
All jokes aside, my first game todaay, playing trapper for some Tome 1 achievements, all my gens were done in 2m33.
Survivors have the power role in dbd, not the killer.
I don’t think that’s even mathematically possible unless they were cheating
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This must be a complete exaggeration or indeed cheating
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So you play one of the worst, if not the worst, killer in the game versus a squad that may or may not be cheating (you don't know) and lost very quickly.
This isn't indicative of anything.
What the heck does "power role" mean? I know extremely jaded players fling that around, but it's never explained.
If the issue is survivors use busted things to win, why don't you? You'll probably win as much if not more.
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Even if I take literally everything you said here at face value (you aren't making it up, exaggerating, or mistaken), corrupt intervention by itself prevents this.
What are you doing at the start of the match? Because this sounds like 4 survivors have no pressure for 2 minutes and are allowed to sit on gens while you, I guess... just set up and collect traps? I'm not sure what even takes trapper 2 minutes, since you should be intercepting survivors at minimum after the first one or two gens pop.
Gonna take some gameplay video or even just a screen shot of your build to say anything more, honestly.
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watch hens video about genrush, real option
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remember i was doing TOME 1 challenges where you need 5 basement hooks.
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You have no idea whaat survivors can do
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Thats a 5 hour VOD and while skipping through it I have not seen you play Killer.
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Its litterly on that time frame, im playing trapper this is the survivors pov, i dont stream :-)
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2h38 50s
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Its actually 2m 13 haha sorry
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I understand the frustration you may feel, and I’m sorry for that. The issue is that the stats show that every killer is performing well. All killers statistically win more then they lose, as intended, which is goods. (Though QOL updates are still needed for several)
What that means however is that if gen times are extended, then those kill rates will likely increase and be higher, which will push killers past the overall general success rate of 58%. Now if it only pushed an extra 2, resulting in a 60% kill rate, I would be in support of that, as it’s what the devs intend. But the risk of course does come with that kill rate becoming higher than 60%, in which case I don’t agree with it being the right choice for the game. I don’t see much of an incentive for people to chose the survival role when the chances of winning are less than 40% by default. I also worry it would put more strain on Solo Q, resulting in more survivors opting to SWF instead, which in turn only adds more stress to killer players.
I’m not sure what the best solution would be, as gen times are very sensitive and can drastically change the game from the smallest of tweaks. But I do understand the frustration of feeling like they’re too fast.
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So what I'm gathering from this video is:
- You're playing Trapper.
- It's a 4-man SWF on comms.
- All 4 survivors are running green toolboxes with Brand New Parts.
- All of them split up at the beginning of the match, for max reparation efficiency.
- You failed to pressure them and push them off gens (though, given how much they split up and how coordinated they were, I don't really blame you).
- You still ended up getting two kills.
Yes, 4-man SWF teams who play to win and bring genrush builds will absolutely destroy you, especially when you're playing one of the weakest killers in the game. It is unfair, but it is what it is (at least for now). I wouldn't give it any much more thought than you already have. Even some of the best killer players in this game would struggle against such builds, especially if the killer is Trapper.
Most games you will not be matched against highly coordinated 4-man SWF teams (unless you have some crazy SBMMR going on). This is absolutely not your average game. I'm not saying that this shouldn't be looked into by the devs, but if I were you I wouldn't worry too much about it because every now and then you will get teams like this and the best you can do is simply not care. You had everything working against you here.
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Just apply pressure, bro!
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Meh, whatever, really. You played one of the worst Killers in the game and go against a 4 man who wants to do some world record attempts. Unlucky, but nothing dramatic, this is not a representation of the actual game.
Not even worth a thread IMO, you will not go against such a squad for years from now on.
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You mean the most recent one 3 weeks ago where they broke the world record, with a highly coordinated comp level team in 2:34?
And OP is claiming that their "pub game" finished theirs in either 2:33, or 2:13 depending on which post you read. Something is absolutely wrong in this narrative.
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Many players such as myself go against efficient teams multiple times in a short gaming session. They aren't that rare. It isn't hard to be an efficient team outside of solo queue. Hand waving away the broken game balance is not fair to people who have to play against it
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No, you dont go against such a team like in the VOD on a regular basis. And you dont go against such a team multiple times in a short gaming session.
Be reasonable.
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I literally just played against multiple survivors with 7k+ hours on comms last night on Demogorgon. I got sent to Gas Heaven. I got 1 hit at 4 gens done and got crap for bloodpoints. I'm not a sweaty Blight, I'm a mediocre M1 console player. I have a game like this almost every session where I play about 6 games. They aren't yearly occurrences like a holiday
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Sure, random Forum Killer Main goes against such squads who bring 4 BNPs every game and go for world records every day while really good streamers almost never encounter them.
Claiming that the game is giga-hard for Killer is one thing. But claiming this is a whole new level.
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Yea unfortunately people use hyperbole way too much.
"Look at the video of the world record" is pretty hard to take seriously. As if anyone is even making it in 5 minutes on a regular basis. Which they arent.0 -
Not just these points, but also:
- OP brought Trapper, with one of the weakest kits possible.
- Specifically chose to do a challenge on this character.
- Brought zero slowdown (and as I already said, CI would've gotten full value here).
- Pauses mid-chase to pick up a trap, when he already has a trap in hand.
- Doesn't even find a survivor for over a minute, and all 4 survivors are on gens during that time. This should only happen if the killer is lost or afk, and given that there's no aura read at all, I'm guessing the former.
These are the typical "forums killer main" issues, where people aren't accounting for not finding survivors early in the match at all. He basically gave away 4 gens for free, because he didn't exist. They didn't even know who the killer was until past the one minute mark here.
So is the complaint that survivors aren't just politely standing afk near gens until you have your first hook? Cause that's all this looks like now.
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I couldn't care less about the gen speed, it was just funny to show that it is possible in the first place. And after the event where survivors earned 400 % more bloodpoints, wel lets says alot of survivors are stacked.
I always had the assumptions survivors have the power role, with these matches its just showing clearly.
hence, why there is a term called bully squad and where tournemant have to ban half the survivor perks to have a fair match going.
my 2 cents
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This team has been playing for hours on end with the same setup. Yes my MMR is high and yes i come across SWF 90 % of my games
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I repeat:
You dont go against those teams on a regular basis. This is an absolute outlier. Should it happen? No. Is it worth to put time into fixing this? Also no.
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Survivors have the power role in dbd, not the killer.
Every now and then we get a video that shows the exact opposite of what the poster thinks it does.
Here we have
Survivors: Kitted it out running maximum efficiency
Killer: A low tier Killer playing for a tome and using a build to support that.
Result: Killer gets a draw (that could have potentially been a win if you slugged the second down and went to get a third with NOED and forced the other out the gate, but you prioritized the tome, which is fine for playing, but means the game should not be used to reflect anything about DbD's overall health)
The fact that the killer got a draw, despite this radical difference in level of sweatiness to the game, really makes it clear where the power role is.
It also shows the risks of the absolute gen rush strategy on the survivor side. How quick the game is isn't inherently related to its balanced state. A full focus on gens means they have no perks to help with rescue/recovery.
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Oh, my mistake, I thought the main grievance was about “gen rushing”. I guess I’m not sure I understand. How can survivors be in the power role when they have a 40% success rate? And if you want to count the top MMR, which is the top 5% of the player base, including those crazy strong 4 man SWFs that occur 3-6% of the time, (according to the last time we got stats) then that success rate is 48%. 8% more than SoloQ, and still less than half. Why do you consider the role that’s been statistically proven to be weaker, the power role?
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The world record fastest escape is 2 min 45 seconds. It's possible with 4 toolboxes and incredibly precise gameplay against killers like trapper
That said, it needs to be a very skilled and very specific type of survivor group and it needs to be a killer that is particularly bad at dealing with that kind of strategy
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Oh, it's me on 4h50 on the video! I kinda bullied the nemesis.
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This content has been removed.
A power role in other games is where, generally, the 1 killer has more kind of control over the match, while the others try to overcome that. In this game, it's 1 side making the other side their plaything, which is almost always the survivors unless they're the ones getting smurfed. That's what very low skill requirement gens allow. It's just efficiency; do your objective and you'll win. And the survivor's objective getting finished so fast means the killer doesn't have time to do his. The thing is survivors don't have to use any of the busted perks or items in the game to do that. The gens themselves are busted fast. So while a killer using the strongest stuff in the game might break even with that, the survivors can just equip their strongest stuff and trump the killer still.
It's a different with killer, too. Survivors are all basically skins, all with the same abilities. Killers are all different with their powers and sometimes movement speed. It's not fair to ask killers to be locked into the strongest 2-3 killers to compete, in a roster of almost 40. It's actually ridiculous that people have supported the game getting to that point. And yes, those are basically the only ones that are viable. Nurse, Blight, and arguably Spirit. Everyone else is just subpar fodder. There have been attempts to make those lesser killers viable, through add-ons and builds, like Pinky Finger Clown, Engineer's Fang Pinhead, hit and run Wraith, head trap kill Pig, oh but look, all nerfed. Best thing you can do with those killers now is get lucky to go against weak enough opponents to win.
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Well, hold on. I've had nights where all I go against is SWF as well, because they're all other platform and always bring the sweat and blatant coordination. Like, of course the people I Knock Out in the far corner of the map get found in 20 seconds or less every time, or of course they come one by one to body block their death hook teammate only after they've been downed and used their DS, all while still pushing gens super efficiently. So your point of them being rare is not always accurate, and even if it was, you're just allowing these teams to beat all these really good killer players with complete impunity because of how broken the game is for them. Any team can have that kind of power, as long as they know how to abuse their tools. And even the weaker SWFs can still dominate, because of gen speed, second chances, and coordination alone. It's why you only Nurse/Blight at top level, and almost nobody else. It's not solos giving them that kind of trouble up there, I can tell you that.
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I have to strongly disagree here. We've seen unrestricted tournaments where both sides sweat it out with the most busted stuff and it definitely isn't a 'power role' situation. Singularity, Dracula, Artist, Billy and old Chucky did well on these. So clearly the killer isn't helpless, even at equal skill level.
That's actually going to be my main point here: Skill level. There's a reason why you see players like Hens or Scott Jund win against even strong teams with killers like Nemesis, and that's because they're very good. I definitely feel like this perspective of power roles also comes from people perceiving better players than them as having an advantage. There is definite BS in this game, but it is pure cope to blame it all on RNG, otherwise you wouldn't have genuinely good players like Knightlight or Xeno obliterate SWF's with 'no tunnel and camp' challenges.
My experiences don't mirror what you're saying. I main Nemesis and I win most pub matches, and I've had some sweaty Russian teams from time to time. They'll beat me more often than naught, but I'll actually admit they're just better than me. And then I go back to whipping to death most of my matches. And I don't consider myself anything more than 'decent'.