We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Why Do People Think Plague Is Good Again?



  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I highly doubt that and why would they complain about broken when it gets removed instantly from a fountain? That doesn't make sense. That would make her absolutely nothing like Legion whatsoever.

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    Red fountain, sweeping spray for aoe attack

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    Here's something nobody seems to be acknowledging:

    If the Survivors decide to take a risk and run around with full infection? What about Thantophobia?

    It'd certainly encourage Survivors to heal.

    And okay, a Survivor wastes gen time going across the map to spite you and use a fountain. … Now nobody can use that fountain. Survivors will now have to use fountains closer to the center of the map.

    Vile is meant to stall and get Corrupt. If you want to use Vile offensively, get a target Broken ASAP and then hit them. Survivors, even at rank 1, are easier to down than you'd think, the threat of Broken during a chase applies pressure to even the best loopers.

    People also cannot Dead Hard effectively. If they use it and the Killer doesn't lunge and just follows behind them because they predicted it, they've effectively wasted Dead Hard and can now be downed. It only takes a few seconds to get someone to panic and throw out Dead Hard.

    And if they Dead Hard to a pallet? Break the pallet. Looping only works if you respect the pallet, taking the pallet can sometimes be best.

    Killer shack? If a Survivor tries to fake a vault, stay behind them until you see the animation. This trick only works if you fall for it and lunge without giving them the chance. Make them waste the godpallet. If you make a Survivor use the godpallet, that's a minor victory for you.

    And you mean to tell me that a 4 man SWF would take up two valuable perk slots with No Mither and Saboteur on the CHANCE that they'll get No Mither? And a 3rd for Dead Hard? Don't forget that pipping under the new system is impossible if you only do gens. If nobody gets hooked or injured, you'd have to get high amounts in all categories to pip. Or safety pip. Especially at red ranks.

    @Caretaker if you are not a hinderance to your team with No Mither on, and are still very effective in a trial by repairing gens and not getting hooked at all during a game, you represent a very, very small minority of players in this community. You're elite, if you aren't lying. The best of the elite. Your opinion should not be trusted. Or should not be the only thing taken into consideration.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    and people told me she was strong and i just didn't know how to play her and shes only been on the PTB for a few days!

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited March 2019

    If the Survivors decide to take a risk and run around with full infection? What about Thantophobia?

    16% at max right? That's still not much. It's like saying 115% is insanely faster than 100. It's what, .3 meters extra a second? Also, if they all just bop your fountains fast enough they auto-cleanse so. Also, that's assuming everyone doesn't heal which I've only had 2 groups do that against me. I barely killed one cuz they admittedly played very poorly and refused to use pallets on The Game for some reason. Other team rushed gens while I got downs, and then healed at the end so no corrupt all game.

    It'd certainly encourage Survivors to heal.

    Yup, 5s healing vs the usual 30s+ for other killers. Scary.

    And okay, a Survivor wastes gen time going across the map to spite you and use a fountain. … Now nobody can use that fountain. Survivors will now have to use fountains closer to the center of the map.

    Except fountains spawn like Pig Boxes which spawn AROUND the map, rarely inside or near the middle. Also you have 3 friends, 2 if one is getting chased still on gens. They can also use exhaust perks if they're that desperate to save time.

    Vile is meant to stall and get Corrupt. If you want to use Vile offensively, get a target Broken ASAP and then hit them. Survivors, even at rank 1, are easier to down than you'd think, the threat of Broken during a chase applies pressure to even the best loopers.

    A really smart looper will make you work to get that broken. You will not puke on them. You'll get a shot or two, but you will not break them quickly. You will waste time extending the loop trying to puke when you could just m1, m1, puke on them and move on. Broken doesn't suddenly make you unable to loop, or make safe loops unsafe.

    People also cannot Dead Hard effectively. If they use it and the Killer doesn't lunge and just follows behind them because they predicted it, they've effectively wasted Dead Hard and can now be downed. It only takes a few seconds to get someone to panic and throw out Dead Hard.

    That's not how you use DH, proper use of DH is to gain distance and leap through a window, to a pallet, or to extend a loop to get a free stun as they swing. Even if they bait, you still extended the loop.

    And if they Dead Hard to a pallet? Break the pallet. Looping only works if you respect the pallet, taking the pallet can sometimes be best.

    Don't respect the pallet and you lose your Corrupt Plague. Checkmate Atheists. Also breaking the pallet even with BS/Fire Up(lul), still gives them plenty of distance to get to another loop, pallet, or jungle gym. What are you gonna do? Puke on the broken guy?

    Killer shack? If a Survivor tries to fake a vault, stay behind them until you see the animation. This trick only works if you fall for it and lunge without giving them the chance. Make them waste the godpallet. If you make a Survivor use the godpallet, that's a minor victory for you.

    Key words with a change up, "If x falls for it". A smart looper will do everything they can to extend that loop and avoid dropping that pallet. If they aren't broken they'll take a hit. Not to mention stand next to the window? You can't hit them. I tried multiple angles, never hit. Her puke sucks that's even if it even hits.

    And you mean to tell me that a 4 man SWF would take up two valuable perk slots with No Mither and Saboteur on the CHANCE that they'll get No Mither? And a 3rd for Dead Hard? Don't forget that pipping under the new system is impossible if you only do gens. If nobody gets hooked or injured, you'd have to get high amounts in all categories to pip. Or safety pip. Especially at red ranks.

    I never run DH with No Mither cuz it's obvious. I run SB so I can get to a loop/traverse the map quickly. As for previous Resil stuff that's 9% to EVERY SINGLE ACTION IN THE GAME. So yea, it adds up. Bad perk or not, it saves times on a lot of things. Oh no, you didn't pip, it's the end of the DBD world. D: They'll play another game.

    if you are not a hinderance to your team with No Mither on, and are still very effective in a trial by repairing gens and not getting hooked at all during a game, you represent a very, very small minority of players in this community. You're elite, if you aren't lying. The best of the elite. Your opinion should not be trusted. Or should not be the only thing taken into consideration.

    I'm not elite, I'm just not stupid and I know how easy it is to play survivor. Nm, Plunder, Resil, SB is my main build. Meta build for friends cuz they like to win no matter what, but I don't really play surv, and I did mostly solo recently down to 12 from 18. No Mither is an amazing stealth perk, and it doesn't stop you from looping. Yea, it's a risk, but it also teaches you how to be a better player. One-shot is al you get, so you better learn fast how to run loops, how to hide, how to run tiles, how to mind-game, etc.

    Also, playing every killer in the game really helps you understand their weaknesses and how to stop them. We meme about getting tunneled as No Mither, but my friends know how terrifying a smart NM player can be.

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    "Plague is fine/top tier."

    *What actually happens in game:* (skip to 12:32)


  • Kim
    Kim Member Posts: 76

    I personally think any killer can preform well, if you can play them well.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Plague has a few too many weaknesses and not enough oomf to make you go “I want to play Plague,” (you know, beyond aesthetic reasons.)

    Let’s look at Freddy, a killer everyone agrees needs buffs. For all his weaknesses, he has things that make people like me want to play and get good at him - his beautiful aura reading, his slowing the game down, his bp gain, his total invisibility, and his perk and add on diversity to name a few.

    Plague has none of that. All she has is the ability to demonstrate how much you disregard toxic survivors and looking like a fabulous queen.

    If survivors get free heals (let’s not pretend this wasn’t a direct reaction to the tedious nature of vsing Legion) there should be a significant power boost to her vomit or power or both. Survivors should slowly get sick in her terror radius, broken survivors should become exhausted and their vaults and staggers should be slower, there should be more vomit visual cues like a built in bloodhound, and being sick should slow down gens.

  • Jesslowe
    Jesslowe Member Posts: 9

    Got to be the worst killer in the game at the moment. Which is a shame as shes the best looking, has a great map and the ideas behind her are just amazing. But theres nothing that she brings to the table. Any dbd player with more than 50 hours on this game can counter her with any perks. All you have to do is not run in a straight line and shes countered.

    The only way for her to uncounter is to stop using her power and just use a standard attack. Its really uninspired how the most amazing looking killer can turn out to be utterly dreadful and a chore to play as.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100
    edited March 2019

    The only thing that makes Plague appear even remotely strong is the ignorance of the casual survivor community. The second they're infected, they typically run to wells and cleanse almost immediately, not thinking that this only makes the game twice as hard for no reason. Plague's power is completely under the control of the survivors, and once the average player figures this out, she'll disappear from the ranked pool like most of the other killers.