they claim the opposite. You are literally playing to your own detriment.
The only question is, what is the author looking for? That is what we should base our advice on.
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Playing a killer like Knight sets you up to be the survivors' punching bag if they're any good. So either accept this or move on to playing a stronger killer.
-1 -
they nerfed pop into the ground you shouldn't use it
0 -
slugging was a side objective that benefits survivors and knockout got changed completely and they're going to just remove slugging so no survivors don't actually want a 2nd objective
-4 -
I disagree with some of the discussion here that Knight is just a bad Killer (he's no Dark Lord but he's decent), but I do think the changes that have been made to him necessitate a change in playstyle.
Rather than always using Guards to force players from a given loop, it's better to try and 'snipe' Survivors from a distance, forcing them to drop whatever they're doing and potentially run them into you. Assassin is the most likely to actually injure, while Jailer's long timer can occupy a Survivor for a good chunk of time. Either can also effectively block a gen for a few seconds. Carnifex is more situational and is best saved to destroy pre-dropped pallets in chase. You can use any of them to punish bodyblocking or attempts at saving a downed Survivor as well. The haste you gain from placing Guards also benefits using them to create pincer manoeuvres to force a Survivor into taking a hit from one of you or expending valuable resources like strong pallets.
However, he still can struggle on dense or large maps and getting hits with Guards without specific addons is still not guaranteed, especially against good Survivors. To that end he really benefits from slowdown or regression perks as well as information perks to quickly locate Survivors. Pain Resonance is still the best regression perk in the game all this time later, and pairs nicely with info perks like Jagged Compass, Floods of Rage or BBQ and Chilli. He's also good with Hex perks like Ruin, Wretched Fate and Pentimento (lowkey a problematically good perk), since he can use Guards to force Survivors away from gens to trigger regression or to interrupt a totem cleanse. Actual downs with Guards aren't too common, so Surge is still pretty solid as an easy-to-use slowdown. But since the Guards can be used to damage gens and break pallets at a distance, kicking perks like Pop are actually not that good on him. And personally, running fewer than two regression/slowdown perks on a Killer that's not in the top 5 is very brave, especially in this era of Commodious Toolboxes with Brand New Parts all over the place, so if you're really struggling then I'd suggest leaning into them a little more: on a lot of maps Corrupt and/or Deadlock are a godsend.
Additionally, you seem to have two different forms of Undetectable in your build, which might be redundant, especially if the Survivors you're playing against have good communication or simply if you're on an open map where they can see you coming.
I really love Knight, but I'm still learning his ins and outs too, so I hope this helps.
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I mean if they always dragged you far away from gens with the chases and prerun you really good (so that you don't even take the chases, since you want them to be quick), then I wouldn't be too confused why you lost gens so quickly.
Obviously I don't know how you played and I also don't know what quick chases for you are, but that's my guess. Generally to generate more pressure without tunneling or camping I'd recommend slugging - it's also hated and tirering as hell, but it's effective.
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Yea I mean your response tells me what I already knew about anyone who thinks pictures like that hold any truth behind them.
"Dont kick gens because its unfair for survivors"
Lmfao noone says this.
Try a better rage bait next time. Or dont fall for a rage bait picture like that and post it here next time.
W mods, thank youPost edited by ChuckingWong on-1 -
Gen rushing and tunnel/camp are two braindead strategies that go hand-to-hand with each other.
Sadly we can't discuss leaks or datamining here for me to go further on this.0