Survivors crying about Legion

While playing in a SWF.
Using ######### like Coldwind offerings/Haddonfield while looping strodehouse with BL
Coordinated flashlight saves
Coordinated Calls
BT/DS/Adrenaline/Selfcare and Dead Hard on every survivor.
Always knowing where the killer is, heck even knowing where a survivor goes down in which direction to coordinate that flashlight.
I'm sorry but you don't have any right, DBD is about the chase for you if you can prolong that chase for a ridiculous amount of time due to the amount of safe loops and pallets in this game. A chase should last on average 20 secs at most, otherwise the killer is way to stripped for time when you calculate in hooking AND finding survivors.
Don't give me the "aura perk" survivor bullshit, the only one that gets used regularly is BBQ which is easily countered by a miriad of things. Most killers run BBQ for the bloodpoints which in turn makes us use stronger offerings more regularly.
Loops make this impossible currently. Once the killer acceleration gets fixed then we can talk, once killer's success isn't entirely tied upon survivors ######### up or just playing for fun, then we can talk
Until then survivors esp in 4 man SWF have no right to complain. The game isn't more "boring" when ur playing against legion, a wraith can also just m1 you and maybe bodyblock you, that's it. Those are mistakes on your part.
If BHVR reworks legion just because a few survivors and streamers are crying calling them "unskilled" in a game that OBVIOUSLY is not being balanced for high-skill gameplay in the first place then that's going to be IT for me.
Dedicate in which direction you want to go, either you make your game competitive or you make your game casual in which case say goodbye to all the unneccesary intricacies that this game has. I'd bet my ass that the playercount would skyrocket if the game's direction stopped being so schizophrenic.
Ban the survivors
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Ban DCers yes.
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I wouldn't really say Legion is OP, more like toxic and super unfun. Tier-list wise he would be somewhere in C tier imo.
The thing that makes him really annoying and unfun is the fact that there's no counter for his frenzy. Pallets? Nah, vault. Windows? Nah, vault. Stealth? Nope, a big red marker is put on you.
Another thing people hate about him is the Frank's mixtape combo.
And now his gameplay. Find a survivor, hit them, mend, repeat.
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Literally WRONG.
You can easily lose a legion during his frenzy due to him not seeing scratchmarks.
You can still stealth a legion, Frenzy puts a big red marker on you yes but once you hear that TR and once you run away you should get a good distance before he can catch up to you so you can hide again, just don't sit "hidden" like a duck.
Windows serve you in a way where a legion cannot just simply m1 you to death, same goes for pallets, a well timed pallet stun either before his first hit or before his second hit can essentially make legion break the chase and make you win it unless ofc he decides to tunnel you in which case just don't run too far.
A window in for example the second floor of a building, esp any window with a drop down can make you lose legion due to him not seeing scratchmarks, it's esp. hard in coldwind near the shack or on stuff like Haddonfield.
Frank's Mixtape is not more or less broken than for example a 5 blink nurse.
Gameplay of wraith: Find a survivor, hit them, repeat. Wow. The whole game isn't very "skillful"
Ppl will claim that playing against each legion is the same which is absolutely ridiculous, playing legion is all about tracking and stalling, knowing when to commit and knowing when to go for that frenzy or when to just try to m1 mindgame somebody with that crappy 110% ms.
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So your answer to crying survivors is crying about survivors?
Good plan.
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Nah the whole community is probably the most garbage that I have ever seen tbh, there's many killer players who just ride the same ######### that some big streamer said in this game about holding W and holding m1.
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I think Plague and Freddy need reworking long before Legion gets one. If they have sense Plague would be first as she is unplayable at the moment and too easily countered.
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Right after that Freddy rework that's coming after Star Citizen is done.
I'd not get my hopes up for plague, the devs don't care much if a killer is really bad since survivors don't complain about those.
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People adapted to Legion and you don't hear them as much about it anymore. So, the topic title is kinda outdated :-). People make topics on how people disconnect against or cry about Legion, but the only thing where you'll hear this is in those topics. In-game people seem to disconnect much less against the Legion now, yay.
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4hours26 minutes.
They also cried about nurse earlier even tho they all escaped due to adrenacrutch.
Survivors think killers should play like absolute idiots, otherwise they're unfair while they pack the sweatiest crap and exploit a mode that is not balanced at all.
Just listen to what's said there, then go to facebook, it's gonna be the same talking points of survivor mains.
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More WAH I should be able to exploit a mechanic the devs said if it got abused would be fixed. Now guess what the devs have said they're looking into fixing it because it's a huge exploit.
But typical if it's a killer abuse it's fine but if the survivors exploit something SACRILEGE but if you can only 4k by exploiting that says all we need to know about you.
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Ironic given multiple changes to DBD were scrapped cuz, *GASP* survivors were exploiting it. Not like there has been multiple map exploits survivors have been banned for abusing or anything. Only killers do it. Those sweaty killer mains grrrrrrr.
Also, inb4 you're a BH exploiting moonwalking Legion, booo! Nope, play Legion addonless and don't moonwalk. I play as if I had double cd. Get a hit, then chase at 110. People still #########, but you went down to a 110 killer slowly walking up to you, you really aren't helping yourself.
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Survivors don't complain about weak killers? *cough* Doctor *cough*. A survivor literally rage quit at the start of the game and called me a "coward" for playing doctor who is nothing but a weak tracker type of killer.
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You literally have videoevidence of my playstyle NOT being moonwalking and survivors still cry about the weakest killer in the game. It's about principles, it's a fact that heavy survivor favoured exploits take AGES to get fixed. The new windowbug makes regular killers unplayable for me because I do not mindgame at all. All I do is run bruteforce builds, now that Bamboozle doesn't work half the time I can't play anything anymore except nurse and Legion.
And the fact that even 4k'ing with what you call an exploit is basically impossible against good survivors speaks for how ridiculously broken survivors are.
I know that the game will die if it ever became balanced, but I'M gonna be honest. I don't care. I'd rather have it die a slow death while trying to have some integrity and semblance of balance than be a "fun" experience.
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I meant that they're not gonna cry for buffs for a weak killer.
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So apparently if you use a tool to win games more often (SWF) means you dont have the right to talk about how broken a character is (literally has no counter unless the player behind the screen is a dumbass).
If we use that same rule say bye bye to a lot of people playing Nurse and Billy...
It's not just "a few people" those who think he is unskilled, unfun and all that. It's not just survivors and streamers, there are killers who think the same way.
If behaviour wants to make this killer top tier I dont have a problem with that, I have a problem if they keep him the way he is, even if he is the worst killer in the game.
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SWF literally BREAKS the game as has been proven again and again, you can't compare this. Also legion has counters, only a very good legion cannot be countered by a single player but then again you were NEVER supposed to go toe to toe with a killer like that, the devs only rolled with this because survivors liked it (duh).
I'd prefer to play this game the way it was envisioned over how the community wants it to be. No loops, 40 second chases at most, no infinites.
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I want to add the fact that every survivor against Legion becomes the same. There is no difference between survivors anymore, it's just hold W, try some jukes and fail with that cuz every experienced Legion knows them (there is basically only 1 juke: get behind Legion while he Vaults) and watch the mend timer going down.
No personal hate towards OP, but Legion mains who defend that Killer as beeing fine are killing the soul of DbD, cuz Legion doesn't play DbD. Maybe it's a bit to much but I will say it: Legion mains are probably the worst Killers (skill wise) and finally got the most brain dead Killer from the devs. That's why they defend that bs with everything they can, even with illogical points.
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Why would you play the game if there was no loops? We all agree that infinites are complete BS and should be removed but regular loops? That's where most of the killers powers get used, that's where the mind-game happens, that's the actual fun thing about the game. Would you really have fun if you downed everyone while running always is straight line?
SWF breaks the game yes, but the real problem is devs dont want to balance the game around high competitive gameplay. Once devs close the gap between Solos and SWF we'll see killer improvements, until then we'll have to deal with what we have.
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rank1 freddy who was literally all about mindgames but sure buddy, I'm really the worst. Meanwhile go play nurse and ignore the game mechanics but call it "skeeelz" ignoring the fact that even during the first game with her after probably months during a daily I can start shitting on R1-4 survivors by learning the muscle memory as I play.
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There would still be loops, you'd just not be able to drag out a chase for more than 40 seconds/hit without wasting a ######### ton of pallets. Also hint, most Palletloops are not mindgameable, many depend on survivors doing heavy mistakes.
And T-walls/Lwalls also don't heavily depend on killer acceleration either so those would be unaffected, this would mostly affect palletloops.
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I'm playing rank 1 freddy perkless and addonless. Btw without headset and with controller. Muh.
Everyone claim #########, that's nothing special.
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k m8,. It's not hard, just hide or use transitionphase for mindgames, there. The whole game is really simple compared to other games out there, me claiming to be one of the best 0,1% players in league or heroes would be more outlandish. The game is filled to the brim with casuals that make this even possible.
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Also in b4 "that's not your screen"
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But i'm a killer main
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Crying about crying while crying is ironic.
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Crying about crying while crying is ironic.
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I agree. At least being mangled by a Nurse or Billy has some skill involved. Especially Billy, some people are just impressive with saw sprints and you have to give that to them.
Legion's ability isn't unique, he isn't scary, he isn't fun to play against and requires way less skill than Nurse/Billy but still gets to ignore survivor escapes.
The killer is just awful in the sense that he breaks mechanics that other killers don't get. He's not fun to play against, he's not fun to play. Just a ######### addition to the game with his current ability.
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Just remove Legion until fix. All problems solved.
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Legion isn't very fun to play against, and he's not that strong really. He's alright.
I don't mind playing as him, but don't like playing against him too often really. He's not too bad though.
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Have to admit, I'm seriously enjoying Dark Devotion, and Infectious Fright on Legion and Myers right now.
Legion because I can send my TR running away from me during a frenzy while chasing down other survivors, and once I down 1 can see if anyone's nearby that might interfere with my hook attempt.
Myers because... Goddamn he's scary when he's got no TR in EW3 and knows where everyone is around him.
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You should not be too rash to disconect against a Legion. Maybe he/she sucks.... like me ;-)
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So survivors get banned for exploits versus a killer not being banned for abusing a mechanic that's an exploit is the same how again?
Also I never once said the killer only moved at normal speed to M1 me did I, In fact I've stated before I've faced Legions who'll only down you using M1.
But I've also stated they'll use Frenzy to move across the map quickly and during chases to close the gap.
Also @MhhBurgers I'm not referring your gameplay but most of the Legions in general who can't play without exploiting. I've faced perhaps 15-20 Legions since he came out that never exploit.
There's 2 that refuse to use Deep Wounds because they've stated it's broken with his current kit and issues. The other ones will use Deep Wounds but never cheese the mechanic.
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Legion has the same problem that Nurse has in which pallets and windows have little impact in chases which results in survivors having few options. Pallets/windows are the defenses that survivors were given and because Legion ignores these defenses, they are broken. Also, Legion is probably the only killer that if they want to down you can down you without using any thought/skill. You can just moonwalk.
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Moonwalking wastes a ton of time. Also, stop relying on windows/pallets and you'll be a better player.
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Moonwalking doesn't you're going down within 30 seconds tops and stop relying on Ruin then, you'll be a better player. The same is true for Noed, Sloppy, Thanatobia etc if you want to say stop using x.
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Ruin is far from a crutch. Sloppy does nothing now that nobody heals. Thana is even more of a joke.
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That's not what I said and you know it, I said stop using these and you'll get better. I mean perkless Freddy killers can still 4k because they don't rely on perks.
So the same holds true for your comment, stop relying on perks and you'll get better.
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What comment? I didn't make a comment?
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Are you actually crying about a Thanata? That got nerfed? Who uses Sloppy? It's trash even if they heal. I don't use Ruin cuz Ruin is a garbage perk, hit the skill check 4head.
Let's break this down chief. Game starts. 4 people assuming they're smart, wait for your patrol/get on gens. That could take a couple seconds if you're lucky or someone runs and you see them. Up to about 15-30s if you get immersed. Now you gotta chase them, and hit them with Frenzy. Probably twice. So that's another couple seconds down, + bleedout is what 20s? So that's about a minute wasted right there. That's 3 gens by the time they go down, and you hook them. They also have 2 more hook states, and everyone else has 3, with 2 gens left. Tell me again how moonwalking is remotely effective?
"StOp ReLyInG oN pErKs ThAt MiLdlLy InCoNvEnIeNcE mE!"
Whatever you say bucko. That's a perfect quad iri Legion, no addons. Agi, BBQ, Brutal, Pop. Not exactly a meta build. Also yes, a lot of them made potato plays, it's the only way killers can really have any kind of decent game outside of the top killers.
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Could you make up any more outrageous Killer Main fantasies?
Sheesh, you, Bloopberry, and Wolf_1944 need to take a break. Y'all given ya'llselves ulcers n shid.
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Who the hell are you responding to? Also using "Y I K E S". That's a big oof.
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You timeframe is suing best case scenario for your argument which makes it flawed.
Since currently killers are spawning within 16-32 meters of survivors it can take the killer less than 15 seconds to spy someone especially if they spawn on a hill.
But let's use averages here, so match starts killer uses Frenzy moves across map and finds someone. So person can either be deep wounded cancel frenzy M1 within 15 seconds and poof in less than 45 seconds 1 person is down.
Now if you're using Ruin and Thana and Sloppy and or M&A which most Legions do now you've got 2 debuffs. Oh and guess what no gens have been done because Legion.
The other way is they move across the map M&A see someone super early Frenzy apply Deep wounds if no ones' around follow other survivor and cancel quickly. Then follow them and Frenzy again and cancel M1 same situation.
So again less than a minute into the game survivors downed and hooked, Ruin is still active, Thanatobia has been applied still no gens done. Now this could be a proxy camping Legion or even an Insidious Legion.
The other survivors unless it's a full 4 man swf don't know the killers still around so one or more go in and poof. Now you've got the unhooked person most likely rehooked or deep wounds on both nd the unhooker gets nailed.
Now 1 gen may or may not pop depending on the survivors so we'll give them 1 gen but there's 2 injured people now. Now either the unhooker gets hooked or the 1st victim gets rehooked and most likely says eff it and suicides on hook.
So we're down to 3 survivors with 4 gens left to go or 1 more for a hopeful hatch but if the person doesn't suicide highly unlikely unless swf. You've still got 2 ppl with Thana debuff, the killer has 1 person on the hook and is patrolling gens.
Oh and here's where actual facts come into play, since most swfs are potatoes the killer has the upper hand and can either proxy camp with soft gen patrol or gen patrol and do a check.
If there's some gens close together and the hook well they've got an easy 3-4 gen strat and the hooked person close. Now as for you Thana claim the Legions aren't using it for the healing but for gen speeds.
Then we get to by this time the person either died on hook or been rescued and the other person hooked. So now the Legions gottne 3 hooks and 3 ppl are on 2nd hook stage and we'll give the survivors another gen.
Then the Legion sacrifices the 1st person most likely and probably finds someone, to give you a chance we'll say they found the 4th person. Ok there's still 1 or 2 injured people and the 4th person gets hooked. That's 3 stacks of gen speed slowing going on but we'll give you some more help and say 1 person has healed so back to 2.
The 4th person gets saved but the rescuer gets hooked and dies, now 3 gens left still 2 people on 2nd hook stage if caught. By now if the totem isn't one of the really well hidden ones or isn't the glitched on Ruin is gone.
The Legion has the momentum here and there's either going to be a hiding game for the hatch or someones getting caught. The Legion doesn't even have to work for it unlike say a Trapper or Hag or even a Freddy.
So your whole biased argument just went down in flames as usual and I can hit the great skill checks mr insult troll.
Now to use your own killer main logic against you, the survivors were potatoes which you agreed but good killers don't have to rely on survivors making mistakes. Actual good killer will create their own survivor mistakes.
I mean Marth and Monto and Hybrid and Umbara and Sverenken all path better, they cause the survivors to make mistakes and don't wait for them. It also doesn't matter what perks you're using since you're still relying on perks with a broken killer.
I've seen Perkless and addonless Nurses that can still absolutely wreck face because they've mastered the killer and everything else.
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Sloppy and ruin are common. I actually see a lot of survivors healing although my current build is the adrenaline rush and don’t heal build.
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Sorry somehow you got tagged incorrectly there.
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@Caretaker To sum this up perfectly you say stop relying on pallets/windows and you'll be a better player.
So the person should just run out in the open and be fresh meat if if they don't use pallets/windows to break los. The killer main complaint about looping makes this hilariously ironic since that's all they have left then.
If like most players they're not great at looping they might as well just go stand in front of a hook and say take me now.
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I just got Legion in the sale and they're super fun to play, at least for me. I even tried a match without using the power at all. Took forever to patrol the gens! If anything, they should just reduce the time it takes to Mend Wounds, especially since most Legions run it with Sloppy Butcher, Thanatophobia, maybe some Meyers perks thrown in, it takes five min to stop that. No point healing, turning it into a one-hit killer that can vault as fast as you.
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Sloppy is only good against survivors that aren't like you, but more and more players realize healing is pointless when you can do the strat you use. And yes, Ruin is common, but let's face it: it's way too inconsistent to be considered "good". However, we have absolutely no good stall perks, so Ruin is abused because of that.
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I just noticed the OP post.......finally Burgers has been banned. Long overdue.