Players boycotting the game due to survivor nerfs...

Since the latest patch, cue times have become horrid for both survivor and killer which leads me to believe the survivor mains are once again boycotting the game until buffs are given back to their DS and killers get nerfed back to their previous states.
And we all know how that will work...expect killers to be nerfed to ######### once again and survivors to get their OP DS back within the next two months....
I think the que's have more to do with the change in the ranking system actually. I don't think it has anything to do with nerfs at all.
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new Ash perk is basically DS 2.0 for most survivors since it doesn't even take a skillshot to activate and has no previous wiggle-time or anything like that for non-obsessions.
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What I think it is... They pushed ranking into specific rank numbers.. and tough for most of the players. The Devs/some players seem to want a difference between a rank 8 and rank 7 player, when there really is no difference.
So green survivors aren't actually near the skill level of green killers... sides aren't balanced out in the ranks. Basically a solo survivor at rank 9 really is a rank 13 but is being measured to the SWF group who averages rank 9. An average rank 9 SWF group doesn't equal a rank 9 solo survivor.
So solo is now harder to play and not as fun.... Some solos go play killer instead now since it is becoming easier and easier with a crappy ranking system.
Some other survivors feel they need to be in SWF in order to win...
Some survivors don't want to play killer and stop playing instead... waiting for the Devs to change some stuff.
Then the Dev put in a match making system which is longer... but don't fix some other issues related to those lobbies.
Those survivors who don't play killer don't like the nerfs to their favourite perks... they leave.
You know the ranking isn't working correctly or doesn't matter when you place a rank 13 killers with rank 10 to 8 survivors and that killer hoses all 4 survivors easily. IMO
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You make it sound like there is some mass organised protest against the game..
I think alot of people just aren't having fun anymore.
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Survivor boycott… LOL... muarhrhrhrhr...
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nobody is boycotting the game, player count is still same
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You've got serious issues bloke.
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Given the toxic nature of some players in this community, IT WOULD NOT SHOCK ME.
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When being Rey is not enough and you want to be Captain Marvel. XD
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IMO, folks are just tired of matches being aggravating due to everything aside from balance. Copious amounts of disconnects for silly reasons, trials still starting with 3 survivors with loading lock-ups, brown/green ranks getting paired with red ranks, having to look for lobbies for 10-30 mins. just to load into a 300+ ping match so you have to begin the wait all over again... the gameplay balance at the moment isn't too far off, it's just that nobody can get to a decent match to even play a regular game. It's not fun playing lobby simulator just to end up in an uneven match for anybody, killer or survivor. Not so much protesting as it is "well, this sucks" and logging off.
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I'm not suprised survivor mains are getting blamed for matchmaking, if it isn't one thing its another. I don't think it has anything to do with Survivor Mains, the matchmaking system is just... bad.
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Or maybe it's just down to the Devs messing with how the matchmaking works.
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Good. Get rid of all the survivors. We don't need them.
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It is most certainly a dc boycott for several reasons by survivors. You guys obviously don’t talk to other survivors.
Here is a list of reasons I’ve heard of why they dc
- killer brought a mori
- the year long nerf to chases on survivor side with the buff to chases to killers with certain introductions
- hitboxes
- bugs
- op builds on killers
- matchmaking
- tunneling
- camping
- pallet betrayal
- lag
- lag switchers
- bad teammates which goes back to matchmaking
- Multiple people going down within the first couple of minutes in the game
- perk not working
im sure they are more but this is the ones I’ve witnessed off the top of my head
some just dc Bc salt
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Solo survivor isn't fun I would rather play killer rn :/
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I talk to other survivors, the casuals that I play with don't give a ######### about the DS nerf, we can't hit DS consistently anyways. Nothing else of magnitude has changed with this patch.
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As a killer main I am boycotting the game due to killer nerfs (plague e.g.)
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I agree. The queue times lately and the constantly ######### d/cing players are really dragging down the fun of the game.
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Ik some rank 1 survivor main friends that are pretty good they don't care either they even told me that from their experience only bad survivors usually use ds lul I doubt it's a boycott can we stop acting like those filthy survivors are out to get us! I doubt there is any review bombing ect.
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@TheBean What platform are you on? Lol 20-30 seconds to find a game as Survivor sounds like Heaven. It takes 5+ minutes to find a game as Survivor & 10-20 seconds as a Killer. Not everything is on a Killer/Survivor, especially not matchmaking. Matchmaking has always been bad, and now people want to blame a certain side? I don't understand.
Edit: Forgot to @ your user
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The problem was not bad ppl using it, the problem was with very good survivors using it.
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I think it’s just the build up of stuff on survivor side over the past year. That’s why dc rates get worse each update. If you play with the same casuals all the time you’re not talking to a lot of survivors. Oh yeah I forgot to add the ds rework that almost all survivors hate. People might not like my list but that is most certainly why they’re doing it.
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Survivors complain when the balance is still on their side i guess these guys never played against SwF as killer or even godly solo squad. DS is well balanced right now and should stay like that. Objectively the original DS was badly balanced because killers have start a second track when their time is not balanced (3 gen rushed in 80sec) If devs was focusing that balance i think DS wouldn't posed much of a threat.
80-85% of the map is survivors sided ( coldwind farm , crotus prenn , Blood lodge...). The DC's is due to many reasons with legion being the most recurent.
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They knew it was op and broken, they don’t like the rework especially with what enduring does to it.
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The main problem is that the devs have no clear direction. Is the game incredibly survivor sided? absolutely. But low-ranks and casualplayers do not utilize those imbalances nor why would they care, this game doesn't have tournaments or anything. It's a casual experience but with (unintended) intricacies to survivor gameplay that break the game at high ranks and ######### over lowranks.
As said nerfing the amount of pallets was REALLY dumb, they should've just made looping impossible as most lowrank survivors do not loop anyways.
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You're fake news.
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Yeah, definitely don't need 4 survivors to start a match or anything.
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I'm on PC... Yee.. but I played this game since SWF was being put into the game.. so I felt like I went through the trials and tribulations of getting a new match making system (the old one)... and got used to being almost instant lobbies from both sides.
Sucks they Devs gave us a nice system... to this one where I supposed to now give up time to play. I gave up my time already... I don't want to give up more.
I know it didn't work for everyone, but I don't see a compromise from a avg 10 second wait as killer to 3 minutes.
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@MhhBurgers I tested MoM in kyf and it isn’t comparable with DS. It has counters and requirements. DS was only OP if multiple survivors had it and this perk will be the same.
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DS was OP even on 1 survivor. AFAIK MoM's requirement is just getting hit 3 times which will happen to you. Only bubba/billy/myers have instadowns. I don't know if stuff like legion's M2 or Nurse m2 count.
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Do you need a new tin foil hat?
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I don’t dc , but I most definitely do not play as much now Bc I do not enjoy the evader emblem and stealth was basically nerfed to I’m stuck at rank 10 Bc I don’t enjoy flashlights and looping(I’m not bad but I’m not the best). Oh plus the amount of survivors that yeet you off the hook while the killer is right there. Every time I get close to purple I get a tunneler or a mori, mixtape legion, full build billy ect plus I’m with ranks even lower than me that just get torn up against this stuff,they can’t even hit ruin checks.So honestly it’s just not fun for me anymore Bc my playstyle isn’t valuable enough to progress with better players and that’s okay Bc instead of learning all the loops and becoming part of the “problem” I’d just rather do something else with my time. Play here and there, and see what the devs do. Not complaining just saying that’s why I personally don’t play as much anymore. I didn’t want to admit it at first but solo has honestly become a nightmare to play.
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Need to grow up and shouldn't have started playing the game to begin with. Likes seriously. Imma quote one of the devs here...
"Play something else."
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And that is exactly what they are doing.
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They’re starting to don’t worry 😉 you’re getting your wish.
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Matchmaking was bad, and people have generally stopped playing because BHVR's ideas on balance is kinda crap at times and are dreadfully slow to make any meaningful balance changes even in the large amount of time between patches. The only people that stopped playing exclusively because of the DS nerf are the survivors that crutched hard on it.
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Its gonna be DS 2.0? Like head on was supposedly going to be?
Can we all just calm the hell down until its live?
Not to mention you have to be hit with m1 3 times, and when you fully heal they know your location.
But yeah....totally like old DS that had 0 drawbacks or requirements to activate.
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10 seconds to 3 minutes is too much for you?
Some of us went from 3 min waits to 45 minutes.
Sorry, but you having to wait 2 minutes as opposed to an extra 30 seems like a drop in the bucket.
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Have you encountered the no heal SWF meta? There is a high chance this is going to be awful. The last thing this game needed was less incentive for survivors to heal when many groups already rush gens and rely on adrenaline at the end. It's the exact same issue DS had. Fine in a vacuum when one survivor has it, potentially game breaking when multiple survivors have it.
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@Carpemortum yee so I don't understand what is going on anymore with that new MM system. How they can sit there and think what they've created is even usable.
It isn't so much what you'd think is small in terms of time.
For me it is, they made us as system that worked for allot us, and some of us who spent their time while they tried to get it right last time. I'm assuming it worked for allot of us, cause they didn't bother to change it till 2 years later.. and they state something about "edge" cases.
So if we were part of the "edge" cases, which would be those either those not getting into lobbies, taking too long to get a lobby, and/or getting instant lobbies... the middle ground seems too far away.
Now we go to a system that feels so much worse. Even though it is a 10 second avg to 3 minutes.. that is x16 time increase.
Like you mentioned.. in your time frame.
So I'm worried that if this is the bar that is being set now... even if the increase is lowered to only 8x.. that will still be too high for most.
There is a dip in pop like there usually is.. so what happens when dedicated servers come in and the pop doubles... will that mean it will be a x32 time increase?
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@MhhBurgers hatchets, corrupt purge, vile purge and insta down perks + abilities counter it.
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Yes this kind of players is what cause the game to be unbalanced.
Pallet is not a true problem but time is and there is too much pallet for the time you have as a killer now even jungle gym have two pallets sometimes. Ever they buff the gens or rework end-game i find it badly designed from killers side still.
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Bru, stop this "one side against the other" bs, it's not abput a war between east and west it's about CUSTOMER are very annoyed. I am annoyed that the Trapper traps doesnt set themselves every 60 secs. I am annoyed that freddy still sucks. I am very annoyed that solo q's are completely BS. And Im also very annoyed about this vaulting lag. Hits through pallets get fixed with the dedicated server.
DS is close to be fine. If the stun counts as Escape Killer Grasp so that Enduring and ######### doesnt affect it anymore, DS is an awesome tunneling-punishment-perk without annoying you as killer because you dont have to chase anyone twice anymore.
Over years I played more survivor because it was funnier and easier. Then it changed because playing killer become more viable. And now im ONLY playing kilelr because solo queue's are fookin BS! I hate it. I wanna play it but I hate it so much it's unplayable.
This game get balanced around swf players - the only way to have a normal and good gaming experience. While solo q's get more worse and worse.
if you just can think like a dumass "ehhh survivor vs killer" -> there you can leave this forum o/
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The issue with pallets is the pallet looping is impossible to calculate from a game-dev perspective. Some player squeezes out 2 loops, another will squeeze out 3 while most scrubs don't loop at all. I think the third option is where I'd balance my game while nerfing loops in general.