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How do you deal with Bully SWF?

Member Posts: 13
edited March 25 in General Discussions

Im trying to get use to playing killer,but it seems like every other game I'll get a SWF group who brings flash bangs/flashlights/Head on,and all these other perks to just bully the killer. I really don't enjoy facing these type of survivors,and I feel like I have to take a break from DBD everytime I go against one of these teams. How do all you killer mains deal with this?

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  • Member Posts: 469
    edited March 25

    They should give the killer player a surrender option. Stuck playing against bullies? Surrender and move on to the next game. 3 gens done at the first chase and everyone is pre dropping? Surrender!

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 13

    Is that how most killers handle matches like that, Just basically make the match end as fast as possible,and move on? I do suppose that's really the only thing to do. It does suck that they won't give us a proper surrender option.

  • Member Posts: 2,123

    I agree. The more killers who just surrender and not imrpove, the more wont make it into the upper tiers of MMR. Sounds good to me, working as intended.

    Rough when you get these groups. But at least its not very often. I usually try to use it as an opportunity to practice against such teams.

    You know what they will probably do. So if you're chasing someone and they are trying to go by a set of lockers, almost out of their way, then its probably to be head on. Bait it! Lots of lil tricks to do before actually picking up a body.

    Cant really tell in the lobby if Lightborn is needed, but I dont feel you'll need it regardless if you play well. If you're getting these squads, then I think you play well, and it will be assumed.

    I need to know what you want from this. Do you want to imrpove vs these types, or is this just a venting thread? I will bow out and leave ya be if the latter, we all need it sometimes lol. If you do want to improve, getting a good group together for some customs is really the absolute best training.

  • Member Posts: 13

    Frankly I don't understand why anyone would want to raise there MMR,and constantly go against sweaty squads. This isn't some league of legends tournament. Yes I want to be good with my killer of choice, but above all else I just want to have fun. Mess around with a killer,and chase around some survivors. Get some blood points. High MMR is for sweats. I'm good with that. The point of this thread is how killers keep playing killer without feeling exhausted afterwords cause more then rarely do I come across a group of SWF who play like that, or it's a SWF couple who intentionally kills themselves once I killed there BF/GF. Matches like that get old really fast.

  • Member Posts: 416

    I once had a bully squad against me, who sent me to Autohaven out of all places. I quickly realized what they were up to, and while I normally play killer in a mild-mannered way (going for 8 hooks before sacrificing), this time the white gloves came off, and I resorted to slugging them. If they want to have fun on my behalf, then I can have "fun" on theirs as well 😈

  • Member Posts: 580
    edited March 25

    I don't know how must killers approach it.

    I know one that runs them out of resources and kills them.

    Which in my mind at least gives them some of what they logged in for. I really do not want to do this, I want them to go play a real PvP experience and have a great night. So, in essence, whatever they want to do, I won't be doing. Totally in service to the community and for their spiritual health.

    But that other guy above has a point, these sort of teams are usually persistent as long as you are not trying to hook, there are lots of skills you could decide to build on the killer of your choice.

  • Member Posts: 683
    edited March 25

    Pretty much. What I think is worse is that user you responded to, is telling others to break in game rules, rather than play the game.

    I think I have had bully swfs fail or straight up throw more times than actually succeed. Usually they try the silliest head-ons or flashlight saves that end up not working out at all.

  • Member Posts: 2,123

    I understand that, and I agree. But I learned awhile ago that some players DO want that. What has happened is you've increased your MMR so much that now you get these squads now and then. So you can try and learn from this new environment, or tank your MMR a bit and have some chill games. But even then, you'll have to throttle your wins/loses. Or you'll be right back in the sweat.

    It seems to be a common direction. With the surrender options coming in, its even more likely we will never have a full 'beginning to end' game, skipping a lot of it. Im hoping solo'q isn't stomped by this, but I feel it will be. And to get any decent game, queueing up with friends seems to be the only option left. Hoping Im wrong!

  • Member Posts: 13

    I really like your comment. I too normally try to play in a manner of just going for 8 hooks. Not paying attention to kills helps me enjoy killer more,and lessons the stress of the killer role. I have 1.5k hours in DBD, and most of that was playing solo Q. I'm still in the killer phase where I'm bouncing around the killer roster to see which killer I enjoy playing the most. So , normally I don't have the skill as a killer yet to stomp a SWF squad sadly.

  • Member Posts: 683

    Uhhh I wouldnt even bother worrying about SoloQ its just gonna get worse, the devs are out of touch when it comes to this game mode.

    Just have to hope 2v8 comes back to really enjoy soloQ.

  • Member Posts: 4,189

    Back when I played and got a bully squad I went extra soft on the bullies. Don't chase hard, brake every breakable object in the map, take your time kicking every gen, play around with your power (for example exercise chainsaw sprint through tiles/around the map) and so on. Sometimes even going for straight up ignoring anyone going for aggravation and only playing with the rest, if it wasn't a full 4 man.

    Also slug instead of pick up against flash lights. But my personal favorite useless and chill build contained action speed up perks like for example iron maiden, brutal strength and then rounded with my lord and Savior Lightborn. So I would always be equipped against flashlights, headons and for breaking/kicking everything comfortably.

  • Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 25

    Iron Grasp and Lightborn never leave my loadouts (Agitation is also a solid choice). Coupled with Fire Up, you can sometimes fool them into repeatedly going for beamer saves, since they'll keep thinking they just got the timing wrong. Bully squads will often never touch a gen, but there's usually a Solo Q player with them doing gens away from the action, so you'll still likely get some Fire Up value. In my experience, lots of Survivors will keep trying to blind you anyway (and that never stops being funny to me).

    Honestly, my games have been super chill since I put these perks on and I personally don't mind losing to more "typical" Survivors because I wasted two perk slots on perks that never come into play.

    Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about head-on but at least it's an exhaustion perk, so they can't really spam it. I've faced so many bully squads by this point that I rarely let them get to me anymore (and the perks help a lot too). That's kinda how I deal with them, by not feeling anything.

  • Member Posts: 408

    Bully squads have dedicated gen-jockey. Find him, get him.

    Their resources run out, remember that. They are being obvious aswell.

    Going into locker for a grab-save? move back, give him m1 instead of a grab, slug and find the flashlight guy.

    Head-on? Find the guy who does gens, get him instead. Don't go near lockers or bait them, if you think someone is in.

    Flashbang requiers 40% gen to be done, so they are really precious and not easily accessable for so called bully. You need a gen done for 2.5 flashbang.

    If you down someone, you have time to look around as you wipe your weapon.

    Be aware of your surroundings - look for scratchmarks, characters, breathing sounds.

    If you have someone down on a pallet, look around, slug. I pick up the downed survivior immidiately, I love life.

    Mostly there is just one guy really good for the saves, sometimes just 2. Focus them.

    If someone is playing obvious sabo build, it contains breakout, saboteur, background and a perk of choice. EASY TO TUNNEL target.

  • Member Posts: 408

    You can also use lightborn for flashlight and flashbang users, franklin's demise aswell.

    Iron maiden if you are scared of head-ons. But they happen rarely.

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  • Member Posts: 97

    Down one. Anticipate that someone is nearby, especially if they go down by a pallet. Down the one nearby, or try to. If you can't, go back to the slug, usually there is another waiting for you to pick up. If not, pick up, try to hook. If they Sabo or hover, drop th one you're carrying and try to injure the harrasser. Ideally, you want to have injured all of them, so they waste time healing. If they are all injured, you can choose to slug them too which is ideally the play here.

    If they're playing by lockers for head on/ flashbang saves, you literally just wait till they leave it. It can be a long wait, but usually these types of players are either jumpy or impatient, so you have to be more patient about getting near the locker in which theyre hiding. And honestly, best of luck to you.

    I had one game where there was a duo that had headon, flashbang, resi, and wglf. I managed to kill the other two, and hooked one of the duo in the basement. The other of the two managed to save and immediately, they jumped into the two lockers near the stairs. I literally just sat there staring at the lockers until one of them leapt out to bait a swing. Luckily, i downed them as they were trying to enter the locker, but the other was still in the other locker lol.

    So, he had to watch his friend bleed out until he couldnt anymore, and he jumped from the locker. Smacked him as he burst out. Then i proceeded to hump them until the last minute, hooked the first one that i downed. And then, i got to watch the other one bleed out in thecorner next to the chest in basement. It was so satisfying. Mind you, they got multiple locker/flashbang saves before all this went down because i was just playing normall. As soon, i realized what perks/game they were playing i was merciless. Hope that helps.

  • Member Posts: 289

    I play along with them. Get a down near a locker? I verrrryyyyyyy sloooowwwwwwwly turn and face the locker before I check it. Or I'll go to pick someone up, stop, and go check the locker a 2nd time.

    If they're a coordinated SWF, I'd rather push them up the ladder and give them the full-sweat Nurse match they want (at a minimum of inconvenience to myself) rather than spend a TON of effort just to kick the can down the road to some other poor schlub like me who didn't ask for it…

  • Member Posts: 136

    You pick one of the op Killers that ignore the vast majority of game mechanics, get good with them while also tunneling/slugging/camping. This is what everyone does or tries to do.

    This then leads to other issues, such as you getting used to this baseline of play and then carrying that over to SoloQ matches which cause the plethora of issues that people then complain about on here, and why the game is going nowhere.

  • Member Posts: 1,339

    take the L and do your best

    slugging would slow them down but now since they're getting rid of slugging it's going to be an L train you have to pay the tax on

  • Member Posts: 416

    Yes, I have always enjoyed playing killer in a relaxed manner, and 99% of the time I am running non-meta builds. I do sometimes run into the odd SWF group that are intentionally doing what they can to annoy the living daylights out of me.
    All you need is practice, and you can easily learn the patterns that bully SWF's are using, since they often times play around you, and not necessarily for rushing gens. Usually one player is designated as a "gen-jockey", while the others are there to pull off things like flashbang/flashlight saves, head on etc. If you play your cards right, you can easily turn this into your favor.
    They will always body-block, and pretty much all the time, they have perks like Decisive Strike and Dead Hard, to squeeze out more time. Sometimes, they will also bring sabo toolboxes, paired with Background Player to really mess with you. This can also be played around, if you don't down a player in an area that is scarce on hooks.
    Also to add to my previous comment, while I sometimes resort to slug bully squads, I never go as far as to bleed them out intentionally. I slug them down, and then I hook them, just to keep the annoyance to a minimum.

    Granted, I only have around 1125 hours logged in the game, and while at least 60% of this is played with friends over the years, the times I play solo, I mostly play killer. Most of the time, I play Doctor, Myers or Demogorgon, but I have also played the majority of the roster at this point. Excluding Twins, I hate the playstyle, and I don't like facing them.

  • Member Posts: 7,100

    great way of learning how to deal with them honestly never heard of that one before

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    BBest Way to handle bullying is to recognize that it's happening and to be patient and bide your time for an opening.

    These gamers will start strong by farming their 3x Flashbangs but eventually somebody has to do the gens. If 2 or 3 people are following you I treat em as deadweight and try to get the guy on gens

    Pretend to get angry. Pretend to tunnel. Let em think you're bothered. But when it matters, never give them what they want. Keep your eye on that prize

  • Member Posts: 416

    Just break the pallets quickly. The faster you get rid of them, the faster you can make every pallet loop winnable

  • Member Posts: 10,404

    You just get lucky that they play bad enough. Otherwise, there's nothing you can do.

  • Member Posts: 469

    Yeah they don't run out of pallets by the time the gens are done. The amount of pallets on most maps besides 3 is overly abundant

  • Member Posts: 2,123
    edited March 26

    As an M1 main, you simply anticipate it and move accordingly. Its been working for me and honestly, if all they are doing is predropping, and not stopping, then you're probably going to win the match.

    Or if you have BStr, this works a little better. Still out of pallets when it counts and you're still probably going to win.

    …Unless this! In which case maps do suck for one side or another, but no map is unwinnable.

    Question: Top 3 maps that are the most atrocious for killers in regards to pallets? The game, ?, and ?

    Thank you!

    Post edited by Spare_Them_Mori_Me on
  • Member Posts: 2,722

    My build when I see a potential bully squad:

    • Lightborn
    • Agitation
    • Iron Grasp
    • Mad Grit

    it's the best I've got. Slugging them won't always work as some run No Mither and there's always at least one Boon: Exponential.

    If you can't beat them, don't play their game. Go face a corner so they can't get points for blinding you (unless you have Lightborn) and do something else until the match ends.

    They are not there to do generators so they'll quickly get bored and do them or DC.

    I sincerely wish I had better advice.

  • Member Posts: 40

    The best way to handle bully Squads is to Stay calm. Lightborn does help alot and Mad Grit is another good Perk. How to handle handle sabotage Squads is To just slug them to provent them from Sabotaging ur hooks. Morely just be calm and play it smart. One there not going to be on Gens so that's not gonna be a issue.

    Morely just take advantage of them being around you. There wasting there stuff on you so they will run out.

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  • Member Posts: 984
    edited March 26

    bully squads will usually ignore gens, meaning you are safe in terms of that aspect. Even with the fact that they are gonna try to bully you through constant flashlight/flashbang saves, they are easy to deal with since they are very predictable. Every time you down a survivor always look around for a save (Infectious helps a lot here btw) and don't be afraid to slug to force people off the downed surv.

    Also, avoid using Lightborn because you will just make them switch to gens, meaning you'll have a much more difficult time.

  • Member Posts: 123

    Typical SFW looking to lower their MMR to play with less experienced Killers, if they aren't hackers...

    If you can't win, give up or disconnect. They're looking to frustrate you.

  • Member Posts: 655

    Head on/sabo bully squad is hard to deal with but my favorite bully squad to go against is the beamer squad! It's when I see a 4 man beamer lobby and they give me a chance to switch to my "F- around and find out" perk build :D!

  • Member Posts: 7,100

    Depends on the situation and several other things, but if they start predropping straight from the get go, then drop chase or continue chasing and break accordingly. The pallet that is dropped and its strength is the biggest determining factor here. 2nd one probably being the killer youre playing since every single one has at least something, may not be much, but it can still be used.

    Now if all youre doing is mindlessly walking towards some one dropping pallet after pallet, youre just asking to lose. Break the few necessary ones, play for the mid to late game. The section of the map that the person is just predropping is being left a deadzone, take advantage of that.

    With all that being said there still isnt a single answer here, the above is purely just an example, the 3 main points are really the determining factors in whats the correct action

  • Member Posts: 3,263
    edited March 26

    There always a weak link or a designated looper. Do not chase the looper at any point unless you know you can catch them. The beamers will usually hid around while you pick up. If you're taken to dead dog saloon then you're probably have people in locker waiting with head on.

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