I was excited for chaos shuffle

It's nothing but hard camping and tunneling. Solo queue is 110% unplayable. You have 0 exhaust/loop/aura/antitunnel perks. Killer is rewarded for tunneling and camping, when it's already meta in normal gamemode.
"It's nothing but hard camping and tunneling. Solo queue is 110% unplayable."
Seriously. People keep using that word and it's absurd. Not fun =/= unplayable. Barely ever winning =/= unplayable. Imbalanced =/= unplayable.
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Solo queue is unenjoyable. There, you feel better?
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Holy hellbeans, you got 3,1k comments on the forums. You just here to validate yourself by being a smartypants? I'm deleting my account here.
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Lol if you think that's a lot just wait until you run into the people with 20K+
And I'm not trying to validate myself, I just get annoyed by hyperbole
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I have not really had any issues playing solo queue with chaos mode. As long as you're decent at looping, the killers are usually in a really bad spot unless they happened to get some strong perks by chance. Sure, exhaustion perks help, but survivors innately have access to some really great loops with or without perks. The trick is utilizing them well.
Heck, I had a killer who got zero kills. He ended up with 2 hex perks. Felt so bad that I just left the exit gate and ran over to a hook to at least get him a consolation prize XD
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just another "omg camping, tunneling bad" thread focusing on only one side sweating in Chaos Shuffle while completely ignoring the fact that both sides are equally sweaty (survs also hardcore splitting gens early, map offerings, medkits with syringes n toolboxes with BNPs)
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You forgot to take into consideration what your teammates do. I see a lot of people unhook next to killer and run away without giving protection hits, which has a major impact on the tunneling. I could be looping the killer and have 3 survivors open chests and do dulls or fix 3 gens at the corners and 3 genning us early on. I also think playing early morning you get sweatier swf's, playing mid day, middle of the week you get these returning players.
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No the word unplayable is exactly what it means. Sitting on the ground slugged out waiting for the game to end or waiting around be unhooked just to run a few seconds to go right back down and back on the hook. Or sit on a hook and watch the match until your dead. That's what it's meant when unplayable. For a lot of matches you don't even have to touch the keyboard or controller because there is nothing you can do.
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So if a killer never leaves the hook area... we have to trade hits? Yeah no this is why people are complaining about camping and tunneling. Its not like the old days where people would farm you off the hook knowing you had bt and good ds to gain an advantage. People have to unhook with the killer near because they won't leave in the first place. It's gotten that bad and killers know if they proxy camp it's majority of the time going to work to get easy hits and downs.
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No, unplayable means you literally can't play it due to some sort of mechanically game breaking thing. Crawling around on the ground is still playing the game. Sitting on hook during a tunnel/camp it still playing the game. I've got over 3K hours playing solo queue surv, and if you can name a miserable experience in that role, I've experienced it. But aside from times when the game literally broke, I was still playing the game as it was designed to function.
It can be absolutely miserable and might make you not want to play (justifiably), but the game is functioning as intended. More than that, these are things that aren't all that common statistically, so holding them up as why the entire role is generally "unplayable" is not a position to be taken seriously.
And generally, people hyperbolizing things in this way is not helpful to the argument they are making. If you're trying to make a case for buffing solo queue (as it should be) and you say things like "solo queue is unplayable", "I get hard tunneled and/or slugged every game", etc. you're not helping the cause.
Why? Because none of those things are true. People play solo all the time, it's totally playable. Intermittently miserable, but playable. NO ONE gets tunneled or slugged every game. Or even half the time, regardless of their MMR. Claiming that just invalidates everything else you are saying.
It's like killer mains saying they face cracked four man SWFs almost every game. It's just ridiculous on its face.
Sure, one can infer that it's exaggeration, but when people make bombastic statements that clearly aren't true, the immediate response of people isn't "oh hey, they make a good point, let's get that fixed", it's "the person is clearly lying and isn't rational". It's bad faith argumentation. In fact it's actively counterproductive to the cause of getting solo improved. Sounding like a biased person in the middle of a full tilt isn't helpful, and people aren't going to take you seriously. Not the ones you need to listen, anyway.
This makes me think of a Choy video I watched yesterday profiling a killer main streamer who said things that are so totally divorced from reality that all you can do is marvel at it. Now it stands to reason that a lot of that was disingenuous rage baiting, but even knowing that, you wouldn't take anything this guy says seriously.
People saying solo surv is unplayable, they get tunneled every match, etc., etc. has the exact same effect.
Solo queue has issues that absolutely need to be addressed (and to be fair, some are and have been). I want to see solo buffed. But if a person is feeling super activated, they should step away for minute, calm themselves, and compose an actual case with thought out and articulated points (maybe some actual data) rather than vomiting hyperbole all over the place.
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Oh boy, you don't know about old BNP, do you? Recent 25% gen progress… or 2016 version which finished the gen instantly
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tunneling is the same as genrushing. Just doing your objective but one gets punished. and while i agree camping slugging etc is unfun its sadly the name of the game nowadays.
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No matter what mode you choose in DBD, solo queue remains the same.
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and what are we supposed to do with that information?
Splitting gens early is still the most effective strategy you can use as survivor, even without old BNPs.
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I am just saying, that complaining about bnp today feels odd considering it's history.
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I played like 5 matches on day one, and at least one person got tunnelled and proxy camped every match resulting in a win for the killer. I moved to regular mode and haven't looked back, chaos shuffle as a solo queue survivor is miserable.
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Such a weird thing to complain about, since they're not only fixing the "survivors start split up" thing, but that's also included in phase 1 iirc. Anti tunneling isn't even until phase 2 at the end of the year.
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they are not fixing it, they are just merely making it slightly more difficult to do, not to mention how it has only been getting more powerful with gen regression perks being nerfed.
In terms of anti-tunneling, the current anti-tunneling meta is literally so strong that 99% of killers can simply not tunnel anyone out without wasting huge chunks of time and leading themselves into a 3-4 stages match at most (unless survivor being tunneled and someone willing to take a hit eventually make series of mistakes.
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the fact that old BNP was completely broken doesn't mean current BNP is in a good spot rn.
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I just watched Zubat get hard tunneled out at 5 gens by a P100 Nurse. Really sums up the shuffle.
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Wow, you always seem to manage to fit so much wrong in so few sentences.
they are not fixing it, they are just merely making it slightly more difficult to do, not to mention how it has only been getting more powerful with gen regression perks being nerfed.
Making survivors less efficient at early gens is literally the entire thing you're complaining about. They aren't going to spawn on 4 different gens right away anymore, ever. They have to walk to do that (which does take time), and will likely walk into the killer as well.
That is a nerf.
It also has literally nothing to do with gen regression whatsoever. You could have the full cobruption gen kick meta back, and that doesn't matter one iota until the first down of the game. (Because, let's be honest, all this talk of "gen regression" is just wanting that level of complete control over the game again).
In terms of anti-tunneling, the current anti-tunneling meta is literally so strong that 99% of killers can simply not tunnel anyone out without wasting huge chunks of time and leading themselves into a 3-4 stages match at most (unless survivor being tunneled and someone willing to take a hit eventually make series of mistakes
I'm sorry, the "anti-tunnel" that exists has been purposefully made so weak that:
A) they're having to overhaul and add extra anti tunnel measures in phase 2 for killers to even notice and
B) you even acknowledge this because you and several others recognize that these perks are barely even suggestions to stop tunneling. Especially since you angrily insist that the most efficient way to play is to tunnel, even though these perks exist. I'm sorry you hit a speed bump, but it doesn't even come close to slowing this "strategy" down in any meaningful way.